You might remember my Grumpy Christmas Elf did not do so well with the reindeer.
I am still trying to find a new job for him here at the North Pole.
Your ideas have been a great help.
Would you like to find out what happened at my Grumpy Christmas Elf’s new job? Keep reading!
I thought that maybe I could use my own special little helper. After all, I am very busy this time of the year. An extra pair of hands would be very helpful. My Grumpy Christmas Elf liked the idea too.
I told the Grumpy Christmas Elf one of his jobs would be taking notes from one department to another.
‘Aye Santa that will be fine.’ Scunner smiled and so we set off for our day.
To be honest the morning went really well. He was very helpful and polite. I was very impressed.
A bit later, the Grumpy Christmas Elf had a note for the doll department. I was walking down the hall when he zipped by me in terror.
The Grumpy Christmas Elf Meets the Hug-U-Better Bears
‘Santa, help me,’ he wailed as he hid behind my leg. ‘They all want to give me a cuddle.’
I did not know what he meant. Then I peeked around the corner. There were thirty or forty dolls all walking towards us. ‘I’ll hug you better’ they were all saying.
Light bulb! I understood what had happened.
We have been trying out a new doll that hugs you when you are not feeling well. Scunner said he had sneezed in the doll department. Then all the dolls jumped out of their boxes and chased him. They wanted to hug him to make him feel better!
The only problem is that my Grumpy Christmas Elf is not a “hug-a-bug”. He does NOT like toys hugging him!
I don’t think he likes being my special little helper any more. He is always afraid cuddly toys will attack him again! (There are many cuddly toys at the North Pole after all).
I will have to think of a new job for Scunner. But first, I have to tell the research department that the Hug-U-Better Bears are not a good idea.
They scared me a bit too.
Merry Christmas!
Santa Claus
P.S. Did you ever have a toy that made you scared? You can click here to tell me about it or, scroll down to see what other people have written!
P.P.S. Christmas Day is but ONE month away!

A right jolly old elf, in spite of myself. I love Christmas, children, the North Pole, Mrs. Claus, elves, reindeer, snowmen & the list goes on!
My title is CEO: Christmas Elf Online.
Merry Christmas!
Our American Girl dolls (mine and my sister’s) scared us because we watched a tv show that showed a doll coming to life. Since then we had nightmares that our dolls would come alive.
Merry Christmas Maggie & Kate!
There’s no need to worry, my dears! Your dolls are just there to be your friends and keep you company. They love being loved by you and would never do anything scary. Maybe a cozy bedtime story and a little hug from your dolls will help bring sweet dreams tonight!
happy new year!
Hey, Santa your awesome and I just wanted to say…
Enjoy your Christmas and well
Building. Elf. On. Wood
Harrypotter. Wands. Light
Magic. Santa. Claus. Book
Gud look Santa I would like a big nail box and you can by every thing else but am 8 now but I’m moving up to nine. From tiana xxxxxx
i want an elf on the shelf.plese santa claus baby huggie bear love of my life cutie patooti suger plum blanket as a pillow booga bye baby.
Dear Santa, you are the best person ever. I really want to see you,your reindeer(expecially Rudolph). Also,i want an elf,doll doctor set,helicopter,and a baby alive
i had a toy bear it was a black i t always made me think it looked like a real bear so aways got scared.
I do not like peg dolls,you khow the ones of doctor who!I hate then in that dolls house.Anyway,Scunner could help Mrs.Claus!With the biscuits and candy!I think he would like it!hope it helps
Merry christmas
i would NOT like all those dolls when i am sick! I think u should make regular dolls instead of hugging dolls!
Have Scunner work as Mrs.Claus’s helper.
can you bring one of your elves to Montpelier Virginia
a headless reindeer toy know that is scary
I said it once, so I’ll say it again. LET HIM WORK AT THE MAIL DEPARTMENT!
Hey Santa,
I think scunner should help wrap and paint the toys
i think that he should just help you with what ever you need
hi this is so nice of you to get use toys and tell your elfs thanks for macking use toys.
scunner should polish the sled the day before christmas eve
hi Santa its Cali nice to talk to u again maybe Scunner could help paint the toys xxxxxxxx love u
i think Scunner should help you with cleaning… maybe the dishes after dinner, that’s what i do.
You should give Scunner the job giving your reindeer a bath so they can be ready on Christmas Eve! 🙂
i think you sheid give scunner a job at the wood benesh.
i bet scunner could work in the kitchen and clean or cook or something
i am scared santa because i accidently put a naughty word and they can track my ip address but i can’t wait until christmas we just got the decorations from the attic and set up the decorations make sure to stop and look at my decorations i hope you like them my elves kind of scare me one time my friend and my sister and i were having a sleepover with our elves and my elf crawled on me and i saw and felt it it was scary her name is lily she has blonde hair and has a bow in her hair and is really nice lolz i can’t wait until you take a visit thanks for the gifts each year hope you have a perfect christmas
Hay santa, maybe you should let scunner in the kitchen with mrs. claus. I hope you have a good week and a good month in dec.,
Maybe scunner should wrap the presents
Oh no!! not again !!! Scunner this message is for you : help Mrs claus in the kitchen I think that would be a great idea for you! please don’t tell me your allergic to flour!!!
maybe you can take the batteries out of the doll when scunners around that area then when he leaves put the batteries back in. p.s if thats to much do not take my advice!
one time, i got a make-your-own-cardboard-playhouse for my birthday. after i made it, i went inside to check it out, then all of a sudden, it collapsed on me! i didn’t get hurt, but i am still scared of playhouses.
Maybe he could mop and all that kind of stuff.
Hi my name is cerys scunner is helpfull and he allways
Maybe scunner wants a new job ask him what HE wants to do instead of YOU giving him a job to do. Does he like cooking if so what about a cooking job? He would apreciate a job he wants to do not one he is scared of or bored of.
I will repeat he should be in charge of putting on musicand have a speaker in each department maybe even in the stable.
Well,I didn’t have the toy, but lot’s of poeple did in my class and they kept bringing it in.And they even went in the televion all the time.The dolls were High Monster Dolls.I wasn’t scared of them but I saw them so so much that an absolutly terifieing dream came up.In my dream I was outside all by my self walking down the streets in complete night time.Then the High Monster dolls came and started chasing me and and throwing me part to part.It was seriously a Horrifing Dream and it was very long.From that day I don’t even look or say the word High Monster Dolls!
Hi santa how is rudulph and the elves expesily clumsy. I bet he falling over alot. I bet miss claus making some tasty cookies.have the elves made enough presents for realy good people like me. Also were are you now.I your sleigh nice and cleanand i bet your sack is all full ready for chrismas.oh can’t forget to ask how old your do you mind not telling me.
poor scunner I bet that was frightning! I was thinking that maybe scunner could be someone who is in charge of feeding the rest of the elves and the reindeers or maybe he could be in charge of the naughty and nice list.