Here is a story about Mouse the Littlest Christmas Elf that I almost forgot about. I am glad Mrs. Claus reminded me!
It was Mouse the Littlest Elf’s very first day in the North Pole Workshop. She was so excited! Mouse could hardly wait. She wanted to find out what her new job was going to be! Was she going to make dolls for good little girls? Was she going to make iPads, iPods or iPhones? She could not wait to find out!
An elf’s an elf, no matter how small!
When she got to the North Pole Workshop, she went to help the elves making dolls. They told her she was too small to help. So Mouse said, “An elf’s an elf, no matter how small!”
Then she asked if she could help make some music players or phones or cameras or… but every time the answer was the same. “Sorry, Mouse the Littlest Elf; you are just too little to help make that”. And every time Mouse would say, “An elf’s an elf, no matter how small!”
She had been so excited to help at the Workshop. She knew she could help. And she was not going to let what the other elves had said stop her.
So, Mouse the Littlest Elf walked around the Workshop. She walked to the present wrapping machine to help some elves unwrap Clumsy the Elf (again). But Clumsy was already unwrapped by the time she got there.
There was quite a bit of ribbon left on the floor from Clumsy. So Mouse picked up a long piece of ribbon and started to play with it. Before you knew it, she had made a beautiful Christmas bow with the ribbon. No one had ever seen a Christmas bow before.
But now Mouse did not know what to do with the pretty bow. Clumsy was walking toward Mouse with a present. So, Mouse the Littlest Elf stuck the bow right on top of that present.
Clumsy stopped. Suddenly the whole North Pole Workshop was very quiet. The elves were all looking at Mouse and the present. Mouse was a little afraid she had done something wrong.
Mouse the Littlest Christmas Elf’s Invention
Then the elves all started to cheer! They all came running. They had never seen a Christmas bow before! There had never been a Christmas bow on a present before. They loved it! They thought it was the best thing ever!
Clumsy said, “Mouse the Littlest Elf, this present is for you because we all love you”. Mouse opened the present. Inside was a pair of shoes that would make her taller. Then Mouse said, “Thank you everyone, but an elf’s an elf no matter how small. I don’t need special shoes to make me feel tall!”
All the elves cheered, “Hurray for Mouse the Littlest Christmas Elf! From now on we’ll always put a bow on Christmas presents to remind us that everyone we give a present to is special to us, no matter how small!”
Merry Christmas!
Santa Claus
P.S. Do you think Mouse the Littlest Elf was right? Do you have any messages for her? (You can tell her here. Or, scroll down to see what others have written!)

A right jolly old elf, in spite of myself. I love Christmas, children, the North Pole, Mrs. Claus, elves, reindeer, snowmen & the list goes on!
My title is CEO: Christmas Elf Online.
Merry Christmas!
Mouse, you are the awesome one ☺️
Can you send my elf’s Lilly and Timmy Back please tonight because I miss them so much and I like you mouse your unique for an elf like this so tell Santa to send my elf’s Lilly and Timmy Back so bye
That.story was.very interesting
I’m glad you like it Niamh!
Happy Christmas Santa
Do you like the picture of your sleigh
Dear Mouse,
the Christmas bow was a great invention and i never knew you have invented it until i heard the whole story. Please write back if you can
that’s a cute story i love it but it is true an elfs an elf no matter how small and mouse i am smaller than all my friends and im 8 sometimes its good to be small . and its not so bad being small sometimes it dose not matter.
i love you sanata hope you have good luck on christmas eve
That was a really good story and i liked her saying ‘An elf’s an elf no matter how small.’ what a brave saying
santa claus you is so sweet and so good to everybody, for christmas you gave me a barbie,a art set, and my mom gave me a pony and you can paint it and put stickers on it. do you want to no something. you is so fat cause you drink coke- a- coala . for now i’m gonna call you big faty ho,ho,ho .
i love santa ti is fun riting too you santa ok by
Hi santa me and my sister have always wanted to see and visit the north pole we LOVE little elves and its our life long dream to visit the north pole and see some magical warmth please it would be an honor. xoxoxoxoxoxo
I believe Mouse, and the story reminds me of Horton Hears A Who
hi mouse i remeber the firts time i met you you were very small thats why your calld mouse
Hi Santa . My friend Gage saw you when he was a little boy and you gave him a big bag of little dinosaurs when he lived in Indiana.If you saw him, come to my house at Christmas Eve at midnight.If i saw you, it will be my best day in the world oh,and I will give you cookies by my three foot Christmas tree.My dog broke our big Christmas tree last year. And see my siblings.
