Sometimes I like to do something to make Mrs. Claus feel special, to thank her for all she does.
I had the perfect chance to surprise her the other day when she was teaching a gingerbread cookie class at the shop. She would be out of the house for a few hours, so I decided to spend that time making a surprise dinner!
At first things went well. I mixed up a tasty-smelling meatloaf and stuck it in the oven. Things were going so well that I thought I could start mixing some cookie dough while the meatloaf cooked. I mixed a few things together, but the dough was just a sticky mess that stuck to my hands.
Santa’s Surprise Supper or is it a Supper Surprise?
I had been so distracted with my cookies that I had forgotten the meatloaf until Clumsy the Elf came rushing in. “Something is burning! Something is burning!” I looked around and sure enough, Clumsy was right! He had seen smoke coming from my window and had rushed in to see what was happening.
“This is a mess!” I cried. “What will I do?” I had not kept track of things very well!
I had no idea what a good cook Clumsy was until he began to help me fix my messy meal. He added a bit more flour to the goopy cookie dough and fixed it right up! He then helped me mix up a brand new batch of meatloaf, adding a few things I would have never thought of like red and green peppers.
Mrs. Claus was so pleased when she came home to such a great meal. Thanks Clumsy!
Merry Christmas!
Santa Claus
P.S. Do you like to make things in the kitchen? What do you like to make? You can click here to tell me or, scroll down to see what other people have written!

A right jolly old elf, in spite of myself. I love Christmas, children, the North Pole, Mrs. Claus, elves, reindeer, snowmen & the list goes on!
My title is CEO: Christmas Elf Online.
Merry Christmas!
Ho ho ho. Hi santa. What are you up to today? I am going to my friends house today. I guess your getting ready for the big night. I am excited. James has been silly. He raisered some of his hair yesterday. Will you take one of his peasants off him for my mum. Do you believe in me? I am sad for unmount because my friends keep saving your just for little children. I disagree. Well did you know it is high school for me next September. I wish myself luck and my friends. Do you wish us luck? I wish you luck on Christmas eve. Shi does the rest of my family. We’re going too have a massive Christmas dinner. Would you join us or not? I hope so. Good luck.
i love to bake this thing feels so magical your the niceist person a live santa!!! mrs. clause is lucky to have YOU love, megan!
Hi Elves I wish you a very merry christmas at the North pole I bet it is cold there and I cant wait till christmas with all my present’s santa has brought me and a happy merry christmas to u to elves and sants lots of love liam
Who knew Clumsy was such a great cook?
so this story went good then bad then good 🙂
i like making things in the kitchen too, i like making anything, espically cupcakes and cookies for school fetes, like a summer fete and a christmas fete, where children get tickets to see santa, last year, i got number 1, and santa was on a double decker bus. it was fun, i like maing things in the kitchen.
I think the elfs work to hard! I bet Clumsy felt proud.
i like to make cake and potatocakes and pancakes
dear santa i bet your workshop is huge i wish one day i could visit the north pole your friend franklin joe browning
I like making spagetti bolgonaise because when my mum broke her hands I had to help her with everything like cook but her hands are better now so she is back to cooking nice food! Yummy!! Merry Christmas and say well done to Clumsy from me
dear santa iwill make sure iam in bed at christmas eve night your friend franklin browning
dear santa you are the best iwill leave some carrots out for the reigndeers i have some milk and cookies for you hope you stop in your friend franklin joe browning
dear santa merry christmas and a safe trip i just wish you could make a trip to my house but i sill believe in the christmas magic and in you but like that man on polar express sais seeing is believing your friend franklin joe browning
I love making things in the kitchen! Including cakes,cupcakes,cookies,etc.
dear santa christmas isnt just about presents its about christ our lord your friend franklin joe browning
I love making stuff in the kitchen,Such as Cup cakes,Shortbreades,Gingerbreads and Rice Crispy cakes. Love From Rebecca xxx P.S Merry Christmas Santa!
I love making stuff in the kichen and I will make you home made cookis this year love Oniosa P.S meary christmas santa
dear santa are you goin to the land of misfit toys this year your friend franklin joe browning
dear santa how are the reigndeers doing have they been preparing for the long trip around the world i wish you could come to my house your friend franklin joe browning
Leone I work at south durham gymnastics
Merry Christmas SANTA,
Hey whats going on in the North Pole!!!!
Santa, I would like to get better then come up with you to the North Pole to help you out.And then I could come home by you dropping me off at my house.So just PLEASE come and get me!I’m telling you the truth. LOVE:Angela Michelle Hess
Hey may I come up to The North Pole and halp make lots of toys with elevs?
My favourite thing to make is goodie sweets!@!!
mmmmmmmmmm meat loaf i have never tried it but it sounds nice
I don’t cook all that often but when I do I usually help my mom stir up cake batter.
that is great .You should try and convinse my dad to do something like that
chicken, meatloaf and also peas, corn,and also for dessert.a very tasty big giant cake
i love to bake in the kitchen. i bake all sorts of things. i like to help my mom make chocolate.
Dear Santa,
I like to bake pie and this year I might even leave you a piece instead of cookies. I just want to know if Jack my cat is on the nice list. It’s okay if he’s on the naughty list because sometimes he scratches me.
My mama made a meatloaf wreath for a Christmas party one year. She baked it in a bundt pan.
i never would think that clumsy could be a cook,i thought he was just a clumsy elf but i guess everybody does have a secret talent!
cookies,apple pie,chiken pot pie,oatmeal,and steak.
