HHHOL! It’s beginning to smell a lot like Christmas! So, MERRY CHRISTMAS my friends!
I am so glad you found my Santa Claus Christmas blog! My name is, well, Santa Claus. Maybe you’ve heard of me? I am a big, jolly guy. And, I live in a mystical, magical place full of elves, reindeer, snowmen, and of course, Mrs. Claus!
Yes, I have been on the Internet for a very long time. I have been reading your emails for a long time. I have been watching my Christmas web cams seeing who is naughty or nice for a long time. HHHOL! I guess I have just been around for a very, VERY, long time! And now I can say I have been writing my Christmas Blog for a long time too! So, welcome to “The Santa Claus Christmas Blog”.
I hope you have fun reading about me, Santa Claus, and all my friends and family at the North Pole. I am looking forward to sharing some of my special secrets with you. (You promise not to tell anyone, right?).
Funny Stories on the Santa Claus Christmas Blog
I have lots of silly and funny stories to share with you on the Santa Claus Christmas Blog. After all, I have been around for a long time. I have had lots of silly, funny adventures!
I’m really excited about something new on my emailSanta.com website too. The elves set up a North Pole webcam so YOU can watch ME now! I hope you’ll check it out.
You could also say I know a bit about Christmas and the Christmas Spirit. The Christmas Spirit is a wonderful thing. More than anything, my hope and wish is that my blog will fill you with the magic, love and wonder of the Christmas Spirit. That is one of the best presents I could ever deliver, even if it was only in a Yule blog!
Merry Christmas!
Santa Claus
P.S. Are you getting excited about Christmas? You can click here to tell me how excited you are about Christmas. Or, scroll down to see what others’ have written!
P.P.S. If you would like to send a letter or your wish list to me, make sure you use email Santa so I can send a letter back to you!

A right jolly old elf, in spite of myself. I love Christmas, children, the North Pole, Mrs. Claus, elves, reindeer, snowmen & the list goes on!
My title is CEO: Christmas Elf Online.
Merry Christmas!
Hi my name is Rachel I am so happy I can’t not want to see my family soon
We are going out with my staff and my family I will be so happy to see my family
To want Claus my family is come down to Florida to see me soon
I go to the red apple school it lots of fun the bat man came to red apple school
I like my group home they take care of me
I want t.v for Christmas I am so happy to talking on the phone
I get a new daybed with my money
Am I on the nice list ok Santa cep that a small secret
iwath the magical power santa clausbook
First of all merry merry Christmas and wish you a very happy new year to you santa claus it’s the holiday season to all of us it’s the time of family coming together sharing the happiness and making a big celebration feast for every person in family I really really wish that I meet you in your home town for christmas celebration next time love you santa claus
Hey Santa hope you can get this letter tonight I know you are very busy but me to but I Had time to talk to you I am excited about Christmas because I think that it is soooo cool that I get to host Christmas AND one big thing about my family that I live with is that the day before Christmas the Christmas tree is empty but the next morning the living room is full of stuf it is amazing and crazy cool but it would be cool if I got to ask you how you feel about Christmas so I was going to ask you no I really shouldn’t you know what I will anyway Santa I was going to ask you what is your number AND what are your parents name merry Christmas to you
Christmas is amazing and brilliant holiday everyone loves it . Without you santa , christmas will never be here again xx
some people DO’NT believe in you what do think about that what do you say?
Dear santa from Bobby cobill I am so excited for Christmas
I’m very excited for Christmas santa from tori
Hi Santa Claus I think u will giveme my wish on 25-12-2019 u promise me ….
Root. Beer. Pop
3ds. Games. mn55079. Nice. List. On. Paul. Puppy. Girls. Gift. Life. Size. House. Ok. Find my. House. Santaclaus.
I am about to jump out of my skin with only 5 more sleeps till Christmas!
On a 5 star rating I would be over 5 so maybe 10 out of 10!
I am a 100% excited for Christmas for two reasons. 1:To get the presents and 2:for the birth of Jesus.
Santa please help me this Christmas seeing I have no home to spend Christmas with could you please make my wish come true I’d like a laptop ereader and money as well love you Santa clause merry Christmas to you
Santa im excited for Christmas because i love Christmas all i want this Christmas is Lynyrd Skynyrd concert tonight for Pennsylvania next April the shows in also i would like a Eletric Guitar and Supercross the official video game for Xbox1 that’s my Christmas wish list for this Christmas from your friends Patrick
Thunder. Tumbler. 3ds games. Puppy. Girls. Names. Santa. 5970. Stacy.
Its EmilyLewis I’m very exited for Christmas 1month away
So I’ve been having fun playing today.I hope my Christmas wishes come true about Toys and shiny shoes too.Well all be having fun playing in the snow so come and join us its soo much fun.Xxx
hi Santa remember me maria Guadalupe Zaragoza have you seen my emails that i been to you love maria
hi santa my name is samuel i have a new baby niece and it will be her first christmas this year she will be 6weeks old on christmas day so please could you leave her something really nice. im 12 years old and i am really excited that you are going to be coming real soon please write back;
samuel from ripley united kingdom
Hi man
good luck with making and wrapping the presants dudeoo ! Hardwork init.
How many presents to go millions i guess?
happy christmas santa!
FROM you best writer
For christmas(even though i am a girl)can you please get me a WWE seth rollins action figure?That’s all I really want because I know you can’t get me everything.And more boys and girls need toys too if they were good,then they deserve it.XOXO LOVE YA.
santa i cant whait to see what you,and my family broght me and put under the tree. santa please please tell me your adriss and phone # plaease.:'( 🙂 🙂 😛 😀 😛 😀 🙂 :'( 🙂 😛 🙂 ;D ;* :* tehe bye for now 😉
tehe santa did you know that i am your bigest fan ever.you are my hero because you send presants all around the world and you are relly nice and i relly hope i see you this chrismas and i hope you can leave me pichures of you so my brother will believe in you.oh yea santa do you know what i want for chrismas and do you know where i live?did you want to know why my mom put the tree so close to my room?well i dont know for sure but i think it is for me to here you say what would katherine like and if you bump the wall by acodent i can hear you tehe.well i got to find some carrots to make sure tyler my brother didnt eat all themso i have enough about 24 small carrots and if not well i gess i will give them some cookies and water and you some cookies and milk with some chocolate kisses too.
🙂 see you soon 😉
i am so happy for christmas because i can get me toys and you can eat your cookies
I cant wait its onlie 77 more sleeps till christmas.
hey you now how exciting i am i tryed to find my phone and try to call you who is the bad boy on my street i love you more tan anthing
I can’t wat am I on the good list and can I get a doll
Hiya santa,
i’m really looking forward to christmas!!
i really cant wait i just love christmas!x
and i’m so grateful of what you get me every year eve if i dont show it i really do LOVE christmas and i love you santa!xxxxxxx
Love you lots and lots like jellytots! xxxx
from deanna xx
i love your blog it is very funny i love it more than my toy bunny
I Love you
Hi Santa,Its is Sophie Paige Mallek.I live in Casa Grande,AZ (Arizona)I am your #1 fan.I love you so much!I would like to go on a sleigh ride with you santa and to be an elf.I would like to have a turtle and its supplize.If i get to be an elf i could watch them and you could give me a phone that only calls you and then I could tell you if they have been naughty or nice.As soon as one of santa’s elf’s gets this message give it to santa as soon as possible.Love,Sophie Paige Mallek xoxoxo
i love u so much and do u know my anty laura because she got u to write a letter to me and my sister rachel
Dear santa hey what you doing you must be so busy making toys for the little chrilden miss you.
