Do you remember how happy Scunner the grumpy Scottish elf was over Halloween?
Well, he has gone back to his usual grumpy self and I was worried about him.
I asked him into my office today.
I felt so sad when I saw his unhappy little face.
“What’s wrong Scunner?” I asked him.
“Santa, I don’t mean to be so grumpy. It’s just I don’t… I don’t… like Christmas!” Then he started to cry.
I gave him a big spotted handkerchief and he blew his nose. He blew it so loud that it frightened poor old Rudolph in the stable across the yard!
“But Scunner,” I asked him. “I am a bit confused. Maybe you can help me? Why don’t you like Christmas? It is such a happy and joyful time.”
Is this the end of Scunner the grumpy elf?
“Santa, tinsel makes me sneeze. Holly gives me a rash. Christmas pudding gives me a sore belly. Cuddly toys make me itchy and Christmas paper makes my eyes water.”
“Jumping Jingle Bells!” I thought. “Maybe Scunner is allergic to Christmas!”
Well, I had never heard of such a thing before! But if he was allergic to Christmas then he couldn’t stay at the North Pole.
After a long time (and quite a few cookies!), I started thinking. The workshops are full of the things that make Scunner unhappy. Could this really be the end of Scunner?
He is such a good worker though and even when he is grumpy all the other elves like him a lot. It would be very sad to see him go.
So, I have been trying to think of other jobs that he can do. Do you have any ideas?
Merry Christmas!
Santa Claus
P.S. Do you think Scunner should stay or should he go? Do you have any ideas of other jobs for him? You can click here to tell me or, scroll down to see what other people have written!

A right jolly old elf, in spite of myself. I love Christmas, children, the North Pole, Mrs. Claus, elves, reindeer, snowmen & the list goes on!
My title is CEO: Christmas Elf Online.
Merry Christmas!
maybe he can work with the reindeer.
Merry Christmas Reagan!
Ho ho ho! That’s a wonderful idea! He could be helping the reindeer practice their flying! They’re getting ready for the big night, and every bit of help makes the magic even stronger.
hi i loveyou santa am i on the nice list
I have a pirfet job for him it a juge
Hi santa please send back from my email just wanted to say am i on the nice list?
Maybe you could let scunner sit with you at the desk or put him in the kitchen with mrs claus so he could bake some things for the christmas dinner
he could be the wacther if sombody come to the north pole.
i think he should stay because he sounds like a good working elf.He should chek the naughty and nice list twice. P.s. tell every one i said hi to the and hello to you mr.santa
hi santa. i read about scunner and i say. it must be sad to hear. i think he should stay but… if he wants to go, you should than. i know its hard to see some one go. but i have something that can help. if the toys makes him not happy then you should ask him what is he good at, what did he really want to do in your work shop. like, giveing cookies out. or some drinks. watch the rain deers. or he could be second elf boss, he could check if the elfs are doing things right! and he could make it easy! or he could be your helper with the sleigh! take him on a ride with your rain deers! i would like that! p.s tell every one i said hi again. and thank you again for makeing everyone happy!
Maybe he could work in the stables with the reindeers and help you fly your sleigh on Christmas
i think scunner should stay, maybe someone could train him to be a doctor, that way he can work in the hospital.
I think Scunner should stay and work to keep the reindeer’s happy and healthy.
I hope you find a cure for poor Scunner
ask him what he likes and don`t give him money to make him feel better make it come from your heart
i do not think scunner should go i just think u should ask him what he maybe likes about christmas and give him that it might help if he likes nothing about christmas just ask him what well anything he likes maybe that will work merry christmas scunner with huggs and kisses love gracie ayscue
Let him help in the kitchen! Or ask him what he’s interested in at the moment and ask if he ever had a dream job!
i think he should help feed the reindeer he would be good at it or work with Mrs.Claus or help with you Santa Claus i am so sorry Scunner your awesome like the other evles
you should let him help with feeding the reindeer.