I love to make Sants and Mrs. Clause shaped suger cookies. One year my family made Christmas sugar cookies of them selfs. We did that for our Christmas card. The cookies were really yummy.
I like baking cookies, muffins and cakes! But i bet they arent as good as yours or Mrs Claus’! <3 xx
We just made gingerbread and sugar cookies! We also like to make a restaurant and sometimes I serve like a waitress would!
Hi Santa I like to help my mam cook the dinner and i have my own set of utensils to help stir the sauces and mix the veg.
Thanks Santa goodbye
i love christmas because all the christmas film are on the telly. we get to put up the christmas tree too.
i like to cook pancakes,cookies,crapes, but i love you you cook wonerful presents
and dinners i love you santa go santa!!
Bowties and alfredo sauce so……. pasta 🙂 and beans and wieners
wow,santa you’re so generus(i hope i spelled that right)
if i was mrs.claus,i would definetly love it!
i think what you did was sweet and ti was so rowmantic
it looks like you had a great day with reindeer fun day.how are you doing and feeling but we always know if you arent feeling good mrs.claus would take good care of you p.s did the reindeer have fun? i love you santa keep warm
santa we love you and can you write on my present because my friends accept 2 don’t think your real
hi i wish to get my presents on chirtmas eve.
i would wish to have all my family with me on xmas even my anutie marie she is my world to me xoxox ooxox
i like cooking cakes with my mum she is the best mummy i have
p.s (i think she is going to make a batch up for you and some carrots for the rain deers xoxoxoxo from mackenzie
I like to make oatmeal chocolate chip cookies. I might make some for you for Christmas Eve. : )
i want to get a letter from u Santa so plz send me one
im sure that mrs claus would have been very grateful that you had tried to cook for her ,but im glad that clumsy fixed it up for you and it all went well. I bet you never knew that your elves coud be so helpful.xx
I Like to bake cookies but i think your cookies are the best.
Dear Santa,
Hello Santa you have just heard from me but I like keeping the chirstmas spirt so you will probley hear from alot!I have a Elf on the Shelf his name is Buddy and he is a boy I’m sure you know him!I hope that you like what treats we leave you and also the reindeer!I will always believe you!
Mrs claus must be as good as my nan at cooking sweet things and dinner
We love to bake Christmas Cupcakes, Christmas Chocolate and Gingerbread Houses.
There really yummy. Infact Emily will leave some cupcake for you. Ruby will leave some chocolate for you and Connie will leave some ginerbread for you. When you visit our house on December 24th!
xoxoxoxoxox From Emily Connie And Ruby
mrs.Claus will be happy for what you did!
Santa-thank you so much 4 writing me a letter! I luv you a lot..say hi 2 the reindeer 4 me! ( especially Comet)
Santa you are sooooooo funny! You should ask Clumsy to give you cooking lessons so that the next time you try to surprize Mrs.Claus with a surprize dinner it won’t be such a “holly, jolly mess!” I think that while Clumsy is teaching you how to cook, then you and Mrs.Claus don’t have to worry about getting him out of the wraping paper machine and unwrapping him all the time. So, in the end, everything works out for everyone! Even the reindeer! They can eat the leftovers from you and Clumsy’s cooking lesson. Except if they are on a strict diet so they can be healthy enough and strong enough to pull the sleigh all across the world. But, if you make healthy things, like spinach pizzas, then it works out for the reindeer on strict diets. They can eat the leftover spinach. See you later Santa. Bye.
hi santa i know i want a lot of stuff this year i will type in every thing i need to below ha ha ha my dad just told me not to well 23 days till cristmas ho ho ho merry cristmas.
I love you santa I will all ways Love you,hey if you have a new son thats 11 call me
I like making cakes and cupcakes and fruitcakes and ham and chicken and lots more.
I am the first one to leave a comment=) I hope you are very happy. I was just laying in my room and then I remembered that I have to go to Santas blog and comment I love you all so much. I have been an awesome girl this year. Have a great christmas..
so the cookie dough stuck thats happend too my nanny wants won tme i got gum stuck in my hair it was gross tho love you santa clous today some won across frome me said santa aint reall i said he is too in thin he said his parents drink bear with red neck santa i said dont say that you no i love you to death santa
Aw! Santa, you’re so nice! I would’ve done something like that for my mom, but I can’t cook! So when we go to the store and buy a dessert mix, I always help her out. 😉
santa i think that was very sugary sweet that you did that for sweet ol mrs.claus because you and her make a great bunch sincerlay in my heart kaylee
Cool! What was included in the dinner? Does Rudolph get any?
you know what you should do for mrs claus is make her a homaid gift shell really like
aww thats nice of u.I hope she like it!
santa you are soooooooooooooo clumsey haha glad it worked out:)
HI santa I have cooked breacfist for my mom it did not go well
I love to help cook the supper its fun and yummy
Nice. You were lucky to have Clumsy around 🙂 Mmmm, you made me hungry XD
I like to make cookies, brownies and dinner like tacos and broccoli. I like to make eggs and pancakes too.
iv bee wanting a xbox 360 whith games and meet you in person iv been wanting get saint row 3 for xbox360 ps tell mrs claws she is too young to be marrid
who is clumsy write to me on my e mail that i gsve on my letter see you later on cristmast eve caint wate
Hey santa i wrote this becuse you told me that you could not wait to see what i wrote
wow she would of been really happy about that 🙂
I am 11 years old and obviously my friends say your not real. But deep down i believe in you a wee bit.
i do like to make things in the kitchen i like to make all sorts of foods that was nice of you to do this for mrs. claus and have a great christmas! see you christmas eve!
great hope to see you soon hey go to matlock with rudolph