Everyone knows my Christmas Elves like silly jokes. But did you know my reindeer like funny jokes too? They do! But they really love silly Christmas elf jokes the best.
You can find lots of silly Christmas jokes for kids on my website.
But if you want to see some of the funny jokes the reindeer like, keep reading!
Well, here are some of the jokes that make my reindeer laugh:
What do elves like to eat?
What kind of music do elves like best?
“Wrap” music!
How do elves get to the top of Santa’s Castle?
An “Elf”-evator.
What kind of money do elves use?
Jingle bills!
What’s the first thing elves learn in school?
The “elf”-abet!
Even More Silly Christmas Elf Jokes!
If there were 11 elves in the Workshop and another came to help, what would you call her?
The twelf
Who lives at the North Pole, makes toys and rides around in a pumpkin?
Santa rides in a sleigh. What do elves ride in?
Mini vans!
What do you call an elf that tells silly jokes?
A real Christmas Card!
Where do you find elves?
Depends where you left them!
What do you call an elf that just won the lottery?
So what do you think of the reindeer’s silly Christmas jokes? Rudolph’s nose always glows whenever he reads these. And it takes quite a while before the elves stop laughing long enough to start making presents again or eat their “Elf”-aghetti!
Merry Christmas!
Santa Claus
P.S. Do you like silly Christmas elf jokes too? Who do you think is sillier, my Christmas elves or my reindeer? (You can tell me who you think is the silliest at the North Pole. Or, scroll down to see what silly things others have written!)

A right jolly old elf, in spite of myself. I love Christmas, children, the North Pole, Mrs. Claus, elves, reindeer, snowmen & the list goes on!
My title is CEO: Christmas Elf Online.
Merry Christmas!
Did you hear the joke about the home run? Never mind, it’s foul!
Hello Santa. Do you remember me? I live in Kutztown, Pennsylvania in the United States. I hope you are well. If you really know me, who is the other drummer in the Kutztown Area Middle School Jazz Band?
I love all the elf even though I don’t have one
I don’t know that much of the elf’s but I think snowflake is the funniest elf
Can i please keep my elf on the shelf i love my elf on the shelf
I think your silly reindeer is the silliest in North Pole! Ho Ho Ho!
Knock knock whose there boo boo who don,t cry 🙂 🙂
Love the jokes! Can’t wait 4 Christmas
Dear buddy I miss you very much and hope to see you next year 2018 love you very much love Mia
Where else and your reindeer I love their jokes mom and dad Do to
Dear santa claus what I would like for Christmas is a mini laptop,a fame dvd,
marmaduke dvd,a window crisdauland a realy!realy! HHAAPPYY CHRIISTMMAS
ho ho ho they are funy espeshly
what do you call an elf that won the lotry
elf ones are so funny!!!!
elf ones mean by jokes.
i think santa claus is the silliest becaus he is funny and silly i love you santa:)
that one bout the elves winning the lottery was funny hi my o my that was rare welfy (lauhging right now)
what do santa clause’s puppies say?
santa paws
i liked the joke about the wrap music one i told my mum, my nana,my dad they laghed to hard i had to stop them and then i said the next joke
I think the elves are siller because they are elves. Reindeer are cool! I would like to have one. He could sleep in my room.
dear santa
i think the reindeers are hillarious , i told my mum the joke about the elf-aggheti and she lauged so hard she made me laugh.
not like i wasnt already laughing the same amount as her.
some of those didnt make sense
i love them jokes but i love you more xxxxxxx
Well this is a tuffy urm…a… both I think yes you both are as funny as each other and I love this blog!!!!
what do you do all year while the elfs make the toys??
thank you for my gifts santa claus!!
Hey Santa I read all of your articals and they are very cool and the fire truck and fire rescue just went past my house.
What does a dumb elf not know?
The elf-abet!
Hi, Santa!
I have something to say about the reindeer’s jokes, BOO! (Kidding). How come the Christmas colours are red, green and white? And how long have you lived at the north pole? I have a joke about reindeer.(They can’t take credit if they use it.) What do you call reindeer that fall from clouds? A REIN-SHOWER!
i have a elf on the shelf at home and they our not silly their nice and fun. reindeer our not silly too.their all sweet.
I really liked the joke i read it was the elf abet one it really made me laugh and i wish you and the helpers at the north pole a merry christmas ho ho ho x
dear santa for christmes i really wont a ipod touch if you do i will love more
When you laugh you giggle like a bowl full of jelly.