p.s can i have the biggest the bestest pressy in the world.
hay santa what u doing you must be so busy making toys for the chrilden
hey again! do you know how i said my brother and sister are here? (you problay don’t) but anyway i’m happy because they gone to camp yay!!! a whole day without them just me mum and dad g2g sally my friend is annoying me
hey it’s me again i’m into bratz and barbies and earrings DEFINTLEY EARRINGS!!! sorry about that i’m just so excited about 2 months away caude on may the forth g2g gotta to go!!
my christmas was awesome it was a mix up aswell i have one sister her name is savarnah and a brother named ben they are both 12 years old but turning 13 this year and i am 9 years old and turning 10 this year
santa its me rashi you told me to log on santa claus christmas blog
santa i an so esiter about cristmas but i want a bike 🙂 🙁 :/
i hope you have a safe trip and is Rudolph coming with you?bye bye santa claus from jade
thank you
um you now it is christmas eve today so i am very excited and well i will leave you some awesome treats tonight
im so exiceting my parents said its ok to have a kitty
Dear Santa, How do you feel the two nights be for your big flight? I can’t wait for Christmas day. I wounder what I am getting for Christmas? Daniel
i want justin bieber the popstar to come to my house this christmas
Hi Santa Elton has ben doing a good job helping us be better kids.
I really hope you can bring everyone what they want.
Hello, Santa I was just sending you a email a few minutes ago. I am realyy excited, but i have a problem. 🙁
hey even though im nearly a teenager i still run out early and see what santa has brought me!!
I cant wait for christmas unit you coming to town 🙂
u r the BEST SANTA!
hi santa i cornt wayt till christmas hope you have a merry christmasoxox
Dear santa,i changed my mind!So accually,i do have a present for you!So,the reason i’m so exicted for christmas is,i can’t wait for you to see your christmas present!It’s something you and the elves can play at the northpole.Plus I have something you can collect every year!Hope you like it! Your friend forever,Alexandra and………MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!!@
I love Christmas lots but most of I love you and all the elves and everyone. Please enjoy my mince pies and carrots I will put out on Christmas.
Lots of love Samuel Rees
SANTA!!! I accidently (on my email to you)said i wanted and 18! I meant a unicycle with 18 inch wheels! I can’t believe I made the mistake, and please read this!!! =D
I am so exited about Christmas, I cant wait till you come to my house.
I love you santa I relly want a phone
hi santa claus hope u have a great christmas love u santa i love rudolf
I forgot to let you know that i will be at my grandparents house in Shallowater remember were you left my toys and goodies same place be carefull
we hope that we can email you every day!:)it would be kool if we could give you cookies right now! we would put our awesome email adresses out, but we wouldn’t want some kid from china emailing us!!!+, we wouldn’t even understand what it says! ho! ha! he!
you should give mrs.claus a david yurman braclet.my mommy loves them! Today I baked cookies with my mommy. we are making your cookies on x-mas eve so they are nice and warm and freash! love’ Grace p.s. I wont forget to make your cookies. p.p.s. i would never give you smelly socks!(wink)
i’m dasia who you sent a letter to
remember.i am so happy that you and
me are going to have a good
christmas.oh yeah i forgot i also
want you to have a happy new
year.what is the northpole.for
chritmas can you take me to the
nothpole please.oh sorry i have to
go.so bye and merry christmas.
love dasia
SantaClos,The puppis are real, but they
have to be Chihuaha, Oh I almost forgot
and boys and babies.
Christmas is my favorite holiday because you get presents and santa comes to my house
hello santa i’m so excited i havent been sleeping and i just want to see you
hello santa what is christmas like in the north pole? how do your ranideers fly? how dose your sligh fly? has anyone seen you befor? how dose your magic dust work? dose ruldulphs nose actuly shine a red light?
I love you and can’t for you to come to my house. my sister and brothers are so excited.
hurray yes the santa claus blog is back see ya
Hi santa you told me to check out your blog so i am! My mom is at the docters with my sister cady mock. She is not feeling good so can you wish her the best of luck?
Hi Santa! Merry X-Mas! And I can’t wait 8 more days:)
dear,santa I want a Christmas elf and a reindeer,and that is all.I hope you have a good Christmas.love Ryan
Hey Santa. How are you? I hope good. I just wanted to say hi and my brother William does too. I just wanted to say you are my hero:)
Hi im kylie I wounder what it would be like to be you!!! how is your raindeers,also how are your elfs. I can’t wat 9 more dayshow mant raindeers do you have? is your hat really magic?I love you more then 200 times. I love you/christmas. is it fun to be hi in the sky.
Santa have you ever taken someone to the North Pole because I was asking if you coud take me to the North Pole and when you come to my house wake me up and I was asking if you could take me to the North Pole so I could see the elevs and see you and could you take my family to the North Pole so we could see everything there?
I am so exited about christmas and hope it comes sooner than it is meant to.
im like so mexicited excpecily for the 18 when its my birthday!
accully today it is 9 days away and yah im exited
dear santa, I think that u are always the best! for all the good. & some are bad for just really for them a break so that feel really bad oky bye!
hey its emma agin and I just love your alsome blog about life at the north pole!
Heyy Santa!
Thank you for your reply from my email 🙂
Hope you have a safe flight on christmas eve and give my love the rudolph and the gang. 😉
hay talking to remember me u wer talking to me on email santa cluas .com.So just wanted to say hi and thank u for the email
im so glad the blog is back!!
Were so excited to see santa, alough we wont see him!!!! hard luck ay:-(!!!
We hope santa bring us everything for christmas however im sure their are a lot of childeren that need things..
Thanks so much santa, & miss claus & the raindeers..
we love yas muchlyyyy!!!
I am excited, Santa, now that you reminded me of the Santa Claus Christmas blog.
Hi santa,
I am so excited about christmas
My family will never stop celebrating christmas. Please right back
hi santa i miss you i cant wait to take a picturewith you im glad your santa i love you merry christmas
my dog said hi I can tell by her bark because she was barking at u i think she wants to go around the world liike u shes only a pup shes 2 years old so seya!
dear people pleas check santas safety tip to write a letter pleas dont put your lastname its very dangrouse this is a caution if u dont know what it means then to bad because i dont know eather o well sak your people next to u k?
dear santa I think your story was amazign my bff everte otld me that you like coco instead of milk well better that milk you know chrismas is my grandmas b-day im so exited for chrismas I even wrote a poem
hi santa you are amazing because you can do anything you want to but you do it in a very short amount of time
Hi Santa,
I hope you are feeling good on Christmas eve, and then Christmas day. You have lots of work to do Santa. I am really excited for Christmas. I think I have been good this year.
I’am so excited and so energetic on christmas,I just wanted to start enjoying my christmas days with my parents or with my friends.
santa can you ask you best elf to make me a xbox 360
Hi santa! Once I woke up on Christmas night and I heard slay bells and something walking on the roof, I think it was one of the reindeer!
Hi santa! I REALLY like christmas. I am looking forward to it aswell. I hope you have a lovely christmas aswell1
P/S: I believe in evryone. (You, Mrs Claus, your elves, reindeer and anyone else.)!
Agapimene mou ai vasili, ithela na sou po oti tin tetarti tha pao me to sxoleio mou na tragoudiso stin paramuthoupoli!!!!
