Every weekend before Christmas a different group of elves puts on a big parade. It is a lot of fun. After all, everyone at the North Pole loves a parade!
Tonight, the elves that make the Christmas decorations and ornaments put on their big parade. I think their parade is the prettiest. Would you like to hear more about their parade?
Well, first, the elves that make the Christmas lights put up strings of flashing lights along the parade route. It really looks Christmassy! It is very bright too! The elves putting up the Christmas lights have to wear sunglasses!
Then the parade starts with the dancing Christmas trees. They are decorated so nicely! Some have tinsel. Some have Christmas balls and some are covered in ribbons. There are even some covered in stuffed toys! The elves push the trees around on little carts to make them dance.
There are many fancy floats too. One float is covered in Christmas wreaths. All of a sudden, a whole bunch of elves pop their heads out of the wreaths and shout “Merry Christmas!” Everyone laughs and shouts “Merry Christmas!” back to them.
One silly float has a big house on it with lots of lights. But the lights keep burning out! Isn’t that silly? Clumsy the Elf keeps running around with a ladder changing the light bulbs. Of course, you never know what will happen when Clumsy climbs a ladder!
More Christmas Ornaments On Parade!
There are also great big Santa balloons, reindeer balloons and snow globes. They are so big the elves holding them keep floating up in the air. Then another elf will grab their leg. That brings them back down so they do not float away. Can you imagine floating elves?
Elves also dress up in big Christmas bows and dance to Christmas music in the parade. Other elves are in present boxes. It is funny because they cannot see where they are going! They keep bumping into each other. They are such silly elves.
Some elves in the parade walk around with mistletoe. Do you know what you are supposed to do if someone holds mistletoe over your head? Well that is what these elves do! (I think Mrs. Claus likes this part the best. 😊)
The parade always ends with the “running of the reindeer”. Well, that is what we call it anyway. The reindeer tie piñatas to their antlers. The elves have special soft foamy bats. The elves try to break the piñatas to get all the goodies inside. But every year the reindeer are too fast (or maybe the elves legs are too short)?! I heard that next year some elves are going to wear roller skates!
Merry Christmas!
Santa Claus
P.S. What other things do you think there are in the Christmas Decorations Christmas Parade? What do you think would be the funniest part? (You can leave me a message here. Or, scroll down to see what others have written!)

A right jolly old elf, in spite of myself. I love Christmas, children, the North Pole, Mrs. Claus, elves, reindeer, snowmen & the list goes on!
My title is CEO: Christmas Elf Online.
Merry Christmas!
Was there one year when u didn’t 🙁 like the Christmas parade?
Santa, you r so busy every year and I want to thank you 4 for every thing you do! I wish u a happy holiday! (p.s could u sneak me a ride to the north pole on Christmas eve? Thanks) xoxo. Erin 🙂
that is so funny, i wish ilived in the north pole i am so glad there is such thing as christmas cause family gets together and friends and evern you get presents sorry this isnt really what the messege was supposed to be about but oh well
Merry Christmas
Love megan
How Long More Is It Going to For Christmas Day?
santa you are asome i love you because you give a lot of gifts to everyone and thats is really really nice of you thats what i like about and you are really nice so as mrs claus bye santa
hey, how is it in the north pole this year???
hi santa do you like eny thing that peple leath for you
that is so cool mr.claus i am sad because my big bro will not let me in to play with him
Hi Santa,My name is Megan and i am 11 i hope you remeber me from our letter. I hope you have a great christmas, and have allot of fun. Remeber when you come to Australia you wear you singlet shorts and thongs maybe we can go to the beach (WINK). Remeber to have a great christmas, also i was wandering do u have a small house to sleep in and then nextdoor u have a massive wrokshop and stables for the Reindeer?
Any way Have a good Christmas LOVE to hear from you soon
Lots of Love Megan Robinson
xoxoxoxoxoxo xoxoxoxoxox oxoxoxoxo
Hey Santa,
How are you? I wanted to know what your favorite cookies might be? I also want to know if the reindear like the food we make them every year?
santa i wish that i could see you how is my cousin is she nuaghty or nice her name is anapaola
merry christmas to all and to all a goodnight
santa how do you have all those evl plese write me a not back bye
hey santa did just send you something while a go i do not remember did i
Hi, Santa the parade sounds awesome! In Winnipeg at the Assiniboine park in the conservatory there are tree loaded with decorations probably just like the the parade see you soon?
hi i’m on your blog i hope your on to
hello againg santa you made me chuckel a little bit when you wrote back thanks againg from charley bye ill wrtie on christmas eve see ya
santa i can’t wait untill christmas comes this year i always love your
presents since i rember my last christmas presents i always liked my presents i haved never dislike your presents
i love christmas becuos it’s cool love arianna.