Hello santa are you ok whant are you doing then thank you for my letter will i see you on fiday night then santa x
santa i love u and it`s not long and i might get the acer travelmatde c 204 and i will love it very much. and i might give u some cookies for u santa and some corrots 4 roudolf
p.s Meabh
hello Santa how are you and M.rs Claus.maybe I will bake cookies.
elves and reindeer are not silly there all smart
those jokes are haleirious ha ha ha i cant wait intil christmas
I think the elves are the silliest!!
hi i wrote you back like you wanted me 2…….my cats r being silly…ha ha …
i love Christmas because of the giving and i heard my big brother is coming home for Christmas so thats all i want for christmas is my family to be together
OOH that was HILARIOUS!!
We are still laughing
Love SophieMae and Gemma Jayne Lucinda
Love US!!! xxxxoo oox
I think the reindeer are funnier!!! the jokes about the elf’s are funny too!!BYE SANTA!!!!
what do call a elf and a monkey together? a elf-monk!
Reindeer is funniest DEFINETLY!! By the way im still laughing!!! That was funny!! Thanks For The Jokes.Melissa.Merry Christmas!!!
that was so funny the raindeer come up with some funny stuff. i cant wait to hear more.
We thought the jokes by the elves were a little sillier, but enjoyed them all!
Hi Santa adn Mrs Claus. Im excited about xmas and hope to see you soon and hope you bring ma a wii
I think that the raindeers jokes are really funny!
I think that it is a tie between the two!
Thank you for your letter and I am going to let Rudolph come into the house when he gets here. Love, Christopher
I thik santa and the rendeer are the funnest
Those jokes were AWSOME!! you are the best santa
How is rodolphs nose so bright? Do the Elfs play football?
Elf’s and reindeer’s jokes are amazing! They make me laugh even if I’m sad 😉 I just can’t stop laughing after I read’em!!!
i thought thouse jokes were ‘AWSOME!!!
hy santa I love your blog it is the best Ilove you anyway how cinder elf a hahaha that was the most funniest joke I have ever heard from the north pole bye santaloveyou and the reindeers and the elf and mrs claus and esspecially santa claus hugs and kisses
dear’ Santa i want one of your elves really really bad . i will try my best on being good. santa i could do anything just to get a elf. i will try my best in school.i will do anything my parents ask me to do.i will do anything you want me to do.
i love elfs so much and i want one so bad.
i love elfs.i want one so bad.i like clyde so much do you know him.
i think all of them are funny its not about the laughths its just about the joke
where do Elves go when there ill
Elf centre
i thought all the jokes espessialy
Who lives at the North Pole, makes toys and rides around in a pumpkin?
I laughed so hard i fell of the chair. Anyway everyone at the north pole pleaseeeee be carefull xoxoxoxoxo
i think the Reindeer jokes were most good
Dear santa i hope you have had a wonderful year i know i have i can still remember the first day of summer vacation sorry i forgot you probably do not like to talk about summer well while were talking about summer what do you the reindeer and mrs claus do during the summer
that was so funny but its not nice to make fun of other people espically the elfs ^_^
elf because they tell one joke i like the most is “what is one thing that elf learn in school elf abcet” and i started laughing out loud in easyer way is (lol).
i love those jokes there so funny i love the cinderelfa the most.
reindeer totally no afense eleves but they have funnier jokes!
Who is the elves favourite musician?
reindeers and eleves are funny that’s why i like them!
i think reideer are always craking those little silly jokes.. to the children.
OMG I love these elfs everyone knows that elfs can be in a mood soo rain deer are super funny and on my watch they’re funnier. ( toatlly)
Santa what would you like for Christmas?
personally I think the rainder are more silly but the elfs are funny too.
wich reindeer do you like the best?I like all of them.Do you have 10 reindeer or 9?p.s.hope you have a wonderful christmas!
i dont know i’d say that all the reindeer and elves are funny but u should see some of my friends they are hilarous
Haha Its Quite Funny Santa Thankyou And The Reindeers And The Elves For Spreading The Christmas Spirit Into All Of Our Hearts
i think everybody won!all the jokes were realy good!
hey santa it’s omost christmas i am so exited i can’t wait i can’t keep thinking about the raindeers, santa,mrs.claus,the elfs,the tree ,thr gifts just help me:) 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂
i think their both funny. elves tell jokes.reindeer fly and eat.
ive got a song or a comment but it is verry funny,
dashing through the bush in a rusty holden ute, kicking up the dust esky in the boot, kelpie by my side singing christmas songs, its summer time and im in my singlet, shorts and thongs, oh jingle bells jingle bells jingle all the way, christmas in austrailia on a scorching summers day jingle bells jingle bells christmas time is beaut, oh what fun it is to ride in a rusty holden ute. engines getting hot, we dodge the kangaroos the swaggie climbs aboard-he is welcome to. all the familys there siting by the pool christmas day the aussie way by the barbecue.
chorus, come the afternoon grampa has a doze the kids and uncle bruce are swimming in their clothes. the time comes round to go we take a family snap, pack the car and all shooy through before the washing up.