Dear Santa,
I love you and mrs claus and the elf. I wonder if you like pop i might leave you some. I have got you a lovely card.
Love from Olivia x
dear santa, i love you and mrs. clause and the elfs. i wonder if you like ch. milk. i am leaving you some. i made you a gift. love cheyenne
i’m so excited for you to see the treats i leave you. i’m not about to say your not real. i know you are! love you santa
My kids are all grown up but we still make cookies every year. I have a 9year niece who I help take care of.So atless I still have one small child to see the light in her eyes christmas morning. I just love all the lights people have up. And how nice people get this time of year just wish they could stay that way.Thank you for all the joy you bring to children old and young.
Dear Santa, I’m ready for Christmas this year are you ? Do you know what I want for Christmas ? I want an Xbox 360, 2K 11 NBA for Xbox 360 NCAA 10 Basketball game, Yorkie Therier dog, Illinois basketball jersey 21 with last name on the back Love, Lane
Merry Christmas Santa you rock! We love you! !!!!
i would like to go to the north pole
I saw you on the Polar Express Movie!!! and one of your elves are watching us at big school!!!
Hi santa . This will be the best christmas ever and i know it
Merry Christmas Santa and Ho Ho Ho to you to I love you Santa
hey santa i cant wait to see u and i love yall up there in the north pole love u santa
my sister rhiannon says hi santa she wants a laptop for xmas i want to be a FAIRY!
santa you are cool and i want for Christmas is a ds
Sounds like poor rudolph has a cold and needs to stay home this year. Poor Guy hood Mrs. Claus can fix him up fast give him so hot spicy soup that will cure anything. A week from christmas can you believe it. I have gotten all my christmas shopping done for my family and still working on my friends presents and today there is a christmas party at the local Arc friendship club I help with wow where has the time gone! Santa will you make sure that next year you will leave me more presents that I will enjoy as I will be 26 years old in September of next year. I have been working on knitting and crocheting as I have finished all my swim team hats for Special Olympics and I am working 15 hours per week that should keep me out of trouble now santa I think you would be surprised how I have been working everyone loves me!
Ashley Rose Johnson
Santa thank you for kind word now i say that you and Ms.Claua and so pretty
sooo happy its almost here i cant even sleep
Thank you Santa. I am sorry if I got a rotten potatoe. I will try to be good this year. Thank you for all the presents that you gave me and yes I am very excited for Christmas. I do want to hear more about Clumsy the ELf.
Love, Jenna
Santa how old are you? I am 9 years old and I will be 10 two days after Christmas.I am in Primary 5 my teacher is the beatful Miss Low.Santa do you have any childen?Are you looking forward to Christmas?Santa when is the best time to put up your Charistmas Tree?
I Love You so much!!!!
I do also mean your elf’s,reindeer’s, snowman’s and Everyone eles!
Hello Santa Clause You Should Know Ive Been A Good Girl Because You Have Just Phoned Me Haven’t You (Wink).Now I Would Like To Wish You,Mrs Clause,The Elf’s,And I Can’t Forget Rudolph Merry Christmas Everyone Have A Really Good Time And I Hope You All Get Things That You Want For Christmas Cos Thanks To Santa And His Elf’s I Have Thank You Santa And Elf’s x
im so exited! i would like it now dont feget i pod.
hi its good i love it then anyone oulse.ho hoho ohohoho ohh ohh ho ho ho hoo ho ho ho ho ho
hay santa i hope u got at least some good thing coming UR way merry christmas
jess from essex
Hi elves at the north pole how is mrs claws doing guess what elves
It snowed in Coventry RI except it stopped after 5 minutes
hi i’ve been nougty so sorry hope you forgive me. hope you have a nice travel to my house.
love heart love heart love heart my sister is could Rebecca
dear santa i like your blog so mutch,it is very intresting blog for childran! i love you so mutch,i have smoll sister,her name is nino,she is 6 old, she to love you so mutch!she is saying:dear santa!i love you so mutch!happy marry christmas to you and happy new year to!i and mziko hope thet you will come in our house and you will give us gifts! i want phone.good_buy dear santa !
the best wishes nino and mziko
Hi Santa
I am 18 years old and I want a ipod touch and horse fleece blanket and clothes. I miss you and Mrs. Claus and reindeer and elves I been really good
i hope you have a merry chistmas santa i believe in you
Hi santa are you coming to Eat breakfeat with santa? Im coming to
i hope i see you on xmas eve love you lots taylor smith hohohohohohoho merrry xmas
Ho Ho Ho hello santa
I hope the elves can make all the toys!
I almost forgot how is Rouldolth?
I hope i get to see you on christmas eve.
Did you no i am really emsited about christmas santa claus and for christmas i would like hello kitty tattoos please thank you
dear santa.YoU SHOULD know who i am its me kyle. I have been counting down the days till christmas icant wait to get some of my gifts i been wanting please let me know if i need to remind you what i want this year goodnite i love you and mrs. claus. P.S. YOU KNOW IVE BEEN A GOOD KID.
You have a very cool blog I like it sosososo much. BYE.
hi am really readdy for christma and i can not wait to be there and open p my presants:)
Hi Santa it is me anthony.I am singing a song about you in L.E.R. I know you were really nice, funny, and joyfull. I hope you can put me on the nice list this year please. Best wishes Anthony.
I love your blog santa merry christmas 16 more sleeps until the big day 15 until your busy night ! 🙂
How you doing you old man in the ice age.
i am really excited every one at the north pole
Santa te quiero mucho, gordito lindo! Feliz Navidad a Todos!! I know you are really busy, but don’t forget about me.I really want to go back home…
hi Santa how are you? I love Christmas!
i will leave you cookies and milk and a little somthing for the raindeer
hi santa me and my family been good how are you and everyone and tel everyone i said i wish them a merry christmas
Santa I want Books and Cloths and Shoes
Dear Santa, in my last letter i forgot to tell you my birthday is on christmas no im not lying
Hi thank you for emailing me back you are such a quick tipper!!
hi santa tell Clumsy that that tuba fits with him.Does a elf come with you on Chistms eve
I love you Santa you are really nice THANK YOU SO MUCH SANTA
I sure would like an Elf on the Shelf.They are cool. Thanks
What is your favorite football team. Mine is Auburn University Tigers.
War Eagle!!! Santa, what football team do you like? My team Auburn Tigers are playing for the National Championship! I sure hope they win! Do you?
Santa, Have you gotten to meet your new Elf, Ernie? He showed up at our house a couple of days ago. He is watching us to be sure we are good and reports to you each night. Please send me a email back.
Hello Santa…
I am so excited about Christmas. I am really hoping I get an Ipod Touch. It seems like it is taking forever…Can you make the days go faster? Thank you Santa!
Thank you for sending me the video and letter. Please send more if you have time.
hi santa is it true rudolph plays xbox? santa you are my hero. i will do anthing for you.
I am so ready for Christmas! I can’t wait for your arrival! I think i’ve been very nice this year but mabey you could check on that! I love this website because we can e-mail you and learn a little bit about you.. santa yourself! I’ve been counting down days in my assigment book till we get out of school and for christmas eve! hope to see you soon!
santa you are so so funny you tell such good storeys and how am you and misses claws getting on? write bk lots of huugs and kisses georgia x x xxxxxx
hi santa you rock you are so awsome ill always believe in you
I am very excited for Christmas and for
Santa,And he Is a great person and he Is my Hero.
dear santa its me Amber thank you for my letter i will show everybody at school tomorrow i have dancing later and i’m worried because i’m not that flexible and every one else is plus i’d like to be able to write more in litracy because i dont really write that much so if possible please help me this christmas
I have never read your blog before but it seems soooo cool and i will read it all.
i also wanted to say i love you santa and carn’t wait for you to come too my house.
