Here’s a story about Kissy the Elf’s Counting Christmas Tree.
Do you remember Kissy the Elf? She is one of our smallest elves at the North Pole. She is just about as small as Mouse the Littlest Elf! Kissy the Elf is also very young. She is so young she is just learning her numbers.
Well, Kissy the Elf has a Christmas tree. It is a counting Christmas tree. Today, Kissy got to put up her tree. Would you like to hear about it? I tried putting it into a silly Santa rhyme.
Kissy puts one star,
on top of her tree.
Then two candy canes.
“For you and for me!”
She really likes Wise Men.
So on go all three.
Four bells go on next.
For her kitty you see!
Then five golden rings!
She giggles in glee.
And six silly sleighs.
The ones that go “wee”!
Then seven little locks,
and magic Santa key.
Plus eight little elves.
So pretty to see.
Then nine little reindeer.
(For flying with me).
And ten Santa letters,
Sweet as candy!
Now isn’t it lovely.
As nice as can be!
Little elf Kissy’s,
Christmas …
Counting …
Merry Christmas!
Santa Claus
P.S. Did you like my poem about Kissy the Elf’s counting Christmas tree? Do you think I should write silly rhymes all the time? Or should I just stick to making toys 😊? (You can leave a message for me. Or, scroll down to see what others have written!)

A right jolly old elf, in spite of myself. I love Christmas, children, the North Pole, Mrs. Claus, elves, reindeer, snowmen & the list goes on!
My title is CEO: Christmas Elf Online.
Merry Christmas!
hi Santa i like your poem even if i don’t an advent calendar
Merry Christmas Toni and Tishe!
I’m so glad you liked my poem! Even without an advent calendar, the countdown to Christmas is still magical, isn’t it? Keep that excitement shining bright!
Hi Santa my mom won’t let me have an elf on the shelf. And I like your poem.
Love, Felicity
Merry Christmas!
Oh, Felicity, I’m so glad you liked the poem! Even if you don’t have an Elf on the Shelf, the Christmas magic is still all around you. My elves and I are always watching and cheering for the kindness you share.
Keep spreading joy, and know that I’m so proud of you!
I would want to watch my parents open up Christmas gifts on Christmas morning
Hey my name is julia i am 17 years old i hope im on the good list this year i been really good and i want some new clothes for christmas and some makeup too.
you should stick on making toys love you
hello santa and kissy, i love the fact you made a blog! i think you should tell mrs. claus that i respect her and the other elves, eespecially violet my elf. i wish a merry christmas to all!!! 😀
also i want a jelly strolls and jelly fruits and all kind of jelly.
one power rangers new/ paul
apr 27/20020
paulshaw address love you mr santa claus
I love you’r rimes. lol Santa,and the reindeer’s
Good evening I would like to know if you could give me a job to build a RV and a motor boat and because I want to build a RV and a motor boat and I want make something that is very special, but let Lucretia know that, but I have a job at RV world at Richmond hill and I would like to build everything.
Can you wake me up before you go and take . Me on a ride on your sleigh plz
Yes I think
you should make rhyms
I love your rhyme it is really good it is the best rhyme ever.
well do this I think you can make a band with the silly stuff. ps. make it for babys they will love it!!!
i personally think you should stick to making toys because that is what you are all about.
merry christmas to santa and all the elves!
i cant wait till christmas and i think you should do whatever you would like but if you dont want to then i think you should do both and MERRY CHRISTMAS AND A HAPPY NEW YEAR i hope you have a very good christmas love Sierrah
you should write more and you mentioned your magic santa key which is on kissy the elfs christma tree
I love every single elves because they are so kindful and hardworking
u sould do both couse u rock at both and u rock u r the best santa
Hi Santa
Kissy is so cute!
Hudson MacLeod
I think you should rhyme and make toys! (Keep up the good work!)
i thingk that you should keep writing rymse and keep making toys
I you should right some more rymes.
i think you should do a few more rymes
I think u should write alot more because the one I just read was really good.
I think you should make silly rymes all the time.
Santa my little kitten is very exited about christmas he is only 7 months old he is sooooooo cute…….
Dear Santa,
I love your silly rhymes and I love all the toys you all make! I think you are great at both!! Thanks Santa!!
Yes I thought it was so cute and funny.
I think kissy the elves christmas tree is a good idea
his santa your blog is a very good one by the way
i really think you should do bolth id be really cool 😉
You choose if you want to rhyme all the time or not. It’s your dcision.
yo kissy you must get a lot of grils hehehe have a nice christmas
it was funny and ryming it sounded funny and delightfull.