Q. why did the golfer wear to pairs of trousers
A. so he would not get a hole in one
I think clumsy suits his name, but………………………………..
your reindeers are cool to!
I have to say santa you and all the elves are the funiest you all have the most funny jokes
What do you call an abomidible snowman mixed with a camel?
A lumpy snowman!!
do you know my two elfs names are in my house
I think the reindeer are the silliest, but i wouldn’t count the elves out yet.
Ho! Ho! Ho! The reindeer are happy you talked about them! Ho! Ho! Ho!
20 more sleeps until Christmas!
Be good! Ho! Ho! Ho!
i think that clumsy is because he’s head was up a tuba .
Hi Santa,I can’t wait til Christmas!I already have mylist ready 20 Days until Christmas. Many,many things to do .I hope the raindeer get lots of treats.
Those jokes are so funny I love you santa!
hello santa I thing the raindeer is the funniest can I tell you a joke whats white and goes up a comfused snowflake HAHA!!
I think the raindeer are the funnyest.
haha there all so funny please post some more!xxxx
I think the reindeer are the funniest because they write all those jokes.
P.S. Are they all true?
Hi, I think Santa is really cool and nice!
sorry, I misspelled my name in my e-mail to you…. HO HO HO. Can I also ask for a North Face brown Jacket. Has Buddy my elf gone back to the North Pole yet? I haven’t seen him this year. He normally stays in the closet but we can’t find him. Love you…Lindsey
knok knok who’s there elf elf who elfest
ho ho ho lol merry chrismas!!!
I think those joke’s are hularles they crack me up I laghed so hard I fel on the floor.
I think the most funny one was
Santa rides his sleigh what do elfs ride
a mini van HA HA
i think they both are silly they tell very funny jokes. i love your reindeer and your elves
i think rudolph is siliest in the north pole
i think the rain deer are funny!!! =)
ha! santa i gust wanted to aske if you love me because i love you so much.
What do you get if you cross a witch’s cat with father Christmas?Santa Claws.
what do you call the strongest veg
a mussle sprot
What do you call santa’s dog.SANTA PAWS!!
I would say the elves Ray is the elf that visits my home every year I feed him jelly beans and he gets into stuff
I have a joke but it’s not about Christmas. What kind of teeth do you get for a dollar?
Buck teeth!
LOL! ROTFL! That joke cracks me up!
Santa walks in the reindeer shied and Ruldoph is being meen and Santa says
your being very “Ruld” Ruldoph
Oh yeah Santa clause I know how to identify all the types of christmas trees thanx to the Lorne C. Henderson Conservation Area.
I also like the joke Niamh made up: what do you call an elfs phone: an elfanator.
Sincerily again,
Dear santa
My name is Cheyenne Wendt i love Christmas so much. Do you Santa
i think your raindeers are funnier! no afence to the elfs but those were pretty funny!
i love the raindear thay are so funny:)
hi santa i was wondering if you cuold send me a picture of you and rudolph.
i think the reindeer are siilier than the elves
WOW those elfs are so silly making jokes
what do u call an elfs phone?
an elfanator
i like the joke where do you finds elves? depends where you left them and if there where 11 elves in the workshope and another one came to help what would you call her? the twelf and the last one is what do you call an elve that just one the lottery? welfy those are all funny and a lot of the jokes are funny lol
hi there i bet its cold living at north pole and for the raindeers to see you soon lots of love from lauren xxxxxxxx
i think both because there both really great.
I think reindeers are more funnier, especially Prancer although I don’t know why 😀
hi santa i do not believe in u go away
the funniest is clumsy my own personal elf!
Very funny reindeer. My dad has some food for you when you visit ;D
I hope that the reindeer only know how to fly I know it can be tricky
I think the reindeer are the funniest. The reindeer are crazy.
I think that ruldolph is the sillyest
dear santa my halo has been a little crooked i love you very much i hope i get you for christmas because i really love you and for chirstmas i would like a bed set and you and mrs.claus and the elfs amd rodoff and fosty i didn’t forget any of you if i did tell me
i think the elfs and reindeer both tell very good jokes
hi ho ho santa u rule! i love all the presents u send me thanks!!!
your elfs are sooo sweeet!! so are your reindeer! (especialy rudulf!)
luv caitlin
🙂 xxx
i hope i am on the good list because i have been good all year i think the reindeer are the funniest but if you were in it i would say you HO HO HO
thankyou santa merry christmas every one at the north pole!!!
i think reindeer are the funniest there jokes made me LOL!!!