I have got too go now so bye and love you tuns hannah.
i love your blog its really nice
have a merry christmas
i love christmas movies and music
your really cool guy
Hi santa it’s Tess again I sent you a letter from Emailsana.com
I was just remembered about my Letter that I sent you .
All so it is ok if you check the list of norty and nice
HI it cedrick i for got to tell you if you can put candy in my stoking;
hey Santa it’s Kasey again! You were talking about the “Grinch” earlier and right befoer i emailed you i watched “How the Grinch Stole Christmas” i really liked how good it turned out in the end. Tell EVERYONE inculding the reindeer to have a wonderful Christmas. Tell Ms.Claus MERRY CHRISTMAS. Goodbye Santa and thank you so much. Wait do you know what i look like?
hi sants I love you and I like your berd today
hi santa
i am getting extremly worried about holly the christmas fairy she hasn’t been since november please tell me she is still coming. i really need her help i don’t have much money for some of the things i want to get her like a wolf calendar so please santa tell her how upset and worried i am about her and please tell her i need help again this year.
please tell me you have told her or if she will at least help me agian this christmas.
from stay
hi Santa very amazing blog i love it
how is north pole and how is the elves and Rolph. merry chrismas santa i hope u have a special sparkling chrismas with mrs claus tell her i said hello and all the elves i still wanat to meet my legands eva pope and Elisabeth sladen and daivid tenntent and tom baker he was the 4th doctor. doctor.who i wish i could tell u about doctor.who love Nicola xxxxxxxxx
i just adore christmas. Reciveing presants are the best but giving people them are good but it is FANTASTIC that your coming t my house(only 19 more sleeps untill christmas)I LOVE YOU SANTA
santa i love you so much and i so glad that your blog is back!!!
i know i’m quite a big i’m almost 15 but i still believe in you and i still have a christmas spirit!
am so happy that the blog is back now i can send my letters to you 🙂
Hi agen Santa it is me max I email me when you get a chance
thankyou! the reason why I am saying thankyou is because for puting all people
smils on there faces.Even for babies.I have a babby couson named Lechiana.I cant wait to see her smile on her face.
well thats all I have to say.
Merry Early Christmas!
I just ador Christmas! Even though I do recieve lots of presents, the best part is giving them to others. But, most of all, Santa, I am excited that you are going to come to my house. (only 20 more days)P.S. I absolutely LOVE you, Santa!
Hi SaNtA My NaMe Is AsHlEy. I WaNt LOtS Of StUfF FoR ChRiStMaS, ThAnKs.
I’m really excited for Christmas this year.
Merry CHristmas!!
I just my elf on the shelf.I really want a trip to sea world ,Ipod touch i also want a stamp year book please santa I really appreaciate all those gifts santa i love you santa.
I am exicted because santa brings his prensents to his friends
i`m very happy that Christmas is almost here what about you?
santa mrs.claus and elves and all ur reindeer i wanna thankyou alll for making me have a wonderful good christmas and for all of you putting effort in for me to have a good and wonderful time on christmas espically santa and you reindeeers i wanna thank santa espically because he takes his time to talk to me and tracks down everyone of us children it must be really hard for him and tough to get them what they want so thank you very much santa and i wanna espically thank santas reindeer cause they take all there muscles and energy to travel around the whole world and fdly that sleigh and help get santa to every house so people have a good christmas so thankyou reindeer i will never forget any of you i will never forget the reindeer,theelves,mrs.claus,and santa i love you all have a good christmas eve ad christmas every on in santas workshop eleves mrs.claus,reindeer and most of all santa have a wonderfull timelove u all sincerely,MARYSSA
i am very exited for the i get gifts
I am super excited mor happy than I’ve ever been! When r you coming to Smiths Falls, ONTARIO, CANADA
Love always
I love Christmas it’s the best time of the year. I enjoy shopping for my six grandchildren and my children even though I can’t buy much for them due to financial difficulty
Hi Santa Im very exited about Christmas this year.I hope I get some presents.
p.s I know that you are real.
p.p.s I have a question how do you clean a raindeers nose? bye bye
Hey santa i am 10 years old and i am so exited for christmas because christmas means a lot to my family.
santa can you bring me a girl elf tonight ps.light skin and blound hair?
i am so happy that you are coming to my place soon
Oh its not long till christmas I can hardly wait all the decorations are up. I think its extremmly nice that santa, the elves and mrs claus go through all this trouble for us to have an amazing day so i will leave something refreshing out for you on christmas eve to say thankyou for your hard work all year round so Merry Christmas and Happy New Year
Hi Santa its only 20 days till Christmas and I am very excited p.s.I have a new baby brother and it will be his first
Christmas so be careful what you bring him
he will be only 10 months ! p.p.s his name is Oliver.
I am,
:>) :>) :>) :>)=snow-man!
i am so exsited because its nearly christmas i can’t wate to get some preasnest
love laura
Santa send me a picture of you santa a real picture of you.
hey santa iam 11 years old i am lokking foward for christmas i would love a purple camera a black wii a x box 360 nfor my brother a pink laptop for my mom thanks for everything
p.s.your my new bff
I love this time of year. I cant wait for it every year I would wish for it, but it would only be july.
dear santa,
please dont go down our chimney because it is blocked behind a wall. but we will leave you your magic invisible key in our mailbox for you. take it with you for next year.
thank you santa
love shay
You are the best!Can you give me something!
Step thru do you put pressents under the chrismas tree.
Hi santa I am so glad I am writing on your blog. I can not wait till christmas It is so exiting I have already stated my advent calendar. I hope I get all my presents.
Merry Christmas!
Hi Santa Its Meg again ho ho ho i didnt know that san antonio is one of her favortie places! well im sorry you had to get rid of your other phone and your welcome for the treats and i have a dog silly i said a pillow pet thats a dog see its a stuffed animial dog thats also a pillow!
Heyy Santa Cant Wait For My Prezzies xx
I am sooooo anchus about christmas and all the gifts and suprizes!!!
I got your e-mail Santa Ik wand a picture of your elefs.
I got a elef on the shef he is wonderful I love the site.
I think Santa is cool!!!!I like when Santa puts presents under my Christmas tree.
hi santa i wanted to know how did u discover the north pole what were u doing?
hi santa have/ing a good time from grace
im really excited about chistmas because i like opening all my presents on christmas day. i hope you get home safely and the reerdeer.and i hope all the snowmen,elvs,reerdeer mrs claws and you have a nice christmas. we dont want christmas eve spoit like 2 years ago.you dont want spot like two year ago the reerdeer evls and you hand the coulor of the rainbow spots so mrs claws had to give all the presents and she thought she missed some people to give presents but i got my presents 2 yesrs ago take care Caitlin
Dear Santa Claus I forget to tell you this:
“MERRY CHRISTMAS to you too”, and Santa 1 more thing please let me be good every single day of my life because i am good every day and i am not begin naughty!!
Hi Santa
i just want to tell thanks for the email
I have been waiting all year for this blog and now its back I like seeing whats happening up there
im very excited santa and even though im almost 12 i still believe in you! thanks again santa!!! please,please,please try to find me in mexico!!
Santa, can I be your helper and be an elf to help you? I would really like that.
