We have exciting news! It is about the little reindeer! (You did know a little baby reindeer was coming, right?)
Would you like to hear the news about baby reindeer names and more?
Well, I should start by saying something. We are still waiting for the baby reindeer to be born. But, it is coming soon! I promise! Won’t he (or she!) be excited with their new little baby reindeer name?
We have more good news! Mommy reindeer is doing very well.
I put my hand on Mommy reindeer’s tummy. Then I felt the little reindeer kick! And then I felt the little reindeer kick some more! It felt like the little reindeer was running. Ho Ho Ho! It felt like the little reindeer wanted to fly! It felt like the little reindeer was saying “I want to pull Santa Claus’ sleigh!”. What a rascal! The little reindeer is full of surprises!
Little Reindeer Noises
And, we have a special surprise for you! Click on the link “little reindeer sounds” to hear the surprise.
How many sounds do you hear? Can you guess what the sounds are? You can leave a message for me with your guess. Or, scroll down to see what other kids have said.
Mommy and Daddy reindeer say they have a few more surprises. I can not wait to hear about the other surprises. This is like waiting to open presents Christmas morning!
I will write about the other surprises as soon as the Mommy and Daddy reindeer let me.
Baby Reindeer Names
By the way, the reindeer LOVE all the names you have given us! There are so many great names to choose from. They have not seen a single name they did not like!
Well, they were not too sure about Clumsy the Elf’s idea. After all, there are better names than “Clumsy the Reindeer!” 🙂
Do you have more names for the little reindeer? You can still leave the Mommy and Daddy reindeer a message! We want to hear all the great reindeer names you can think of!
Merry Christmas!
Santa Claus
P.S. Can you guess what the little reindeer sounds are? You can leave a message for me with your guess. Or, scroll down to see what other kids have said.

A right jolly old elf, in spite of myself. I love Christmas, children, the North Pole, Mrs. Claus, elves, reindeer, snowmen & the list goes on!
My title is CEO: Christmas Elf Online.
Merry Christmas!
Merry Christmas Santa
I hope you have the best Christmas
Richard the reindeer -Dad
Rose the reindeer – Mum
Rolly the reindeer -baby
does are bad names but reiss she is so much better then yall
that sounds like a dog when you here the baby raindeer is the little raindeer a boy are a girl if it is a boy i would like it to named to be rain if it is a girl i would like the name to be sprikel peals text me back
i think the baby reindeer is sleeping and making baby snores and its very cute and i have a name for the baby reindeer and i think it should be named snowfall
I think it is a the reindeers heartbeat. At least could you tell me when the due date is of the littlr baby reindeer iI just can’t wait to here about it. Would you please tell us and update us if it is a girl of a boy and when the due date is.
If it is a boy could you please call him Chander.
if its a boy call it Tex if its a girl maybe Brenda or Lady. Biscuit works for a boy or girl.
I looked up boy candy names. How about Smartie it’s a candy and you can hope the reindeer is going to turn out smart Santa.
if it is a girl could you call it glitter and if it is a boy could you call it simba
my guess is that the noise is the little reindeer’s heart is pumping
I like Lorelai’s idea for if it’s a girl. However, Jingles might be a better boy name or maybe a candy name, but I still got to think about that.
The noises have to be the breathing of the momma and the heartbeats of the baby in her stomach. Do you also have a operation place, because I hear hospital machines.
Remember what I wrote sprout if a boy candy if a girl i hope I find my water bottle