Maybe Scunner can work with the witches if he wasnt sad around halloween Maybe Christmas isnt his best holiday
you can make a scunner day where he does what he wants (not naughty)
please dont let scunner go away he just needs cheering up
Dear Santa,
I think that you should have Scunner be an elf who whatches, and checks up on the naughty and nice kids. Maybe you could have him help answer emails from the kids and people who email you!!!
dear santa you could give scunner the job to ride in your sleigh and give out presents. or you could give scunner the job to chech on the elfs how they are working.
Dear Santa,
I think that you could have one of the elfs make Scunner a bubble that will help him or allergie medicine!
Call me whenever you need help,Natalia
Well, I think Scunner should be the elf who makes Hot choclate for santa.That would be a great job for him because it doesen’t have tinsel, it doesen’t have holly,it doesen’t have christmas pudding,it doesen’t have cuddley toys and it doesen’t have christmas wrapping paper!
i think he should stay but have his own little house away from the things he dont
I think Scunner should stay. He could make candy for the children. He could helpwith the raindeer.
I know one.I think a job that is good for him is a Caption for a Boat.
i really love you santa and wish yoou could give me what i have asked for please try your best to get me those things as i will be very happy with you love you loads lucy
I think Scunner should stay in the north Pole. He could take care of the reindeer. Scunner could also monitor who’s being naughty or nice.
i think scunner should feed the reindeers is he allergic to lettuce?
i think that he should stay. he could find a job that he isnt allergic to. Maybe like helping with the reindeer.
i think he should stay. His job should be to give kids the candy.
you are cool and awesome santa this year i want a bike,a american girl doll,and a barbie collection doll.
I think thatScunner should help reindeer. And if he gets allergic to the hay like i sordve do then he should make cookies with Mrs.Claus.
i think scunner should stay to help santa
santa! please please please wake me up so i can give you a hug
i think scunner should stay and test him on other christmas things to see if he is really allergic to christmas or not but if he is just give him a present or cookies and milk to make him feel better.thanks and merry christmas leah.
That’s a good idea,but presents have Christmas paper,and Christmas paper makes Scunners eyes water.
Merry Christmas Reagan!
Ho ho ho! Oh, poor Scunner! Maybe the elves can find some special wrapping paper just for him—something extra magical that doesn’t make his eyes water. We always find a way to keep everyone happy at Christmas!
hello santa i will never stop believing in you love aeesha
i think scunner should feed the reindeers and help them. your awesome santa!!
when you come to our house will you take a picture of your self please do
I think Scunner should feed the reindeers.
Dear Santa
mabe you should help scunner by….showing the things that make christmas special like mince pies and christmas trees! and turky and christmas dinner and the excitment of Christmas Eve!
Hope that helped!
Merry Chrismas!
Scunner should stay! My brother is allergic to milk but he still lives here with the milk.. You should find a cure! or a riskier suggestion is to introduce him with all of the christmas stuff,and wait til the allergies finnaly clear out! (So he can become Immune)
no he shound’t go at all but he can work as a elf
I think he shouldnt leave he does such a great job plus he can work with you helping you check the naughty or nice list i am sure he ant allget to paper so he could do that,or if you like to do that alone you caan make him bake cookies for you with miss clues thats what i think he should do
dear santa have him feed the randears or help misclause
I think that Scunner should be your lookout on Christmas Eve. Before you go down the chimney, Scunner will check to see if a person is there or if there is a fire. While you are in the house, Scunner will stay with the reindeer and keep them quiet. I hoped that my comment helped! 🙂
he could be someone who feeds the reindeer and grooms them 🙂 please text back xxxxx
dear santa have him feed the randears
or help miscluse
Scunner should without a doubt have the right to stay working at the North Pole, but maybe he would enjoy it more if he did christmas baking, taking care of the reindeers or something like that!!! I am sure he would enjoy it Santa especially the fact it isn’t all about tinsel, decorations and toys maybe he would feel better if he stayed around his friends
Hope this helps
<3 from Anabel xx
Dear Santa,
I am very sad to hear that one of the elves is allergic to christmas so I thought of some jobs that an elf can do even if they are allergic to christmas.