Sign here ________
I really want to be an elf. Please Santa can you get this message quick?
santa i really want to see you. Can you come to my house on Sunday?
I love your blog and i cant WAIT for christmas! And i am so happy that lucille is here! And by the way can you make a pink ripstick?
love lydia
i love you santa i hope you love me too! i really want to see what the others wrote bye and remember i love you ooops i mean i will always love you!byeeee byeeeee
can I stay up and see you pleas!if I can take a picture of you.:)
all i want for christmas is a real bunny
thanks kylie
Your the best Santa I hope you have a nice christmas I will bye bye Santa.
I am really really REALLY excited.Are you?
Dear Santa,
I think it is wonderful that you make a Christmas blog. Have fun and I wish you a Merry Christmas.
P.S Excuse the terrible punctuation and I almost forgot I got third for butterfly at the swimming Carnival yesterday.
Thank You
I am so exited about christmas I can hardly wait!!!!
im super excited about crhistmas have a merry crhistmas
I am going to visit you at Bentleyville, Santa. I will be wearing a hot pink jacket. I will tell you what I want then. I love you, Santa. Bye!
Can your elves make a laptop too for me I really want one
i hope your elves can make i pod touches cause there fantastic.
Dear Santa I’m more excited than the hole universe!!!
I am so excited for Christmas. i remember when you took a picture on my camera and hid my camera in the tree.
I love all of your elves and you.
I have 2 questions.
1. do you have an elf named peewee?
2. what is your youngest elves name?
I am so excited for Christmas. i remember when you took a picture on my camera and hid my camera in the tree.
I love all of your elves and you.
santa I can”t wait for christmas to come P.S. I no a joke to hear it is pete and repete were on a boat who fell off repete get it cuz you repete it LOL TTYL Love Jenna
i am so excited what do you want for christmas santa
so today i sent of my letter and u sent me a letter back it was lovely talkin to u xx carrots
hi i cant wait till christmas when it snow is like a 500000000
is believeing
hi i cant wait till christmas when it snow is like a 50000000 … 000000000 is believeing
Hi Santa!!!! I love you sooo much! I can’t believe it is almost christmas!!!
And on another website, I e-mailed you if you could send me a present right now on my front chest in my front hallway. How come I never got it?
I am relly excited because I like geting
presents and my nana gives me gifts when it isent even Crismas
Thank you for that wonderful letter Santa. I was wanting a real chef and a real made for CHRISTMAS. But I probably wont git that for CHRISTMAS. Santa will you answer one question? Will I get a real chef and a real made for CHRISTMAS?
Hello Santa,
I’m sooo excited and i really hope you are too.
I wish you could come more than once a year though (wink)
love from
i likewe sing robbie williams Sankes On iran Sankes on aPlane
hi santa how you doing hows your wife and raindeers?
i cant wait to c if father christmas is going to get me what i really asked for which is a quad bike i hope he does xxx
hey santa, are you having a good time at the north pole? Where i live its realy snowy and the snow is up to my knees! i had a realy good time making a snowman its snowing again!!!!
from lulu 🙂
I am so so excited. I can’t wait till its Christmas Day when I wake up and get my presents – its the best feeling ever – love you Santa xxx
I wonder what we will do this xmas i also wonder what preasnts i get love Alice
i can not wait till Christmas as its only 22 days away! x
Hello Santa, I am wondering how your going in the northpole. I am not sure what I am going to get Im sure it will be good!
love cass,
Ps good luck for the trip
Pps say hi to ms claus and the elves and reindeers for me!
i wish i could go to the north pole with you
ILove Santa so much cause his Generous! Don’t you?
hope u can bring me an elf magic thats all i want in the whole world
hope u can bring me a girl elf magic thats all i really want
I hope you are haveing fun up at the north pole. It is very cold down here where I live. I tis about in the 20 or the 30s. I hope have a
Dear Santa,
I love you and your reindeers. I am very excited to see what you bring me for christmas. I have been very good.
hello santa iam glad for christmas i hope you could bring me all my present have a good day and thank you for all my present last year thank you love you always and say hi to everyone on south pole
Hi Santa! I’m so excited about christmas this year!!!! Thank you very uch for all the other gifts these past years! Hope You be real careful on your ride this christmas eve and don’t eat to many cookies LOL!
Hi Santa Claus I wish I can see Rudolph & you, Mrs.Claus & all the reindeers you are a great Santa.Thanks for giving presents all around the world thats very very nice what are your children name.MERRY CHRISTMAS.HO.Ho.ho
omg im so excited for christmas i love christmas i love it soo … sosososo much love u bye
I wish I can help you on the sleigh.I wish I live in the north pole.
Santa…I’m getting so excited for Christmas!!! I can’t wait to see what you bring me this year!!
Hey Santa!
i’m sure you can always remember me i got an A+ on your nice list so hophily you can remember me.
And can you remember me santa claus i got a B+ so we wanted to tell you have a merry christmas and try to have a break because you work very hard for everyone and so do the elves. Is it fun there at the north pole. Guess what SANTA we already have some of our christmas lights up isn’t that exciting i can’t wait till christmas i we are going to have a great time and so is the rest of my family.
K gotta go From Trent And Nicola ♥
I cant wait till christmas ist soooo exiten !
Hi Santa I am really excited for Christmas this year and you must be too, getting back on your sleigh again.Thank you so much for all the toys last year and the all the other years say hello to everyone in North Pole.!
Please check out our blog because the kids have been writing about you and the elves.
Hi Santa,
I am so excited about you coming to my house on Christmas Eve! I will make you favorite cookies again this year. The kids in my class have been working very hard. They all deserve an extra gift. They are wondering about the elves, and where they can find them. Please ask the elves to introduce themselves. I will talk to you later!
so so so so happy and exitied that christmas is nerly hear
Can you find a job for mommy? I want a bike too but mommy needs a job more. Thanks I love you.
Hi Santa I am So exited for christmas!My friend Kimmy has a shelf elf and last night at dance it was watching me to make sure I was beig good it was cool!
can we write back to you again now. you are also the best person in the world.i hope you can get me lots of interesting things .
love jack
heey santa i love you i think u are the best b/c u do everything in a blink of a eye lol well i cant wait till it is christmas i alreaddy sent u my christmas list for this year well u better keep working to finish all the pressents for around the would i love u santa ur the besttt!!! bye AShlee email {email address deleted by the elves. Read Santa’s Internet Safety Tip below!} seeyeah
Hi santa
I’m ethan and I was Quickly looking through the front page of your blog and it looks amazing I can’t wait till christmas Eve and day. I hope to hear you on the roof
Sicerly Ethan
I got your reply to my letter, thank you!! I don’t mind if you eat some of the veggies i sent for the reindeer!! You should eat veggies because they are good for you!! I’m getting very excited as Christmas gets closer!! I hope I get a real kitten but we already have a big dog so I don’t think I will get one. Oh well, maybe next year!!!
Thanks for listening,
i no that sants seerelly you no that you can call me tonight i want to take to you to tellyou what i want for you to brigh me these year ilove you sants withallmyheart calljesscai at {phone number deleted by the elves. Read Santa’s Internet Safety Tip below!} thinkeyou sant writ meback thinkyou forallof they toys
i dont live in england i live in indonesia and my mum booked some flights to go back to england but thats on the 14th of december and i am so excited because its already snowing in england and i cant wait bu here its tooo hot i still have the christmas spirit
merry christmas
from toby XOXOXOX
Heyy.i just think Santa is coool for makin a blog!!