Ithink that you should do both everything that you do is great.
i hope you make a lot of toys for me.
u should make up ryhmes and make toys urr great at both 😉 🙂 lol
ps i lv u
lots of love ellie
you are a very silly man but you SHOULD keep to making toys because im sorry but your much better making toys from Nikita.
That is SOOO cute Kissy the elf has a nice Christmas Tree!!
I bet she took her time doing het own Christmas Tree!
Dear Santa
Can you please bring me a toy robot? You will see through your magic globe that I am a nice little boy and I will be very good and be very nice to everyone. I will not be cranky, I will listen to my mommy and daddy. Love Christoperh
You should stick to toyz!
You were ment for toyz not rymes!
Silly Gosse!Hopefully you dont take this wrong!!LOL
Hi santa can i go on a ride on your slay
and can you put my prasent under my tree
and can you wake me up and can i be your friend?
One more thing can i be a alf.
Santa Is Amazing Christmas Wouldn’t Be Good Without Him
hay santa i checked out your website its great
Merry christmas santa :)!!
i love you lots and i hope you like the mince pie we left you last year xx
luv u lots
i think you should right and do both because you are great at everting
i think that you are fantastic and brilliant at making up rymes and poems!!!
hello santa i cant wait till christmas i wish i could see you but i would like to now if im on the naughty or nice list
i think you should stick to making toys.
what is your ancestry? I heard you were born in Turkey.
hi santa i am so happy that im talking to you and i love you more then ever and i will see you at the arena i cant wait till the time comes. love you bye. xoxoxoxoxo
hi santa how are you i love you more then ever i see your on the tv tonight and i can
i realy like chritmas because when you just wake up in the morning and you fell like a million bucks the fresh air and you go in the kitchen and you see the plate with no cookies on it and opening prestents with your family.
p.s have a realy nice day m.r and m.rs claus.
i think you should keep doing toys and ryming.
good luck making the very very very good
and brilliant toys
Sometimes I speak my language so I’ m sorry.
But I’ ve done you some christmas cards so I hope you like them.
For Kissy, I bet you can do both of it! You are good at rhymes and you can make toys! Good Luck~
Kissy! U too~
I’m so excited, I can’t wait in 38 days it will be Christmas! YAY
Hello, Santa How are you and how are you getting on with making all the toys and are you really going to get me a camera for my chriatmas well if you do i know i have been a good girl thank you santa and i love you xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxox
xxxooooxxooxoxoxo Lots of love Danielle xoxox
i am going to draw you a picture i will put it a the fire and you can pick it up when you come so can you pick it up please santa x
P.S I love you santaxx <3
hey can u leave a note saying who ade on or two of my presents
do you think i have been a ggod girl. 🙂
Christmas is a wounderful hoilday to spend time with my family.And the best part is putting up the tree and lights.
Hello santa carn’t wait till christmas whoooooo !! gwtting a blackberry off you ! xxx love you santa xxxxxxxx
I love Kissy!
Please make my toys for christmas!! 🙂
Lots of christmas love
Jessica. Xoxoxoxo
I think you should do both you are super at making toys and the rymes could use some work. Now that I think about it you do better than I do good job do more
I think u should do what ever u would like because I am pretty sure santa will need your help but u also could do both but u will have to ask santa first of course but I am pretty sure it won’t be a bad thing because santa is a very nice and intelligent man and he knows what to do good and what to do good he is a good man trust me….
yours truly brittany, Merry Christmas
sata is very awsome i just rote note to him and was fun
dear santa,
do you like cupcakes?
i htink you sould make toys. love brielle
make toys and rhymes thats fine haha rhyme fine a rhyme
That rythme was really good but I think you shoud stick to making toys.
i like you just the way u are santa
but…….. you would kinda suit rhymes
and a brilliant rhyme i just luves it
luv harleen
you should rhyme sometimes please just stck to making toys
You are good at everything santa! 🙂
i think kissy the elf must only be about 5 i love that poem but you should stick to making the presents with the elfs i read the story about the boy that got to go on the sleigh with you i wish i could lol but i cant
hi caitlin my name is caitlin to i will be caitlin 1 and you can be caitlin 2 how old is she reply
Great to see you counting Kissy! Did you know that numbers keep on going? Santa, I love the rhyme I think you should keep on going writing rhmes, they’re brilliant!
santa i really want a great christmas because my parents are not together
Sorry, I don’t think you should rhyme, I really just think you should stick with the whole Christmas job. Please tell everyone at the North Pole I said “Hi!” .