Hey Sant Love u and i think u guys should come down to gig harbor and i could help u set up
Ho Santa when is the parade sounds like alot of fun!
how old are you i think like about 48 or something
dear santa: wath i want for crims is xbox live call of duty black ops wiplash fishing pole 3 more battre pack the new tack haed set
hi santa it’s chanel agian.so santa how many cookies has mrs.claus gave you 2 or 1.and santa can you tell rudolph and your other reindeer to that i sed hi and i can’t forget mrs.claus to.and santa has mrs.claus sewed your botton on yet i hope so.i have to run and play whith my brother.and tell your elves i sed hi.
That sounds like so much fun! I wish I could do that. Man, I think I’m going to write a letter to my city’s mayor! Santa, you should feel great you have INSPIRED me!
hmmm… we just had a dumb parade in my town where one of your stunt doubles lit up the firehouse… half of the lights didn’t light up… I laughed so hard I almost cried >:)
Santa Claus this is such an awesome thing. Can you make my town do that?
L: lots
O: of
L: love
when i was litle i had a tree in my room and when u came on christmas eve night you wrote me a letter and thank you that i apperciated alot!!:)
Santa I can’t wait to see you I love all the presents you brought me last year and I hope I get all the presents I want this year too!!
that was a nice letter that you wrote to me thanks for writing back thats nice of you
It is snowing right now in Marietta. My brothers and I hope it stays snowing so we can play in the snow!
Hello santa i think christmas is a great time of year not just because of presents but spending time with friends and family and the joy of giving and seeing their response and how excited they are when they open it
My elve on the shelf Jolie Elvie is so funny today he hid next to my mom’s big calender. i wonder where he will hide next.
With hugs & kisses,
I wish I could be in the North Pole with you!!!
this xmas blog is an awesome i love the reindeer
My favorite part would be Clumsy the Elf turning the Christmas lights off and on.
Hey Santa!!I listened to you and came to your blog and it’s very cool!!And i can’t believe there is only 13 more sleeps until Christmas!!Well bye for now!!! 🙂 😛
santa ilove youloads and christmas is my favourite time of year remembering jesus and all the presentts it makes it that bit more magical dont you think. i do hope mum is willing to get me some presents this year. i would be very disjointness if not
I think there should be Christmas lights on Clumsy (Could someone unwrap him again)?
I think the funniest part is when the elves try to break the pinatas on the reindeer’s antlers! LOL!
that’s cool i wish my town did that.
hey santa remember you told me to visit your christmas blog. Well ive done it and it is very intresting i think, christmas is the best time of the year. what kind of cookies do you want this year.Do you want chocolate chip your favourite tell rudolf and the elf,s i was asking for them love reece.
I love it all it is pritey i love the pitchers that you have how meny do you have in all?
All the elves should get on one big float and dance to the macarana, so everyone can watch and laugh:)
I want to go watch the Parade! Do you like spam instead of cookie? I love you santa
Dear Santa,
I was wandering if I am the only Iziah spelled I-Z-I-A-H just wandering?Oh & how many Iziah’s are in the world?Thanks!
i miss you santa i cant whate for you to come this year. but one thing i want this year is.It to snow on chirstmas evenight as well my dad.my little brouth seay hi to you and mrs clause and he miss you so much
Tell the elves that I said to have a great time and be careful. I bet it will be pretty fun. thanks – Liah 😀
I think that is great I wish I could have one of those
I think your Blog is really good Santa!!!
i love the north pole and i think your blog is great
hi santa claus its neil remember you said you wanted me to visit your blog
ps. can you please try to get me my roller blades and the blade cx3 is a remote control helicoptor
I like the part whan the elves thay try to hit the pinata on top of the reindeer antlers. hehehehehe that made me laght
why do you have to be at the north pole and not in little neck.
Maybe like get a huge tree and some of the elfs can like get hung up that would be silly I think
hi santa could u please send me another elf on the shelf that is a girl and that i can touch u r the best person in the whole world do u live up inthe sky
ive been on eamail santa and santa is really nice and the elves of couse
hi Santa! I just wanted to say wow that’s cool that you put on a parade every year! also wish me luck on my basketball game!!
I think that another decoration that may be at the elves christmas decoration parade would be a baball made out of plastic
Hello Santa!
Wow! The Christmas Parade sounds like so much fun! I wish we had one back where I come from. All the silly elves sound so funny and happy, like it’s Christmas all the time 🙂 The reindeer must be very fast, but surely they would fly away if the elves got too close? Maybe the elves could use jet packs to keep up with the reindeer next year, that would be cool 🙂 Merry Christmas!
it would be awsome to see elves flying around, i would love to fly!
Merry christmas (only 12 days to christmas eve!) 🙂 😀 🙂 😀
-Bethany| 😀 |
hello santa we have put our christmas decorations up on the 1st of december it really exciting.
hi santa i would like to hear more and i think this blog thing your doing is really cool and im excited that im going to see you so soon wm getting prepared for the coming of jesus.
c ya later bye!