1. Make him an office that he works in with nothing that makes him sick in it and he can work on wooden toys with a conveyor belt running through his office?
I hope this helps! Have a happy christmas love Autumn
P.S. I do think that if he gets worse he should sadly (sigh) leave. 🙁
Dear Santa,
Scunner should stay and work with stuff he likes, maybe he should help Mrs. Claus cook food.
i think you should teach him the true basic meaning of chrismas and the whole lesson
you should make him the official reindeer caretaker
i really think he shoyuld stay have him do a job like take car of the reighdeer or read letters you never kow what he can do
I might have an idea. Maybe scunner could be a tour guide for the north pole, or maybe help mrs claus with making cookies. Oh, maybe you could teach him how to care for your sleigh. Hope this helps.
I caught the Clash reference (should I stay or should I go?) though it might have been accidental
Hi Santa
Sorry that Scunner is not feeling to well, well grumpy anyway get him to come and stay at my house, for a while, he would only need 2 day with my husband who is very grumpy, after that Scunner would feel much much better and want to come back and enjoy Christmas with you all. Scunner I love anything to do with Christmas I watch films, do wrapping, cook cookie anything that is to do with christmas, wish i could come to the North Pole xxx
I think That Scunner Should still stay an elf but maybe have a friend or two work with him at The candy Cane Factory Or work with the reindeer. For example he can walk the reindeer everyday!
maybe you can just let him help out with the reindeers p.s. tell scunner that i hope he feel better!tell the reindeers and mrs.claus and the elvs i said hi!!
did you get my letter i sent you in the mail and i love your little story thing too psss….. my birth day is sunday turning 11 years old might be getting a kindle fire hd
Maybe scunner should be an elf on the shelf for someone who celebrates Hanukkah. He might be more jolly.
He could make Christmas cards,crackers and calendars.
No, I don’t think Scunner should leave because he would be very sad and so would everybody else.
Just make a house that is “Christmas – Free” for Scunner because then he can be happy until the end of Christmas.
Thank you
I love you Santa Elves Reindeer and of course Mrs.Claus. kiss kiss kiss xxx
hi santa its me i live in missississuga canada ontairo and he could help u delivery the gifts to the boys and girls on chirstmas eve
i think he could help delivery the gifts to the childern.
I think scunner should really have a vacation, or a break. Scunner was probably so happy on holloween because it is a holiday. Maybe someone should give scunner an early christmas present, or at least a hug. Maybe a treat will even turn his frown upsidown. Maybe Santa should give scunner the chance to help on Christmas eve. That would probably turn scunner’s frown upsidown. Maybe Santa should send him on an adventure like WOW (wonders of water). How about a party? How about brainstorming things he likes to do. Maybe U could turn on some Christmas music for him. Maybe U should give him a computer for Christmas this year and if it breaks down then you’ll have to get him a new one. Merry Christmas!!!!
I don’t think Scunner should stay at the North Pole.
scunner can reread the letters to you from the kids and tell the other elves what toy to make.
He should stay at the North Pole and protect the reindeer! And he should check over the naughty and nice list 3 times to help Santa.
I think he should go because he is allergic to Christmas.I also have a job if he stays he could watch to see if kids are naughty or nice
I think you should build or find a place where Scunner can stay. It could be a building that you don’t use anymore. Ask him of what he does like, and then fill it with that stuff like it would be his own home!
i think he can stay he canwatch the reindeer
I think he should stay and just not do that let him do somthing like help mrs. claus with the cookies or what ever she does.
i think he should stay and help the reindeer cause hez a good elf and he should stay cause i think he just should
I think you should let him decide what he wants to do. If he’s allergic to Christmas then maybe you could give him some references to other holiday workers? Or if you don’t want to see him go you could send him to my doctor. She’s really nice and maybe she can give Scunner some medicine to block the symptoms. Her name is Kat and she’s in Whitby, New Zealand. I hope it works out okay for you all.
