Santa Fit To Fly for Christmas 2019? A North Pole Newsflash for You!

Santa Fit To Fly for Christmas 2019!

Santa Claus check-up time
Santa Claus is fit to fly!

North Pole — (Dec. 21, 2019)- Santa Claus’ personal doctor, Dr. Alf Doctor, today told the press that Santa Claus and the reindeer are fit to fly Christmas Eve.

In brief, “It is true”, said Dr. Doctor. “Santa Claus and the reindeer had their annual doctor visit today”.

When asked to tell everyone how Saint Nick looked, Dr. Doctor replied…

“His eyes 👀 — how they twinkled !
His dimples how merry!
His cheeks were like roses 🌹,
His nose like a cherry 🍒!

He had a broad face 🎅🏻,
And a little round belly,
That shook, when he laughed 🤣,
Like a bowl full of jelly!

He was chubby and plump;
A right jolly old elf;
And I laughed 😂 when I saw him,
In spite of myself!”

One elf reporter asked where Santa Claus was today.  Dr. Alf Doctor replied that Santa was very busy.  He was getting his reindeer and sleigh ready for the big night.

Another elf reporter asked Dr. Alf Doctor if he had any worries about Santa’s health.  Dr. Doctor said, “He is feeling great, but Father Christmas 🎅🏽 does seem a little skinny this year.  For that reason, I put him on a strict diet of milk 🥛, cookies 🍪, mince pies 🥧 and other yummy treats for Christmas Eve.   Undoubtedly that will give him the extra energy he needs to deliver all those presents 🎁.”

Is Rudolph fit to fly Christmas Eve?

Dr. Doctor also commented that Rudolph’s nose is glowing very bright.

“His nose glows so bright,
It’s really a sight!
So I say, here today,
With merry and delight,
Rudolph can guide the sleigh 🛷
For Santa’s 🎅🏿 big flight! ”

Obviously, the elves make sure Santa and the reindeer stay healthy and safe on their big journey.  That is when the elves track him at on Christmas Eve using the Santa Snooper (Santa’s special Christmas Eve webcam).  People will also be able to watch live texting between Santa and Elf Control as Santa makes his famous flight Christmas Eve.   Of course there are always some fun surprises!

Is Santa fit to fly Christmas Eve?

Finally, Dr. Doctor ended the meeting with, “I hereby certify Santa Claus and his reindeer fit to fly Christmas Eve!”

Merry Christmas!

Dr. Alf Doctor

P.S.  Do you think Santa is ready to deliver all those presents?  Do you have any special advice for Santa and the reindeer?  You can leave a message for Santa Claus.  Then scroll down to see what other people have written.

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53 special messages to Santa about “Santa Fit To Fly for Christmas 2019? A North Pole Newsflash for You!”

  1. The new couch good phone games the new blanket some paint new four-wheeler New Hampshire new hamster bunny rabbit bunny rabbit a new hamster new hamster and you song a new phone SE cop with Spider-Man cut with Spider-Man on it a new pillows JJBella new couch a new tail nutria Campbell’s some candles candles candles can Beach camp

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  4. Geschenke Liebherr Oliver HSE iPhone se coloring book new Pelham new iPhone new clothes new shoes new couch how are you new pal item I need a blanket when do boys get a soft blanket teddy bear back is sweaty man teddy bear iPhone se News GnuCash that I can sleep with Willow four wheeler iPhone SE SE evse

  5. new blanket new blanket a new teddy bear a new pillow orange pillow new tires news for a new type a new Trail a new couch new shoes new coat new coat new couch new coats funny white bunny rabbit bunny rabbit bunny rabbit a bunny rabbit hamster hamster hamster coloring books how long dogs a hamster Bunny and new clothes and a new tail and I need a new clothes new iPhone SE new phone SE phone SE pone SE phone SE SE phone SE phone phone phoSE phone cologne book coloring book coloring book

  6. SANTA IS REAL!!! Ignore everyone who says Santa isn’t real, because he is. There’s even proof that hes real! Look up “proof santa is real” on Google and you’ll see how many results there are. If you say Santa isn’t real now, don’t come crying to me after you see proof that Santas real!!!

  7. sorry to brake it to yall but santa is real yall can talk and talk about how much yall don’t think santa is real but he is.Did yall know at one point i used to not believe in santa and the elfs magic and all of that stuff i cryed and cryed my eyes out when my mamaw and papaw told me that sant is real but the reason that i am telling yall this sooner or later you will figure it out.

  8. I believe santa and his reindeer are healthy and they have my permisson to fly on their big night. good luck santa claus and his team be safe. merry almost christmas

  9. Yummy yummy food and drinks and tea and treats for you guys today come here and get some drinks and food and treats you like

  10. 55079 stacy walk talkie men I hop you did good jod santa clause
    one mile paul shaw house love you mrs claus send me a card in mail box for paul shaw house magical power santa claus book paulshawput on top on santa claus paullshawnice list on book
    magical power santa bell for paulshaw you r my seet heart santa claus
    all gift my paulshaw magical power harry potter pen and magical power harry broom stick fly in sky. northpole walktalkie paulshaw stop by dec 24 20020 Christmas eve night thankful you elf

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