Dear Santa,
i love you. Santa i have a letter in my stoking pleas read it on Christmas. it says i want a phone and a pet. love,
I am really exitied I love christmas it is my favorite Holiday!
dear Santa,
its me again.how have you been?
i love cranberry apple juice do you?
i love you Santa Claus.
do you love me?how are the elves?
lots of love,
I am soooo excited for Christmas!! Cant wait!!!
hi santa im getting really happy can’t wait into christmas and thats one of my favort time of year to and i was wondering if i could saty up to see you and the reindeer?and i will leave milk and cookies and carrots for the reindeer.
Hi Santa it’s me! When you’re on the radio this year I’ll make sure to call you!!!! 🙂
I love you soo much santa and on my chrimstas conserd were singing a holly jolly chrimstas bye love you
Ican not wait for christmas day I have to say santa
I am sooo excited about ChristmassS !
i reckon that you sould get as many presents as hand out.
santa you are so awesome thanks for making christamas fun and great !!! without you it would just be like any normal day !!! so keep joly and keep bringing presents lol xx
hi this is nicole here are the elfs packing all the toys for your trip and i just want to say one more thing before i go that your the best person in the world
hi santa for christmas i would like a lg cookie mobile thats what i would realy like that and my friend abbie would like the same in pink and my’n in purple love marykate & abbie
im sooo excited for christmas day because its my birthday.
hi santa will you send me a presant and a leter in the post
love how your always so nice i just hope i good not bad
Hello Santa I am happy that its mearly christmas my mummy is helping me write this i have a barbie advent calender please for christmas can i have in my stocking some barbies and clothes Lots of Love Indigo xxxx
PS:I am leaving you lots of carrots for all your reindeers and my grandpa made a cake for you !
I am looking forward to christmas eve I always cant sleep on christmas eve because i am excited
Hi Santa hope you are doing fine!!Hehe making those lists and checking em twice!!anyway can’t wait till CHRISTMAS!love Shevon
hi my name is lauren smith i love your blog thank for inviting me to your blog i have had fun reading it is the best blog ever.
hi santa, it is maddison, I love you lots and always will, ooxxooxxooxx
ooxx thats how much I love you
from maddison eccles
To Santa I love you I wot anything for chrstmas from Trearnna or Tre love you Sante hesp and I really want a bratz big car of a playing car fo because I broke the steering wheel off so I wont another one lots for things for christmas love you sante I have a beer for you and a home made cookies I hope you like my home made cookies love you Santa.
hi santa your blog is really cool let terri bindi and robert know i say a merry christmas from me send an email from Rhiannon
I love you Santa Claus and you rock the jingle bells.
Hi Santa, its me Richard 🙂 How are you doing??? Thank you for inviting me to read your blog!! How are all the Reindeer doing????
You Are the best person in the world
Hi santa claus this is Olivia the one you wrote to on email santa. A friend of mine named Grace said you were not real and you can’t go to every house in one night cause its daytime in one part of the world and the other half is nightime but I don’t believe her because you can go to the half of the world that is night first then go to the second half of the world after.Please type me back LOVE,OLIVIA
Dear Santa,
Thank you for giving out toys every year! Thank you for that note tonight when I sent in my list. I love you Santa Claus!
santa,you are the awsomest person in the world
hi Santa!heyyyy i forgot to ask can you leave me a note in my stocking please!!(:
Hi Santa! Thanks for writing back.I knew the Reindeer would like the treats.I can’t wait until Jesus’s birthday!I would like an Ipod touch and a laptop.I think I’ve done a good job being good.heres an early merry Christmas to you! hugs and kisses Kayleigh
I am really excited for Christmas because I can’t wait for my gifts, and you to come to my house with your reindeer.
i have been so excited we all ready have the christmas tree up. theres even presents under there.i am so exited.i cant wait to see you.
Hi Santa!!! I am really looking forward to Christmas this year, I really hope I get the book I wanted, anything by Judy Bloom is okay. I love her books!!!! Our Christmas tree is already up but it is a little short and lopsided. Oh well it will do. I know i will be asleep when you stop by so tell all the reindeer i said hi, 🙂 I have a lot of wishes this year but i really want a frosty the snowman, I love them, they are so cute!!!! My sister Shelby said hi! She is older and is really busy so she told me to say hi for her. See you soon, bye.
I can’t wait for Christmas. Make sure your elves can make a spinning electronic lightsaber and a toy rifle please.
i just sent you a letter from the site emailsanta and on you note back you sent me a letter saying you have a blog your one more thing do you rember me
hi santa you are so cool wish i can see you in real life that would be so COOL
see you soon love you xxxx
p.s good night hope you have a nice sleep tell the riendeer and mrs claus i said good night tooo xxxxxxxx oooooo
Make sure you know where I live since I moved! Can you maybe leave me a note too because I will leave you a note.
hey santa! i will be leaving u a note!!! and please leave one back!!D!
I am so excited about christmas I can hardly wait!!! you are soooo amazing and i can’t believe you give presents to everyone in the whole wide world!!! I’m so excited cause i love all the parades and decorating the house and tree! i also love listening to christmas carols. we always put a angel at the top of the christmas tree!!! It is a tradistion!you are the best person in the whole wide world!!
Dear santa; I am so exited for christmas I hope I hear you come down the chimny, well of coarse the fire place is a gass fire place and we will probobly already have it on! so you should take the frount door or evan the back door! OH!! OH!! or evan the mouse door OH!! OH!! wait a minute….. i forgot to tell you that i…… made you cookies!!!! oh and don’t eat to many or you won’t be able to fit through the mouse door of coure it’s only 1 by 2 inches!! oh and lay off the chocolate milk your going to get a big tummy ach!! that would be sad!!:( any way you have a merry christmas.BYE!!
Hey Santa, I will ALWAYS believe in you.
I am really excited about christmas infact I just put Candy Canes on the Tree THANK YOU.
Santa Claus,
You do not know how excited I am, im ready for another break even though we just got back!
And a laptop for me and my mom!
you enspire me totally!
Thank you for all your work and support have a great Christmas and vacation and god bless
Love you,
hi santa thank you for the presents
Hi santy .Are all your elvs small Love Chloe
santa I am so exited! please come to my house first and please leave me a note!
Hi Santa It , is stevie i have emailed you befove i am sure you wout rember me i am the one that was talknig about my dad that i have never seen himj and my iphone ok so if you can email me and thankyou for that email x thankyou love you x
Santa, I just sent you a letter and you sent me one back. Thank you so very much. I really appreicate it too. What I want to let you know also is that my birthday is December 31st. So I am looking forward to both Christmas and my birthday.
I live in killeagh and can’t wait till christmas
Dearsanta i love you so much in my heart boo
Are your reindeers behaving good and are the elves being good hope you have a brilliant christmas
I am so excited, I love Christmas, My Mom Says I am the best girl ever.
Hello santa this is a question, when you got Rudolph how did you feel?
dear Santa i love you so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so much your the best 🙂 <3
dear santa
wow christmas is nearly here hope you can make this a even better christmas than last i have a presant for you mince
pie and beer and of couse raindeer food
for there brilliant jorney
P:S have a lovley christmas everybody!!!
i am so exicted and can’t wait i know i was realy good.
heyy santa i am 10 years old and i hope you are coping with all the other peoples lettersi hope they wern’t as long as mine was. i live in redruth cornwall, ihave lots of people in my family that will want presents from you!
