Thanksgiving and Football at the North Pole – A Silly Clumsy Story!

Thanksgiving and Football at the North Pole can be very silly!
Thanksgiving and Football at the North Pole can be very silly!

Thanksgiving and Football at the North Pole!

Today is Thanksgiving Day in the United States!   Happy Thanksgiving!

We have Thanksgiving at the North Pole too.   That is when all the Christmas elves come home.   We talk about all the things we are thankful for.   Then we have a big dinner.   After that, we all go outside and have fun!   But, many, many years ago, things went a little, well, funny.

Keep reading to learn more about this funny story about Thanksgiving and Football!

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North Pole Newsflash 2014: Santa Fit To Fly!


Santa Claus check-up time
Santa Claus is fit to fly!

North Pole — (Dec. 21, 2014) – Santa Claus’ personal doctor, Dr. Alf Doctor, today told the press that Santa Claus and the reindeer are fit to fly Christmas Eve.

“It is true”, said Dr. Doctor. “Santa Claus and the reindeer had their annual doctor visit today”.

“I was getting concerned about Santa.  There has been an awfy lot of excitement with Santa’s magic key missing lately.  But all is well, I think.”

When asked to tell everyone how Saint Nick looked, Dr. Doctor replied,

Continue reading “North Pole Newsflash 2014: Santa Fit To Fly!”

Santa’s Magic Key is Missing! I need that key for Christmas!

my Magic Key
Here’s the last photo I have of my Magic Key

My magic key!  My famous Santa key!  It has not been the best of days. I have been looking for my magic key all day!

I’m not sure if you know about my famous magic key?

It lets me get into every house so I can deliver gifts. Its magical powers can open any door. I keep it on a very special hook in the workshop. I always know where it is and I check it every day.

Continue reading “Santa’s Magic Key is Missing! I need that key for Christmas!”

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