![Santa Claus](https://santa-claus-blog.emailsanta.com/wp-content/uploads/santablog-sign.jpg)
Merry Christmas friend! I am so glad you found my blog. My name is Santa Claus. Maybe you have heard of me?
I am a big, jolly guy. I live in a magic place full of elves, reindeer, snowmen, and of course, the wonderful Mrs. Claus!
I have been on the Internet for a long time. I have been reading your wonderful Christmas emails for a long time. I have been watching webcams seeing who’s naughty or nice for a long time. Ho! Ho! Ho! I guess I have just been around for a long time! But, then the elves told me I should sit down and do something new. So, welcome to “The Santa Claus’ Christmas Blog!” for 2012! This is my fifth Christmas doing this. Wow!
I hope you have fun reading about me, Santa Claus, and all my friends and family at the North Pole. I am looking forward to sharing some of my special stories with you. I have lots of silly and funny stories to share. After all, I have been around for a long time.
This year is extra special because of the Reindeer Olympics. Did you watch any of the London Olympics this year? Well, just wait until you hear what happens when elves and reindeer play some Olympic Games!
I’m really excited about something new on my emailSanta.com website too. The elves set up a webcam so YOU can watch ME now! I hope you’ll check it out.
You could also say I know a bit about Christmas and the Christmas Spirit. The Christmas Spirit is a wonderful thing. More than anything, my hope and wish is that my blog will fill you with the magic, love and wonder of the Christmas Spirit. That is one of the best presents I could ever deliver, even if it is only in a Yule blog! Ho! Ho! Ho!
Merry Christmas!
Santa Claus
P.S. What would you like to see me write about in “Santa Claus’ Christmas Blog”? You can leave a message and tell me below.
A right jolly old elf, in spite of myself. I love Christmas, children, the North Pole, Mrs. Claus, elves, reindeer, snowmen & the list goes on!
My title is CEO: Christmas Elf Online.
Merry Christmas!
can you go a day calling mrs. claus merry cristmas
dear santa, you are the most wonderful person i ever met , plus you never ever knew how do you get in my house because i dont have a chimney at my house
Merry Christmas
dear santa
U and the reindeers and the elves plus mrs claus must be ,working very hard each year!
But how do u get into houses that don’t have chimneys ?
I hope u have a wonderful christmas with ur family and the elves merry christmas! love from jessica
Santa I LOVE your Christmas blog it sounds very good and nice and you are the best jolly friend .
im so glad you put this blog up now i can talk to santa when ever i want!!
please give mrs. bailey a great bday
Hey Santa!!!!Hope u have a great Xmas!!
i think You should talk about your raindeer
i want a few games and a supricse please
i want madagascar 3 europes most wanted for xbox360 professor layton 5 for 3ds 3ds charger new super mario bros 2 and 3ds
we are moving our elf, because he got stuck, so please do not send dad coal he has been good!!
i want a guitar strap an guitar amp i want Tawnie as my girlfriend please
Dear Santa all I want for chismas is everyone to be happy
hi santa can i have a gift card to barnes and noble in my stocking please. i love to read! cool blog
I think your blog is great. The elves did a great job. Tell then that. OK?
My little brother and David lee dottson said they are going to kell there self’s what should I do my brother is blameing me for it
Merry Christmas Kari,
I’m Santa’s Head Elf (I take care of his blog and his cookie supply). I’m really glad you wrote!
I am glad you told me about your little brother and his friend. This is not something to say, even as a joke.
The best thing the elves can do to help you is to suggest that you talk to your family and friends about this – seriously & RIGHT NOW!. Now I know sometimes you just can’t talk to family and friends about everything that’s going on in your life. If that ever happens to you, even if its right now, then I *REALLY* want you to pick up the phone and call the great people at one of the phone numbers on this page: Help hotlines.
Another thing you can do is just show an adult this message.
All the very best this Christmas,
Santa’s Head Elf
Hi Santa! Can I please have an i-pad for Christmas?I have never seen what its like to have an i-pad before!
i hope you are doing well i want a bunch of nerf stuff
Hey Santa!!Hope u r having a great day!!
Hi Santa!Can I please have a bb gun so me and my dad can go have fun.
Hey Santa!!!Hope u r doing great!!May I please have a $50 itunes gift card in my stocking??
Santa I would LOVE to hear about Mrs.Claus like what is her first name and why did you marry her and just all about her!!
i think u sould write about if we can have a elf
branden micah sa fleck 2:00 3
beach ball 42
santa 12:00
dad:) ro:(
I LOVE CHRISTMAS!! Because Jesus was born.
I would like for Christmas is a itunes gift card for 75dollars. Love Zoe Mendonis
Hi Santa,
Its me Zoe THank you for the Elv on the self she is so cute.
i want a ipod with camera for christmas
how do you get around the world in 1 day
I would like a pink iPod touch for Christmas
saanta for christmas i want a tablet or a ipod,and a new bike,and a lot of friends and,fix my moms thing on her neck
Wich is your favourite christmas story?