Dear Santa.I have read you blog!
I’ve heard it’s really good!
Love Juan
i think that the elves are pretty funny but the reindeer are funny too!
Yo Santa I think the Elves are Way funnier than the reindeer![no offense Blitzen, Dancer, Prancer, Comet, Rudolph, etc]. Santa, Just wondering how many DS games do you have?
what do you call a elf a nater?
ellavoter! HO!HO!HO!
I found your blog with a little help from mom are you ready for this year.Sadly christmas is not long enough:( by good to talk to you bye
What do elves drink with santa before he takes off?
Dear Santa,
I think both reindeer and elves are hilarious! But, if I had to chose I would pick…. hmm…. I can’t decide! They are both great! Merry Christmas! Thanks!
i think the raindeer.My fav joke is
who lives in the north pole makes toys and rides in a pumpkin cinder-elf-a
I think the Cinder Elf-a joke was pretty funny.
Hi elves and reindeer and of course santa, these jokes are hlarious.
I like these jokes they’re funny and make a lot sense to me. The elves are so funny. No wonder why the reindeer like them. 🙂 xoxo
have a good christmas and a happy new year merry christmas everbody.p.s. have a happy hannukah to.
I think the elves are really funny!!!
Which one do you like best Santa?
why is mrs. cluase so good at knitting (because she has to make small enough blankets for the elfs)
i think thaat the reindeer are funnier because they have different types of jokes
I Think The Raindeer Are The Sillyest AT the North POLE I love There Silly elf Jokes ( No Affents elfs)
the reindeer.it was funny because the reindeer had really funny jokes
santa, be careful not to laugh too much, you can forget what presents the children want!!!
I think comment is the silly one of all of them.
I think the elfs are silly because the look really cool and they look funny! hahaha hahahahah!
ha ha ha those jokes are so funny
the reindeer are really funny to hahaha or hohoho was all i could say
You said you wanted me to visit the blog and I could type stuff and you could not wait till I posted something or something like that.
SANTA tell rudolph he can make good jokes and that him and you are doing good jobs at the north pole
thse were halarius! they are the best christmas jokes!my favrite was all of them.
those are really funny jokes the efls like
you are so funny here santa it is me ashleigh how said i love you and elves me and my sister chloe are so happy to get an preson what you make love you elves and i love santa most
hi once there lived a elf called clumsey on chritmas eve santa ask him to put the presents ready.but he put some santas old photos of when he was yough.then santa set off with photos..xxx
I know your secret you love tp play on your psp
I think that you are the funniest at making jokes santa,after all you did write them right?
Dear Santa,
I might have a idea… Olive them!!!! Get it!
Santa’s reply:
Ho! Ho! Ho! Luke!
Dear Santa,
What’s you’re favorite reindeer ?????? ???????.
Dear Santa,
Merry Christmas!!!! Only 25 days till Christmas!! I love Dasher, Dancer, Prancer, Vixon, Comet, Cupid, Donner, Blitzen, and Rudolph!!!
P.S. { and yes Olive, too!}
Dear Santa,
I hope you have a good Christmas this year!Its snowing right now in my city!!!!
To santa i hope you are looking for good kids and bad kidsand i like you to say hi to everyone please keep warm i do not want any one of you’s to get a cold.
Lots of love from Amy Loughbrough
I bet all of those reindeer love to hear silly jokes! Maybe that’s what makes Rudolph’s nose glow!
i love to text i am trying to stop yelling but i get so frusterated from school i hope you come
what do you call a reindeer with a red nose.
I like them elf jokes santa i have got one for you what does and elf do on chrismas eve
I’ve seen the elfs/reindeers jokes. They’re so funny!!! :)->-<
i like the twelf joke it gives me the giggles
i like the the twelf joke it makes me get the giggles,ha ha
funny LOL
Can not wait till X-mas
I Santa i hope everthing is good in the north pole
We think all the jokes are really silly! The reindeer are very naughty! we have a joke for you:
What fish is always selfish?
Shell fish!!!
rudolph is the funnyis in the north pole.
hello everyone at northpole i here uv all been really busy i love christmas its the best time of year my birthday is 3 days after christmas and my cousins is on christmas day his name is nicolas to haha 🙂 lots of kisses and hugs nicole
ok i don’t care to wait p.s elefs ilove you to miss claus i love you TO I LOVE ALL OF YOU
funny you ride in a sleigh they ride mini van funny.
its amber again i went this blog and wrote back
you are nice but mostly GENOUROUS ! as
have joy from christmas
I think that they are both JUST as silly as eachother (though no one is as silly as my puppy!) 🙂
-Bethany| 😀 |