Do you know the Santa reindeer names?
Of course, there’s Dasher and Dancer & Prancer and Vixen & Comet and Cupid & Donner and Blitzen. And there’s most famous reindeer of all!
Well, Rudolph and Clarice just gave me great news! It is about their baby reindeer! (You did know a baby reindeer was coming, right?)
Would you like to hear today’s news?
Well, I should start by saying something. The baby reindeer still have not been born!
But we have exciting news! I am excited. Mrs. Claus is excited. Mommy and Daddy are excited. This is just so exciting! Are you excited?
Big News about Little Reindeer!
Clarice and Rudolph just came back from the reindeer doctor with the news. The doctor said everyone is doing great! He also said there were going to be TWO baby reindeer!
That is right! Clarice and Rudolph are going to have twins! Wow! I think I am going to faint!
There is going to be a little girl. And, there is going to be a little boy!
Rudolph was so excited he jumped right over Santa Claus Castle! I was so excited I danced a jingle bell jig! Then I danced a jingle bell jig again! And then ALL the elves started dancing a jingle bell jig!
Jumping Jingle Bells! Now we need even more names! Do you think you could help?
You can still leave Rudolph and Clarice a message with your names for the babies!
I will let you know any more news as soon as I can! But I sure do hope the little ones will be born soon! Now I think I better go sit down. 🙂
Merry Christmas!
Santa Claus
P.S. Do you like this name game? Are you excited about the twins? What do you do when you get excited during the countdown to Christmas? (You can leave a message for me. Or, scroll down to see what others have written!)

A right jolly old elf, in spite of myself. I love Christmas, children, the North Pole, Mrs. Claus, elves, reindeer, snowmen & the list goes on!
My title is CEO: Christmas Elf Online.
Merry Christmas!
i want this year if i could go to the north pole
I have a name for your new renndier his name is Kenna it stands for my nik name
For the boy- blizzard
For the girl- blink
I want my drive license and LITTLE MIAMI Dolphin HUMMER BUILD for me
Hi Santa,
I have names:
That’s all Santa
I think you should name the boy snowflake and the girl Blizzard Santa I hope you read this but I have been really wanting that treasure box in my letter I sent you have a nice year.
This is very exciting news Father Christmas! Is Rudolph’s wife Clarice? Also please tell me when the twins are born. Also please tell me if the twins have red noses like Rudolph.
hi santa got some names:
(boy)carter(that is also my lil brothers name)
(girl)clair or blair
(boy) glisten
your welcome
sorry hannah i just realized we have the same name, well they do say great minds think alike
i think for a little girl you should do marshmallow or joy
hi santa i think that is its a boy roudolph jr would be an amazing name for the baby reindeer
I think.. fluffy, (girl) cookie (boy), vixen (girl)
Hi I have some ideas for the baby names!!!I am so excited ok ok the names I came up with are: for the girl Pumpkin and for the boy Lucky. I hope you like the names and I hope there are no complications with the birth of the baby’s!!!
Dear Santa,
I think the girl should be Joy and the boy should be Chance.
See you soon!
I think you should name them snowflake and Angel.
I have two names a boy and girl Mia and Johnson.
OH my GOSH the reindeer are having twins!!!!
Hi! I think a cute name could be…
um why not Joy. Because Joy is a name and it is also
with Christmas Joy.
boycookie girl milk
boy should be spruce after the tree and a girl mistletoe
Santa you should call it Christophe in frozen the boy is called christophe️
I have a name how about angel because Santa’s reindeer fly!
Also Santa I really want a fur real pet for christamas.
Hey santa some girl names are sugar, coco, candy and flower some boy names are candy cane, roudouph Jr, sucker and munchkin
I think the boy should be called simba and the girl should be called nala.
I love these names but it is your choice! l just thought of them because i thought they were so cute! I love baby reindeer. You are lucky you have reindeer.
I think that the girl should be called Zazu and the boy should be called Rainbow
If it is a girl name it Tizela
And a boy Tizelo
Tizela and Tizelo Merry Christmas
Dear Santa
I think you should name the two baby reindeer boy first Jingles and the girl Snow flake
From Marko Australia Perth WA
Chance for the boy rainbow for the girl
Girl= tinsel
santa is awesome!!!
Girl: Jingle or Noel
Boy: Hope, Joy, or Lucky
Good luck with them!! They are adorable I am sure they will grow big and strong!!
*P.S. If you choose these names, please you do not need to mention me!
*P.P.S I will ALWAYS believe in YOU.
*even if others don’t*
I think one should be named Jiiingle, and one should be named cookie.
Boy: Wynter
Girl: Noelle
Good Luck tell Mrs.Claus she always be sleighing get it the Christmas isnt the only tree getting lit this time of year SANTA IS!!!!
One reindeer is Rudolph jr and the other is little clarice
Girl: star
Boy: prancer
Please stop by my house on Christmas eve
Boy-Chip (like chocolate chip)
Girl-Holly or Mistletoe
Please mention me if you pick these names!!!
hi santa I was gonna say the bot reindeer to be named rinner and the girl reindeer saimor
house lift house do not miss it
stop by on Christmas eve night 12/24 20019 dec tue santaclaus im on nice list
find it on my address on the map best wards
Boy- Jingle
Girl- Bell
You did it Santa you just picked out the right names. Good job Santa.