I told you about Donder, oops, I mean Donner, changing his name.
But, did you know people are changing my name?
I have many names around the world. Some people call me Santa Claus. And some call me Saint Nicholas. Some call me Father Christmas or Père Noël. Some even call me Kris Kringle. And those are just a few of my many names!
But then there were those funny Disney movies. First, there was “The Santa Clause”. After that movie, a few people thought I had changed my name so it had an “E” at the end, instead of just Claus. That got my elf lawyers all befuddled.
Then, there was “The Santa Clause 2: The Mrs. Clause”. Oh, my. People thought I had a new wife called Mrs. Clause (again with an “E” at the end)! My lovely real wife, Mrs. Claus, and her elf lawyers got all befuddled!
And then there was the last movie about the “The Escape Clause”. That is when I got all befuddled! So with my pen, a silly poem I muddled!
A Santa Clause Poem To Give You Pause!
Would it give you pause,
If I was Santa Clause?
Would sleigh bells still jingle,
If I was ol’ Cris Cringle?
Would it be a sad trick,
If I was not Saint Nick?
And if I had paws,
Would I be Santa Claws?
But until the North Pole thaws,
I hope people just call me,
Good ol’ Santa Claus!
Yes, I wish people would call me Santa CLAUS. After all, calling me “Clause” gets the elf lawyers all befuddled. And there is nothing worse than a fuddled elf lawyer! 😊
Merry Christmas!
Santa Clause
Oops, I meant Santa Claus (they even have me doing it now! HHHOL!)
P.S. Do you think I should change my name to Santa Clause? (Scroll down to leave your message for me or to see what others have written!)

A right jolly old elf, in spite of myself. I love Christmas, children, the North Pole, Mrs. Claus, elves, reindeer, snowmen & the list goes on!
My title is CEO: Christmas Elf Online.
Merry Christmas!
yes everybody spells it like that
Merry Christmas!
Ho ho ho Maddy! It’s true, my name can be a bit tricky to spell sometimes! But whether it’s “Claus” or “Clause,” I always know you’re talking about me, especially if there’s Christmas magic in your heart!
Thank santa for your Email
Merry Christmas☃️
hello Santa it’s me Clara joy i would like you to call me soon pleas .
Santa. Hayley. Fabritz. Diet Coke
I like the name of santa clause because people believe in him. And that is his real name.
You are the best what is your phone number
give a toy cash register and toy violin
Was wondering when u would be sending Dawson the elf back with his magic…..please let me know! Thank you and have a good year!!!!
I think you should keep your last name because no one else would have that last name claus from Zane and my nephew Braxton
To santa hope you enjoy your Christmas
Santa I really want me and my friends to stay at the north pole on christmas eve come pick us,up
See you when you get hear
Merry Christmas and have a happy new year love cenasia
You said “when you get hear,” but it’s spelled h-e-r-e not h-e-a-r
i love christmas that was when christ was born
Dear Santa, did you even see the movies? If you you didn’t, they meant Clause as in ” what the cause of this
santa thanks for the Email but its not printing
Dear Santa clause,
It’s ok as long as all your names pronouns the same!but I will always write your name as Santa clause ! I have been very good this year and I always have been praised by my mom and dad. I hope I stay on the nice list. Merry Christmas !⛄️❄️
I love you Santa and I am doing good in school bur rendering is easy. Love Alexia
don’t think it matters much as claus and clause sound the same. i always spelled it clause.
hey elves tell santa clause i siad hey
{email address deleted by the elves. Read Santa’s Internet Safety Tip below!}
Reply from the Elves:
The best way to make sure your wishes get into Santa’s book is to email Santa. They go straight in that way! If you put them on this blog then someone might forget to add them 🙁
Merry Christmas!
The Elves
P.S. What’s the magic word? 🙂
Ooops…. sorry I sometime wrote your name like this Santa Clause but now i will right it like this Santa Claus sorry Santa Claus!
i call u santa claus and that’s is what i’ll call you for ever!!!!
i don’t think you should chang you’r name.
I like it the way it is without the e. love you santa
No,you shouldn’t because you should keep the original last name.
You shoulde’nt because it suits you!
Hi santa,
you are the best,
you shold stay as you are
I think Santa Claus is a great name;keep it!
thanks for making this wonderful christmas blog.happy christmas from andre’
why would thay cahnge your name? its weird….. santa clause doesnt even look right.
Santa Claus is YOUR name, and you should keep it. I don’t care WHAT Walt Disney has to say about it!!!
I will alway call santa CLAUS santa CLAUSE
LOVE LingLing
i like bratz and barbies i herd mrs claus likes barbies too i like hanna montana she is a singer but she is from disney
no keep your name the same it is better with no e.
i love the name santa claus but what about rockyrollysanta p.s please bring me lots of prestents
and no i do not think you should change your name to santa clause because the way you right your last name is how your family was kown and why change something that has been in your family for decades and if i changed my last ame my parents would be dissapointed in me so would’nt your parents be sad.
Keep your name the same please because some of my friends make fun of your other names.Plus your name fits you perfectly!!! 🙂
I think you should stick to your name and I mean stick to it!Santa claus is way better than a E at the end
P.S have you got a daughter P.P.S this is Dearbhla here
Nah, Keep the same name. it will be less confusing to people who havnt read this blog. lol 🙂
hi saint nick i mean santa clause i mean santa CLAUS !!!
dont worry santa clause oops sorry
i mean santa CLAUS!!!
our family all call you santa claus!!!love you…………. Elliexxoo
i think you should keep your name as SANTA CLAUS because it sounds merry and christmasy
P.S. its olivia
Why did they even call the movie santa CLAUSE? I don’t get it!
Hi Santa I always call you Santa Claus and it frustrates me when people call you Santa Clause.
P.S. COOL site!
I think your name is fine santa clause. Besides, it doesn’t matter what your name is, but what personality you’ve got.
I think you should keep your name as Santa Claus because I Love It 🙂 xxx
santa clause you see everything don’t you. well do you know justin shreiber.
Santa Claus, this year for christmas my mom and dad is putting my through driver ed. so i’m not getting anything from her. Waht should i do for my mom and my dad. Athey do so much for me and i don’t know what to do.
I think you should keep your name. I like the name Santa Claus!! I think it means “Happy days” . Please dont change your name to santa clause !!!! Please!!
p.s this is Jordan
I am gonna call you santa clause!
JUST KIDDING!!!! i will ALWAYS call you santa claus!
P.S.Bring me LOTS of presents!! Merry christmas! love, shane wilson
you should change you’re name to the clausinator
dont worry santa i will always call you santa clause ha ha ha only jokeing
p.s bring me lots of presents
dont worry santa claus i will always call you santa claus