Skylar (Isaiah’s big sister)
i think that’s great what you did you stuck to your self and then look what happened you made christmas a whole lot better
i want to see you giys i have ben talking to santa about you giys you have ben rilly clomzy you giys are funny
I think that christmas story was soooo cute and mouse was right an elf’s an elf no matter how small
yes, because you cant help how tall you are you are not in controle of how tall you are in less you eat every thing at thanksgiving but you dont wanna be that stuffed (wink wink).
Morgan Renee Elkins
i think thats right!!! I’m the youngest in my family!!!! and sometimes I’m not aloud to do some stuff….:( i think it unfair that the young ones aren’t aloud to do some stuff…. well i love you Santa! bye —Maeve.C
some times i am told that i can’t do things because i am to small! but it dosen’t matter what we look like because in God’s eye’s we are all the same! and he gave us somthing special to share and you never know what has been hapening in our lives! if we all looked the same the world would be pretty boring! So never let the other elves put you down you are special in your own way and you need to share those talents that God gave you!
Merry Cristmas
a Happy New Year!
dearsanta, thank you for all the presents.
love halle
my family is small so i no how it is to be small.she waz rite to say that.if you are big or small people will love you.
Mouse was right an elf is an elf no matter how small please tell her i said great advice
You go Mouse! You are the best! Who cares what size you are! Hope you are doing good in the workshop!
I just know she was right. Because like we say here ‘no matter how short no matter how tall a person is a person’.
Ps.Merry Christmas!
PPS.Exspecialy you Mouse the Elf.
Nice name! Good thing Mouse came along! Bows are soooo pretty! Yay Mouse! Merry Christmas everyone!
Thank you for making the beautiful bows I find on my presents! Love, Diana
I think you are perfect the way you are!
go girl you were right I don’t care how small you are you are the same as ever other elf. You go girl keep making those bows.
I am 26 and I look like i’m 12 so in a way, I too feel like I am a Christmas elf sometimes.
Good for you Mouse!!! An elf is an elf, no matter how small! Very clever thinking and great advice!!!:)
mouse you never gave up and I think thats so cool.sometimes I have probloms doing stuff like that.
p.s I hope the elfs are still nice to you.
Yeah she was! I am 11 and am smaller than most 7 year olds but I am a child and that is all that matters! 🙂
Billy, dear santa, I have tried to be good this year. My little sister and me fight alot. Daddy and mommy say you wont come if we don’t stop fighting all the time. We seen you at our favorite store(walmart). My little sister was to scared to sit on your lap.
Mouse was def. Right’! Im a tiny little 12 year old but that doesnt stopcme from doing what i want!
inbrace you ability do not let any one call it a disablility.\
i am a christmas elf just like you and i am small but i can get the job done also
you did a fantastic job elf. see no matter how big or how small you are no one make can make fun of you know matter what what size or age you are.
I think you are right Mouse.Nobody should be unable to do something just because they are to small or too tall
Wow! I’m suprised that the elves never seen a christmas bow before!!!
Mouse was right. No matter how small you are you are you are always useful!
Dear Mr and Mrs claws its only 17 days till the big day i hope you can come on christmas eve to deliver the presants
merry christmas hugs and kissis
Please write back if you can I know the workshop can get busy in December.
im really tall and i wish i was small again and every one is saying that ive got nits when i dont
you are absolutly right i am small and peple make fun of me can you help me
good on you mouse you should always stick up for your beliefs i believe in santa and you believe being small dosent matter well to tell you the truth i want to be small but i am tall and i always have been small well anyway nice going with the bow good on ya well cya
xxxxx siobhan
Santa your amazing hope u bring me everything I would like
Santa your amazing hope u bring me everything I would like
Hi,I have a friend that is not that tall in fact shes kind of small people say shes small but that doesn’t let her down. When she first came she had no friends,but now she is one of my best friends so I am glad you didn’t at that let you down (because I really like the bow on presents)and you just keep doing what your doing.