Wich is your favourite christmas song?
how many countrys do you have to go to deleiver the presents?
when do you get home after you have the big job?
wich christmas cookie is your favourite?
how many elfs work in your magical toy factory?
Is ther any body who sits beside you and helps deliver all the presents?
Thes are all the things I’d like to know!
Thank you!
Hi Santa how are the elves
I’m good and I’m really 22 years old my next birthday is in 2 months and I’m going to be 23 years old next year and I can’t wait for christmas this year next month Santa thank you. ^_^
I know this might be a little off topic but can you get me a white ipod for christmas?
I would love to heard about how much you love Christmas.
What is your favorite Christmas song?
You should write about the Olympics. That would be cool to hear about.
dear santa there is only 32 more days until christmas!!!
dear santa i been very good this year.
Deer Santa Clause I would like to ask you about are you going to be santa forever and that what age are you?Thank you so so much for everything Love Csepke!
I would like to hear who’s next in line to be Santa too……
Hi Santa
I would like it if you talked about the reindeer the elves. Mrs.Claus. and you of course!!! And keep posting on your blog!:)
How are you Santa?You rock i hope you are doing good!
Love ,Kaylynn
hi santa i love so much write this hohoho im santa i will bring you toys all the time for christmas i love all the kids by by now
i love you sooo much .you are the best in the whole wide world . i love your elves,reindeer and of course you and mrs clase
Hi Santa!!!I really really really want to meet some of your elves and meet some of your reindeer like:Rudolph,Dasher,Dancer,Prancer and well, all the rest.The elf I really really wanna see is of corse my elf,Elfrey!
I want to see what the elves were doing.
dear santa,i hope im on the nice list im so exided for christmas
Santa did you send some elves to Wellsville Ohio last night?Because me and Abbey saw a glowing dot and in the center it looked like elf hats and on the sides it looked like Rudolph’s nose and antlers and we kept hearing bells.
hey santa, how can i get a 4 yr old to mind and listen,cuz she isn’t listening to anyone at all and she really wants dream lites for christmas but the way she is acting up and the less she’ll get her christmas present from you.
Dear Santa,
I really have been trying to thank you and the elves fro everything that you have given me in the past. I have really enjoyed them. I think it was you and the elves that gave me my favorite doll last year. I love that doll and i thank everyone for it. I named her Elizabeth and she says thank you for giving her w wonderful family.
Dear Santa,
Our class is writing you letters. We hope that you will have a great Christmas season. We love you. Most of the class has been good. Some kids have buzzed their bees. But they stayed in at recess to think about it. What are the reindeer up to? We hope that you are not sick on Christmas. We hope the reindeer are all well
Love to everyone at the North Pole
Merry Christmas!
I know Santa is looking forward to your letters! If you send them to him at emailSanta.com I know he’ll reply fast as reindeer fly! Make sure you each send him a letter so he can reply personally.
He says he’s been watching you on his webcam too. Have you been watching him on his webcam?
Merry Christmas!
Santa’s Techno Elf
Dear :Santa
Hi I have been a good little girl for you always has been you are the the best Santa ever your the only Santa hey I want a puppy for Christmas and a bunny And you are awesome I hope you read this hope. Your sleigh will.working this year oh and I almost forgot have a happy new year and. I will be a good little girl and leave healthy cookies for you and healthy milk ok
From Emily
i love you santa and i hope you have the best christmas ever
Hi Santa I going to make healthy cookies and put healthy milk into my glass cup I know you are real
vote. For. Rudolph. Because. You. Can. See. His. Red. Nose. When. He. Comes. To. Your. House
i wanted to say thank you for all the stuth you gave us
Just keep checking in with all of your loved ones. I fell in love with this site last year. I can only imagine the excitement kids will see when their parents help them to email you and then see the letter back. Amazing job!
santa i love wab cam i go on it it every day i love see ya you are so funny you make me laft till i laft no more u are the best thanks santa u best frined mary
i think your blog is a special way to get in touch with u about christmas ideas me and my brother want different things i want a phone tetherball chase to love me my brother wants a gf a gokart or a 3ds maybe can u get me and him many things can u get them for us plz love kerstin and andrew
Hi Santa! I hope christmas is a good one this year! It never really snows on christmas day so I was wondering if you could do some magic and make it snow?
you sent me a messege on emeil santa i just want to say that i hope yo have a nice journey going around world it must be hard work. i hope you come to my house on cristmas day.
