Santa Fit To Fly for Christmas 2018!

North Pole — (Dec. 22, 2018)- Santa Claus’ personal doctor, Dr. Alf Doctor, today told the press that Santa Claus and the reindeer are fit to fly Christmas Eve.
In brief, “It is true”, said Dr. Doctor. “Santa Claus and the reindeer had their annual doctor visit today”.
When asked to tell everyone how Saint Nick looked, Dr. Doctor replied…
“His eyes 👀 — how they twinkled !
His dimples how merry!
His cheeks were like roses 🌹,
His nose like a cherry 🍒!
He had a broad face 🎅🏻,
And a little round belly,
That shook, when he laughed 🤣,
Like a bowl full of jelly!
He was chubby and plump;
A right jolly old elf;
And I laughed 😂 when I saw him,
In spite of myself!”
One elf reporter asked where Santa Claus was today. Dr. Alf Doctor replied that Santa was very busy. He was getting his reindeer and sleigh ready for the big night.
Another elf reporter asked Dr. Alf Doctor if he had any worries about Santa’s health. Dr. Doctor said, “He is feeling great, but Father Christmas 🎅🏽 does seem a little skinny this year. For that reason, I put him on a strict diet of milk 🥛, cookies 🍪, mince pies 🥧 and other yummy treats for Christmas Eve. Undoubtedly that will give him the extra energy he needs to deliver all those presents 🎁.”
Is Rudolph fit to fly Christmas Eve?
Dr. Doctor also commented that Rudolph’s nose is glowing very bright.
“His nose glows so bright,
It’s really a sight!
So I say, here today,
With merry and delight,
Rudolph can guide the sleigh 🛷
For Santa’s 🎅🏿 big flight! ”
Obviously, the elves make sure Santa and the reindeer stay healthy and safe on their big journey. That is when the elves track him at on Christmas Eve using the Santa Snooper (Santa’s special Christmas Eve webcam). People will also be able to watch live texting between Santa and Elf Control as Santa makes his famous flight Christmas Eve. Of course there are always some fun surprises!
Is Santa fit to fly Christmas Eve?
Finally, Dr. Doctor ended the meeting with, “I hereby certify Santa Claus and his reindeer fit to fly Christmas Eve!”
Merry Christmas!
Dr. Alf Doctor
P.S. Do you think Santa is ready to deliver all those presents? Do you have any special advice for Santa and the reindeer? You can leave a message for Santa Claus. Then scroll down to see what other people have written.

A right jolly old elf, in spite of myself. I love Christmas, children, the North Pole, Mrs. Claus, elves, reindeer, snowmen & the list goes on!
My title is CEO: Christmas Elf Online.
Merry Christmas!
I want a PlayStation 4 for Christmas
Can you give me a x box please santa and I will like to game and and switch and wii
dear santa,
are you still coming in quarentien also can you still come even if we have a christast tree up?
want time to comeing on Christmas eve night stop by paul house tan lift size house on nice list goodmen love you somush santa claus do not miss house st own one all gift my paulshaw
hi im ana will santa come. well he comes every year. because im good every year. and im going to tri every year love, ana gomez
HI IM ana will santa come for me ilve been very good this year imtriing to keep it up
I think he needs to make his sack bigger to deliver ALL the presents
I can’t wait for Christmas Eve when you come to my house to deliver my Christmas presents
Magical. Power. Santa Claus. Pen. For paulshaw.
santa please deliver presents soon in december 24 i can not wait to track you santa you are the best i love christmas you deliver too many toys
santa, i would relly like a pet puppy, kiten, or parrot
I know what to get my friend peyton she wants slime
Hey Santa,
My cat died. I want a puppy.
Thank you Santa it is Liv. I hope it happens.
show mrs claus letter whish for you best be good men it year if you coming by my house stop Christmas
Hello santa I’m called Eesa and I would like a new, red sledge or sleigh to hold 4 or3 or5 people for christmas
hi my name is cara like a baby doll for christmas
The pneumonia again I will tell him merry Christmas
give to Cookies and milk for you latter for you To: Santa Fr: Michelle
I cant wait for tomorrow because it is Xmas DAY for me tomorrow as I am polish