Thank you santa,you make me smile,you are the best i love you! and tell rudolph that i love him too!for christmas one thing i would love is: a robot dog i love them and my cousin has got one but he doesnt let me play with it so thanks and me and my sister will see you on christmas eve!!! xxxxx
Hi santa! i cant wait till christmas because its my birthday on thursday and we are putting the christmas tree up one thing i would really really really really love is a puppy ive wanted one ever since i was four so thanks santa i cant wait to see you on christmas eve! xxx
can you please come to my house tomorrow with some of your elf’s.of course you want to know what time?can it be at 5:00 because it is school and I don’t want to get told of and have no presents for Christmas!please can you come on your sleigh so I can see the Rudolf I will get some carrots for him! i will make some cookies for you Santa!I will go to bed early today so I wont be sleepy when you come!love from Erin-Leigh[your best friend]
yes I know you know you I will go straight to sleep
Santa there is this girl at my class and her name is Chloe and she is really mean to me what should I do?
Reply From Santa:
Keyta, I am so glad you told me you are being bullied. Remember, it is not your fault. You do not deserve to be bullied.
I want you to tell an adult about this right away, just like you told me! Getting help to stop a bully is not being a tattle-tale.
Find an adult you trust, like a teacher or a Mom or Dad. Tell them what is happening to you. You can even show them what you wrote here if it is easier.
Sometimes bullies stop as soon as an adult finds out. They know what they are doing is wrong and they are afraid they will get in trouble.
You can also call some people who can help you. They are really good at helping to stop the bullies.
Santa i really really really want a puppy named max and go to the north pole tomorrow at 1:00 pm to help the elves and help you read all those letters can i pretty please go to the north pole to be a elf for the day i really want to go so bad and also thank you so much for all you do i really want a puppy named max for Christmas and i really want to go to the north pole tomorrow to help pretty please can i go to the north pole i have been very good this year and i am still behaving
i am happy because i think your going to bring me to the north pole tomorrow and i think you are getting me a puppy named max i will love him and play with him all the time so i really really really want a puppy named max for Christmas can you please get that for me for Christmas Santa i have been behaving all this year
dear santa,
thanks so much for all the presents you give me! i can not wait till christmas. i hope you can make another awesome christmas!
P.S. Merry Christmas!!(well almost)
dear sanata im so excited because all my family ther acept my dad and but i really do love christmas and i wish i could see the northern lights
i am sorry for what my older sister sent you. it was a mistake and a fat lie. i think she should go on the naughty list! i am staying up on christmas eve night so i can see you for the first time and your reindeer. my favorite reindeer is rouldoff. i would like to talk to you longer but it is a school night and my mommy wont let me stay up. sleep well santa and ill see you on christmas.
i am very exited about christmas i put good treats out for santa. and for the raindeer to. santa brings me good presents .i like santa alout .i always leave treats out
santa my friend and her mom got sick last chriatmas.so they had chritmas in bed.:( I hope I don’t get sick on christmas!least her sister,brother,and dad were not sick.
I can not wait untill chrishtmas morning!
I like you Santa. Have a happy and Merry Christmas Santa!!!!
I love all the presents that you gave me they are so very CUTE. -Thank you
I love all the presents that you have gave me! -Thank you
Dear Santa
I love your site and I sure hope that this Christmas goes Great for you and the Reindeer and Could you Please Leave me a Brand New Magical Key for Next Christmas so that you are able to get in
Yea. I Can’t wait till that night. I can’t wait!!! 😉
Hey santa you are so cool!and thank you for my parsents last year!love Katie!
Dear Santa,
I can’t wait for Christmas!! When you are there it always makes it special! Please tell Mrs.Claus, the elves, the reindeer, and of course you how great of a job you all do! Have a wonderful Christmas!
Hi santa, I Brandon just sent a letter about 5 minutes ago to you. Anyway I can wait untill christmas I love that holiday. I want to know how rudolph is and how mrs.claus is. Your awesome santa. Please write back santa
im sooo loving the snow like it is CLASS LMAO i am soo exited about christmas to get my wee presents from my mum and dad and santa(of course) lol
p.s gotta say again the snow O.M.G LEAFLY !!!!
I know you can’t get me much for Christmas I’m only asking for one thing i sent email to you telling what i want but that is stuff i don’t need i just want my family to be happy and this Christmas I’ll try to make my family happy you can get me presents if you want but i don’t need them
i believe in you. you are my faviorite person.
you are so cool i cant wait for christmas watching the weather says its going to snow tomooro
dear santa
i hope you are fine i know you are quite busy ,and sorry to disturb i realy like christmas blessing and i know that in this period of time you come and visit i realy love you thank you for your gifts you are going to send me
hello its pop again its not long till Christmas I cant wait to get up in the morning and see the large tree with presents underneath it im so excited about my Christmas dinner as well mm mm it will be rumbling in my tummy as I watch TV
please say hello to Rudolph the red nose reindeer and the others and say that im your biggest fa to Mrs Clause
hi santa i am so excited about your new blog i think that it s really cool i cant wait to get my ipod
thankyou for reading my message
Is the naughty kid in my neigherhood named Hunter?
Dear Santa,I am soooo … ooooooo
I love you Santa thanks for the toys you give me!
I am very excited it is almost Christmas…i can’t wait for you to visit my house. I love you Santa
Hey Santa are you coming to Brampton I live in {home address deleted by the elves. Read Santa’s Internet Safety Tip below!}. I love you
hi santa!I can’t waIT FOR CHRISTMAS!you rock santa!
i am sooo excited………your the best thi9ng that ever happened…ecspiclly to thoes kids that cant afford a good christmas. You are the person that makes it all happen. I am going to makke you extra special cookies this year.
i cant wait till christmas i hope you bring me my presants what i ask for love you
i can hardley wait till xmas day as i know wot clothes i have cos every xmas yr my dad and mum allways lets me pick them just so they fit us and we like them so im glad about that but i dont exactley no wot pressents im goin to get so yes im quit exited sata but your deffently my number one as i love u so much santa did you like the food and drink u had for last xmas and the yrs be4 santa sorry if its too long santa but i do vry muchhhhh lov ya ok so dont u forget that ok but no one is vry nice to me but u know ppl are like that but u cant say there not as i would like u to know that ur MY NUMBER 1 love you santa claus… yasmin blades….. xxxxxxxx … xxxxxx and i will not be nasty to u ok as i do love u so much
Hello Santa , I will be in Ireland for Christmas and I don’t have internet because it’s our holiday home. If I am out on Christmas eve in a hotel I will do my best to send you an email.
Joseph xoxoxoxo
i could through a cup of tea on me for christmas i have my stoking as well up i am eating candy stiks and playing in the snow
I begged my mum and dad to put the Christmas tree up and result they said yes so my Christmas tree is up ho!ho!ho!
I Am really excited about Christmas as i am getting 2x X-Factor tickets xxx
i am so exited santa!! i just can’t wait! will it come fast?
Dear Santa:
I wanted to tell you I am very excited about Christmas. I know we already talked through the computer but I would like to also receive a letter from you in the mail. I have a little baby brother also but he is only 3 months old and a very good boy. If you could also send him a letter in the mail we will be looking for them. Merry Christmas Santa my brother and I love you very much!