Dear Santa Claus, i know i have been very very good this year because i have been turning in every assignment and i have been finishing every assignment for school. also I’m doing a very good favor for my school. I have been selling popcorn for the fundraiser my school is having. SANTA I JUST WANT YOU TO KNOW YOUR THE BEST! 🙂 😀 And if you can comment on your own blog then i want you to answer this quistion… what are the reindeers and eleves doing right now???????? XOXOX XXXXXXX LOVE YOUR FRIEND, ASHTYN ! 🙂 😀 P.S you know what i want for Chistmas right????? P.P.S ARE YOU AND THE EASTER BUNNY FRIENDS?? ? 🙂 😀 P.P.S.S PLEASE EMAILO ME BACK!! 🙂 😀 OK NOW IM DONE!!! LOVE YOU!!! 🙂 🙂 😀 😀
Dear Santa,
Hello! I think you are amazing since you bring magic to just about the whole world! I love the way you display my gifts on my living room table each year. You buy all this stuff even when I act so mean :(. But I try! Fill my parents stockings up with fruits and movies and chocolates just like you usually do, and give my sister at least one of the dolls she wanted. Weather you do come or tell my parents what I want, you do a miracle for kids world wide. My wish this year is to help the suffering of families on the East Coast. God bless! -Skylar, age 11
Hello Santa! My little sister and I still believe in you as much as I did when I was ten, last year, and my sis was three. I asked for some spendy things, (cause I’m mean *wink*) and my sister asked for all sorts of dolls. My main question for you might be hard to answer. How do you get in through electric fire places? Mines a tight fit! Anyway, good luck making an iPhone 5! I don’t deserve it, but give my family everything they wanted! -me
dear i wrote you a letter and you told me to come to your blog.i also have a blog oh ya i almose for got tell wendle ill see him soon!
p.s tell my little elf that he better be behaving him self! hahaha hahahaha!
Hello santa so on my letter to you when you replied you told me to go on your blog so here i am now
hey i know i have mumbled bad words and been bad but i asked god for forgivness and he forgave me also my daddy wants chocolate 4 christmas,
love,emileigh white
xoxoxoxox<3:)ho!!! ho!!! ho!!!
hey santa your the best thanks for everything
Dear Santa,
I can not believe Christmas is just around the corner. Well everyone does say right after Halloween the year fly’s by. I am super excited because i love Christmas. . I really would like to know what the elves are doing. Last year when i emailed you they were stuck in the wrapping paper machine? Funny Times, maybe for me not for you because you might be the one who has to get them all out!I love how you the elves,Mrs. Clause and the reindeer work hard all year long to prepare for a few special nights around the world for kids and parents!
P.S. What are the elves doing?
hi Santa I love u soooo much. When we were living in Portlaose i heard u up on the roof
Hi Santa, can my mum have flowers, a ring. Can my dad have blue Vans and chocolate. My mum and dad love you very much. They hope you have a very happy Christmas Day with Mrs Santa Claus. And can Aunty Cath and Buckie have a special picnic day with me and all my family. Buckie wants a T Shirt, pants and new shoes. Aunty Pete and Janine I think they would really like a little suit for Harrison, my baby cousin. The new little girl baby would like dress, hat and shoes… she is my cousin. Do you know where they all live or do you need me to tell you?. Thats all for today… I love you Santa and I cleaned my room in the morning. It is Courtney who just sent the email about what I wanted. Merry Christmas Santa. xxoo
I want to what the Christmas blog is mainly a bout and i want to know if Santa or his elfs are envolved?
santa i love you and you will always be in my heart!<3
Hi Santa i love reading your blog because it makes my brain concentrate when i’m reading. I hope the reindeers are healthy and ready for flying on christmas eve. I love christmas with the pretty tinsel , sparkly lights , christmas songs and charity for ill children with the christmas music vans around in my street. I’ve been to a christmas grotto when i was younger and i enjoyed it. i love you santa i hope the elves are busy!! Love From Aleasha Aged 21
can u please put magic dust on matthew please he is really naughty
hey santa
is your elves your kids?
or are they normal people
when i am older can i be an elf but how?
Hi Santa! How is everything? Hope it’s all good. I will talk to you later! xoxo 🙂 Have a great day!
hi santa you are the best in the world
hi my little cusen is being bad can you put him on the nottey list his name is david
hiya santa ive found your blog you are amazing santa i cant wait for christmas i am leaving mince pies hot chocolate and carrots for the reindeers i love you santa you are realy the best !! xxxxx
your the best i have two sisters that believe in you
AWESOME!!!! Looks like I found your blog SANTA
my dad died the day after christmas could you make a locket with a picture in it i love christmas when I wake up on christmas day I jump on my mom bed and say get up santa was here:)
I love xmas soooooooooooooo much I hope you are fed perfectly at my house santa I really like xmas I cant wait until xmas eve I will come back on for xmas eve until then Merry Xmas Bye
Yours sincerly
Anna xxx
Santa you are so awesome, i think it is super magical/crazy that you deliver presents all over the world in just 24 hours!!!!