Hi Santa we are 10 and 1 years old. I cant wait till Christmas. This blog is great love you santa! (wink*)
hey just wantting to say whats up i love u guys hope u love this message xoxox xoxo
my friends call me short too. It makes me feel bad but i agree with u. you r still u no matter how small!!!
Dear Mouse,
Yes, an elf is an elf no matter how small. You show a great character trait, confidence. You have inspired me to do well in my concert. Please tell everyone at the North Pole to see it! Later!
Good Story!!!
P.S. Santa can you make it longer??
i love that story good thing because the mouse and the littlest elf did teamwork and i love taemwork
hey. i love christmas so much!! i just can’t wait until u come. my whole family is going to be there when me and my brother jackson open our presents. we are both very excited about it. but i have to go now. time for bed.
AMAZING!!! i cant wait until christmas! that was a great story!
WOW! I love it! P.S. Tell Mouse that she was right please.
I think a elf is a elf and think you are just fine the way you
I am really gald you stood up for yourself mouse. I now have the confidence to stand up for myself also.
i like the way that you said an elf is an elf no matter how small you are.she was right its not your size that matters its what you have inside. i wish i could meet mouse.
wow an elf is a elf.even know there small there just elfs.
I think it was a nice story!And I think
it was great beacase it was just great!
You are a Great elf because you never gave up trying to make a present. You are a good roll model! Love, Sedona
that right cause im like the smalley in my friends and sometimes get called shorty and im like ya i like to be shorty cause i have more to live for my friend didnt think it was funny i said it not a joke
i have been middle good
i have been a little bad but i think i shoud be on the good list .
sp; i want a real life puppy
i am 8 years of age i go to school in ballybunion at scoil peo. we youse a laptop
Mouse the littlest elf,
I am also really small and tiny. People at school always say how tiny and cute I am but really I am a big girl. I am 7 yrs old. I always help mom and people can always depend on me. I know its hard to be small but mom always says it takes someone super special to be tiny and small. We are tiny but mighty!!
Love your friend,
dear santa claus,
I can’t wait till christmas any
longer. I am so happy that we get to celabrate gods birthday in 18 days. I love you and merry almost christmas.
Dear, Mouse I like how you say an elf`s an elf no matter how small. Plus I also like how you showed all the elves a Cristmis bow on a present and make all the elves want to put a Cristmis bow on every present.
that is such a sweet story santa! its on the inside that counts. love u santa!
Wow! What an inspiring story! It was awesome!
an elfs an elf is great i like mouse and clumsy there intrsting and cute
dear santa i hope you now i balive in you
I think that mouse is right about being small, my best freind is really small, but she is the smartest in are maths class, and the fastest runner in the races!
Merry Christmas 🙂
Bethany| 😀 |
I think you were right after all an elf’s an elf!They might think your to small but your just perfect size anyway.
I hope you dont ever think your small
because then you will feel a bit down.
But never listen to anyone.
Go elves you are right mouse hope all is well Merry christmas and a happy new year
yeah the Andy girl/boy is right.
hi mrs claus i love everything about you aswell and i really want to meet you,God bless you.
hi santa i love everything about you and really want to meet you,bless you.
great story!!! she was totally right!!!!
Great blog elfs I like the stuff
you added I cant wait to see more
say helo to santa and Mrs Clause
hi santa iam on your blog hi how are you anyway
that is a brilliant story santa and mrs clause and the eleves i totally believe in santa love u santa
hi you are right it does not matter who is small and who is not and i am glad i found that lovely story, it was very interesting.
I love you Mouse the Little Elf! Stay true!
you are right we are all the same no matter how big or small .<3