I thinkyou should try to do both write silly rhymes and make toys at the same time try that I dare you to.
i think Christmas is the best holiday of the year because i love Santa he is awesome and you 2 miss Claus
I think you should do them both santa
omg kissy has a christmas tree so cute. keep with toy making its what you do!!!!
Do you rember me i’m the one who sended you that e-mail!!!
I think its a bit silly but funny. I cant beilieve that kissy cant count yet
You should stick to toy making please
no no no madison. i hate that letter>
can you give me a pick of Kissy the Elf?
Hi Santa, i am here now! so about Kissy the Elf, i think you do both. So can you respond to me as soon as possible, do you think you will be able to get me a M-14 electric airsoft gun, four-wheeler gear, Duke things (Duke University), and a size 70 four-wheeler? i hope you can, because i have been wanting the size 70 four-wheeler for a long time!!!!
Reply from the Elves:
The best way to make sure your wishes get into Santa’s book is to email Santa. They go straight in that way! If you put them on this blog then someone might forget to add them 🙁
Merry Christmas!
The Elves
P.S. What’s the magic word? 🙂
hi have been i really good boy this x-mas and i don’t mind if you can’t get all of my presents
Yes i think you should write silly stuff!
i think that you littLe rymes are Soooo cute i love them 😀 x
i love that ryme you should do both but watever your heart tells you to do but ps. i will be so sad if you stop being santa claus
I think it was just fabulous! I think u should do both since your soooooo talented!!
I like your rhyme. It has a nice ring to it when i sing it.
P.S Do you have a picture of Krissy that i could see
Santa it sounds GREAT but I’d like you to make lots of toys for all of us 🙂
Love Always,
The Holden girls
you should probaly stick with making toys :-]
here is my dds phone number if you want to call my dad {phone number deleted by the elves. Read Santa’s Internet Safety Tip below!}
dear Santa
i think you should do little silly rhymes
i found it so i hope you dont get sik this year !! …..
I liked th poem. Thank you for sending it to me. I hope I see cameron. Merry Christimas
YOu should make more silly rhymes. And also keep making toys. your rhymes make me laugh! My mom says laughing is good for you!
hi santa your good at both mabey rymes you can make all the time and still deliver presnts
I can’t choose which one your good at both making toys and making pomes
and btw how old is kissy?merry Chirstmasto all and to all a good afternoon.
i think you should keep ryming and Kissys tree is cute.
hey i love chritsmas its lot of christmas cheer
i think you are good at both santa ho ho ho
3 more weeks at school!, can’t wait till Father Christmas comes! i’m going into Liverpoll on Friday to do christmas shopping with my nan! while my little sister who’s 7 is at school!
i’m fedup with school its so boring in high school kids so just pretend your enjoying it!
I dont know you might aswell do both as your good at both. I’m counting down the days its so cool.
i think you should write it in a story not in a ryme
you should do both because your really good at them!
That is a great poem santa i really liked it hope all of your reindeers and elves ar good see you on christmas day
i think u should stick to making toys santa!!! i hope u do any way
hi ! santa! i love your rhyme its so sweet hehe. What are you doing at the north pole right now? I hope you are not forgetting about that laptop im only messing.you should stick mostly to making toys so that there are enough laptops to go around !!!! hheehheehheehh
love you lots like jelly tots
love brianna xxxxxxxx
I just wondered what cookies does your wife Mrs Santa Claus bake for you. HO HO HO!
I think u r superb at both.How old is Kissy the smallest elf?
Santa; that was was sooo good. I could help you draw a picture of Kissy and her counting tree 🙂
I think you should carry on righting rhymes they are funny
amazing rhyme lol! i love christmas!!
2 more weeks to go till the hols!(after this week of course!)MERRY CHRISTMAS EVERY1!!!
Aww So Cutee!! Your did a Really Awesome Job With that!! 😀
hey Santa how are you in the north pole
That’s a very good rhyme Santa. Could you please write one about me??? It’s okay if your too busy. I understand there are many different jobs up at the northpole. I love you! xox
do both your funny i want to meet kissy the elf one day bring her to my house on christmas eve so i can meet her.
I dont know ithough just your elves make gifts though
i think you are good at rhyming cause you do it all the time when you are watching a clock it goes tick tock see!
Dear Santa
Hey I luv the story very cute! I am writin a Christmas book too called
Gryace The Goodtiings Christmas Angle.
Gayle Denece
I think you should do that and that is a great poem you wrote. I have Tommy with me!
I dont know how about you pick and today StarBucks got robbed!!
I cannot wait for Christmas! Only 3 weeks of school left till break! ^^
u r good at both i like your rimes and that u make toys lol merry (early) christmas santa