Dear Santa Claus
I am being nice at school and at home you are a great person to me
are you going to give me what i want promse
Dear Santa this is such a wonderfull blog I wish i can be as magical as you
Hey Santa! Just thought I’d say hi, cos you know, your santa:3
ANYWAY for christmas, I’d really like food!:3
Thanks Santa, your amazing I LOVE YOU!!!:-D
hey santa it is a weird thought of you watchng me everywhere I go because some people do bad things and they think that you cant see them or that you are not real but I know the truth and I know that you are real. well this is long enough! bue bye!!!!
I want a i-pad for christmas.After you get this mesegge can you tell MRS.CLOUS to write back to me too.Thank you santa.I love you.YOU ARE THE BEST!!
I think you should talk about how much cookies you get and what it’s like to deliver presents all night and travel to diffirent places.
What I think you should talk about is what the kids sended you and thank them for what they sent you.I also think you could say the stuff you want them to leave out for snacks for you.It would be really fun if you could have one of the raindeer or the elfs to talk about stuff they want for christmas.
one thing you could talk about is all the types of goodies, like cookies that you like, have tried, and the goodies that are made up at the north pole. then you can ask what everyone’s favorite treat or cookie is!
I like santa and im going to track him on christmas eve
I like santa and i want a ipad please
hello Santa,
i love you and your elves have a very merry
love ellie
cool! i only went on this last year!
cantwait to hear about the stuff! 🙂
Hi santa I can not wait till christmas.
I do not mined what you give me beacas you are my favirit magic person.I will alwase bealeev in you.Tell mrs claus that she is buteyfull.Tell the elfs the elfs they are doing a great job.And most of all you are very hansom.love Emily oxoxoxox oxxxoxoxo
yay its nearly christmas again!!!
Dear Santa
you are the best!I think you are amazing and i look up to you so does many kids. 🙂
Dear Santa
I wrote a song about u i hope you like this Santa u are the best and I love you because you give kids toys at this happy time of year . That why I s
Spoke to you
Love Sophie
toys and stuff
cookies and nice christmas treats
your reindeer
hey santa your awsame i love you im only young im 8 i plz what moshi monster figurs
Maybe you should write about what’s going on in the workshop some days, and what’s going on with Clumsy other days. I LOVE YOU SANTA DON’T PUT ME ON THE NAUGHTY LIST PLEEEEEAAASE
I love you santa.And that is why I won’t let you down
Hi Santa Claus!I’m called Lauren Hannah
Gillard!I have emailed you once or twice.
Did you know its fifteen days till my
birthday.I’m having a birthday party at
Green Way Hall.I am inviting twenty three
peple.I have been looking up party games for my birthdat party.I have found one
page and a half.My birth is a month before christmas so it is exciting.I will
see you at christmas.Bye!Love LaurenXXXXX
Hello I will want a secret diary a big teddy and a surprise…I told u in email Santa xxxxxxx
if rudolph has hic cups again give
him peaunt butter cup cookies
that way he wont hic cup did you wave at me whih youcamra just now
This is my christmas list- -New Phone (Doesn’t need to be an IPhone- just a NEW one! -Hair Straightener -MONEY TO BUY CLOTHES AND STUFF!!! …
How about how did you and mrs.claus meet???
hi Santa i love having Christmas its a fun time on Christmas eve i get to open one pasent
hi santa love u are my etel i am tilling u if u see a girl atthe north pole it is meeee.
please can i get a kitten
and a mgp please thanks
Hi Santa You are great. I can’t wait till Christmas.
Hey santa I love christmas only 56 Days left i think. Well anyway i hope you are having a great time in the north pole.
i so want a mini laptop
i so want a ipod
Hi,it is me!Elizabeth.So remember me sending you a letter and you telling me about your santa claus cristmas blog! well I have to itment it is pretty awsome!Oh yah I just can not wait until christmas!And I will ask my mom if she can make a little plait mat for the cookies and milk!So I was wondering how is clumsy doing?
hi santa i found your blog that you talked me to find it’s on Emailsanta.com i wish for you get a phone i love you all merry christmas p.s i love you from celina goff
santa i love u! i am very wowed by how u get around every house in 1 night! well done x
have you heard about lego batman 2 it is so cool
Father Christmas…it is nice to see you back. Look forward to reading your comments this year
Happy to see that the blog is back! Can’t wait to see what’s been going on at the North Pole!
Well hello there! merry Christmas how u being? It is so oh good to talk to you again! Its been along time i cant still figure out how u cross my mine. Well have a merry and blessed Christmas!!
have you ever made a touchdown i have it is hard right how did you grow your beard
santa ive been waiting all year for you two upload im so happy you have:’)
Santa what are some of your elvs names
P.s I love you