Love, Gracie
Dear Santa,
I think Scunner should stay because he is a really good worker
i think scanner should stay because you said he is a grate worker
so maybe he can get a different job like Wapping the gifts or he
Santa,He should stay.He could work to help the reindeer.like feed them or take care of them.Help mrs.clause bake cookies or clean.He should stay! I would.
hi i cannot believv its the end of scunner also how was he when he was happy??
no, i think he should leave:(. if he is allergic to christmas why let him stay? let him leave if it means not getting sick and send him postcards. Merry Christmas!
I think Scunner should be an elf who comes up with contest and makes the prizes and more!
He should stay and feed the reindeer, clean the elf houses, shovel snow, paint and polish your sleigh and load your sleigh with toys. He could also bake goodies with Mrs. Claus, but he can’t help with the Christmas pudding.
mom has a job for you if you cannot find one
hey my mom needs some one to help her at her work maybe you can work their also my granddaddy owns it
dear santa thankyou for you coment back jolly good and just to ask where do your rain deers sit when you come into my house love from alicia meryyy xmas santa
No he should not leave and he can make cookies he never said nothin about cookies p.s i still love you and I will always belife in youc
i think he should help mrs.claus bake goodies and feed the raindeer
i think he should stay and help write down who is bad and who is good
i believe that if you and Scunner searched hard enough he would find a job that does’t trigger his allergies ( or belly aches ) and will make him happier about Christmas time. Then he will be all jolly and feel all good inside. Hope you find that job
Scunner should look at all the wonderful things about x mas.
I think Scunner should work in the raindeer barn maby that is what scunner should do because I dant think he is allergic to raindeer.
hi santa, i believe scunner should stay, let him try to check the christmas mail and letters, thanks
Maybe he could help Mrs Claus bake cookies or sew you suits!
scunner should stay and help you watch over the little boys and boys
i think scunner should stay because santa could just tell him all the wonderful thinks about christmas.he should have these jobs:
present wrapper
rendeer helper
santa’s helper
maybe you can tell scunner to try and see the bright side . I hope he feels better and good luck !!!:):)
I agree with the other boys and girls if he really does want to stay maybe he should work with the reindeer he doesn’t sound allergic to them and who knows maybe he’ll have a great time with them.
poor scunner he should defintly stay or shovle paths from the snow and help the reinders
Poor Scunner!!! I think that he could many other jobs.
– Reindeer keeper
– Snow removal
– Baking
– Elf Pub staff
– Santa’s Personal Assistant
– The checker for the non-cudley toys (skateboards and toy cars)
Maybe he could just get into that Christmas spirit or just tell him some of your best jokes,Santa and the elves!!!!
Hope it helps
From Thomas
Hi Santa it’s Me!Thomas who lives in Sheffield in South Yorkshire!I’m 10.
Maybe he could watch the reindeer. That could work. 🙂
Poor scunner! I think he should help the reindear too, maybe.
Scunner should stay, maybe he can work with the reindeer, or shoveling snow paths. Or even a reindeer guide.
Best wishes!
Its hard to say. I think he should stay and from what I see, all those things are in the workshop. Perhaps he can work with the reindeer.
He’s not allergic to snow! Maybe he could start a snow removal business. That way he’d be his own boss, still live at the North Pole and still get to share a cup of hot chocolate with his buds at the Elf Pub.
i think he should stay and look after all the reindeers! maybe he would like that.
poor scunner! Well if he is allergic to Christmas why did he become an elf? Well a job scunner isn’t allergic to is to help the reindeer! Like train them and clean out their stables and all sorts! He isn’t allergic to reindeer is he ?! (wink)