I am like 99% excited because i hawe a REALLY,REALLY,REALLY good feeling about getting abercrombie clothes,i pod nano,i pod touch,wii,dsi and some other WONDERFUL GIFTS YOU GET ME!
hey i wish you all a merry christmas and a happy new year…… (get it) well this is what i want for christmas, a ipod, a laptop, and a dsI
i cant wait till christmas when i open up all my preasents and have christmas dinner with my family and i cant wait to play with my presants and i cant wait until i start to open my advent calander so merry christmas to father christmas and mrs clause
hey santa what up? my fav time of the year is christmas because it is a time where evrey-one gets to gether and the would is full of love, peace, hope and faith. your always saying merry christmas to every-one so i’m going to say merry christmas to you too santa
lots of love bridie:)
…Hi santa my name is Aliyah.I live in Joiet,Ilnois u probably knew that.i wanted to tell u that i am very excited.I just love christmas it is my very holiday.I JUST WANT TO TELL U THAT MY MOM AND DAD KNOW WHAT I WANT FOR CHRISTMAS THEY ARE GOING TO TELL U IN A COUPLE OF DAYS.HOPE U WILL READ MY LETTER BYE,LOVE Aaliyah
it is starting to smell a lot like christmas;)
i am very super sykied about chrismasday
i am very excited about Christmas it is the time of the year to be jolly and just to let you know i know some secrets of yours first i know that lots of people ask how can Santa get to all the houses in one night well i know the answer ms.Claus rides in a sleigh to with her team of flying guinea pigs and you go on your sleigh with reindeer just to let you know
How old are you?? I would like to know what it is like living in the north pole,how cold is is there.I have never heard you on my roof and I will probably wont.
hi! I hope that you dont forget me! and also my brothers and sisters and mom and dad and also my doggies Oh and my grandparents. Thank!!
See you soon!!
I am so excited that i put my Christmas tree in September. I’ve been listing to Christmas music everyday! I have candles EVERYWHERE that smell like Christmas trees.
im really excited about Christmas already
and christmas 28 sleeps
santa your blog is really cool I enjoy reading the other really cool messages anyway have a merry merry christmas
i am so excited! for Christmas we have these like glass raindear and keep saying to them cant Christmas time come earlier
how do you give presents to all boys and girls
hi it is me i printed the page oh thank you for sending that letter to me you are sweet like yous wife home made cookies and milk i got a quweshten how can you give presents to every body in the world in one nite can you tell me pleas (: your best bud david laughton bye(: love you
Hi Santa! You are soooooo nice!!!! I think you are really cool too!!! I can’t wait until Christmas!!!!
Santa you are number one I still am wondering if i get a DSI XL i love you santa and you to mrs.claus
AAAGGHHH !!! I cant believe that it is so close to christmas !! The year has flown over as did the years long before now. I hope you have a very merry christmas.
Lots of love Megan
i cant wait for christmas !!! only 26 days to go until the best day of my life ! i love you lots santa xxx
Hi Santa.It is my first time on this web site.How are things going?Hows Rudulf?
Hi Santa,
i am so glad you started this blog its really cool and im really exited that its nearly Christmas , ever since November started i wanted to put all the Christmas decorations all over my house.
I am too exited for CHRISTMAS.I usually can not eat on Christmas eve.Thank you for the very cool presents.I love CHRISTMAS.You friend,
dear santa:
i’m very excited for christmas it was my favorite hollowday of the year the world is fill with laughter and happyness all around. i hop mr. and mrs. clouse is feel great for the upcoming hollday.
love kate
ps what kind of milk do you like??
Hey,Santa I have to simply say you are amazing how you get around all those houses in one night:O and ilove it how you have the time to even come to my house,
and drop all my presents off I love you so much your such a jolly person.
I wont forget to put my cookies and milk and carrots out for you and rudolph!
<3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
Hello Santa! Its me again.
I carn’t wait til christmas, i’m so excited, i LOVE christmas! it is the best time of the year!
ILOVEYOU! please bring me everything i asked for, and i will be very grateful.
Thanks for listening to me, Goodbye!
P.S i wont forget to leave you and your reindeers a treat!:D
Love from Abby!:D
Santa when you were a child did Santa claus exist did you believe in him if so
i am very eccited about christmas santa
Are you?
dear santa i am so excited that i can exploed butt if i cant get every thing i will love you with all my hope and go back home until next time so hae a holly jolly christmas
Hi Santa ,
Your the best .
Happy Christmas !!!
Have a nice day everyone .
Love Charlotte
I have a joke for you.Knock,knock who is there merry… merry.. who merry christmas!
Remember the true spirit of Christmas, not the presents, but being woth friends and family, and having a good time. MERRY CHRISTMAS EVERYONE!
Hi Santa its Summer merry Christmas I’m am looking forward for all my presents and i will leave some cookies and some coke for you and for Rudolf i will leave some carrots out. And I hope you don’t get to cold when you are flying around the world oh and once again merry Christmas
.p.s a big, big kiss to you and a big, big kiss to Rudolf xxxxxxx
Santa i am soooo excited for Christmas this year so im just gonna thank you in advance for all the gifts u r giving me
The comments i have for you are:
I have sent you aletter that i have written to you my self by hand adn a pen and i sent it to you. abotu 2 weeks ago and i hope you looked in the4 back of the envolope because thats where the write back part is.
Thank you
remeber me santa the one with the ipod wish ,love u santa
hey me agian the chick!
just to let you know my mum and dad have split up as you may well know so i will have to do two letters for christmas. Anyway me and my mum moved out of my house 12 barford road so please do send my presents to my grandads or my appartment in york.
love from lucy xxxxxxx
Thanks for the letter. doing some baking to leave you out some home cooked goodies
love cara and cormac
hi santa hope ya have a good christamas bye
Dear santa Me and my twin sister cant wait till christmas,when we wake up on christmas morning.PS Good Bye
dear santa i cant wait till me and my sister wake up on christmas morningps i have to go
hi santa i am really exicted about christmas with all the christmaqs presents and all the hapiness you see on ppl faces thank you reindeers santa m.s claus elfes and rudolfxxmerry christmas
hi santa you nice i love you presents are fun but its all about jeusus birth as well i read your blog as you told me to
hay santa I’m sorry I’m writing you this early but I was wundiring if you want to talk
Hi santa I am so excited bout christmas i am already listerning to christmas songs and in a couple of weekends i am putting the tree up see you soon bye
hi santa! im am in 7th grade u rock and people.. DONT STOP BELIEVIN! see you soon! xoxo
Dear Santa Christmas is one of my favorite holidays. Even though on christmas day its jesus birthday, Since mostly everyone gets gifts waiting for them under their tree it feels like that its everyone’s birthday.
dear santa
hi! my name is cassandra and im 14. my little sister is vanessa she is 8. well we are both excited for christmas. we are counting down the days hours minutes and seconds. cant wait. love you santa. tell everyone we said hiiii!!!!
– love
cassandra & vanessa
dare santa you told me to visit so i did i heard that mrs clause likes barbies alot me to i almost play them everyday with my best friends well gotta go to sleep i love you sooooooooo much and p.s your my best friend forever i love you lot xoxoxoxoxo
hi its me agin can i please have 100 dollars thank you
I really doing good. Are you proud of me?
Hi santa as u know this is fransheska!how are the reindeers doing?i am happy that christmas is write at the corner and can’t wait to see on christmas eve one of the presents u have send me.i love you santa.ho ho ho ho ho ho!
P.S:the reason i am asking for presents from you is that i live with my grandma and she is handikapped and it is hard for her to travel around to get me presents.
I’m so exited about Christmas, that I’m already decorating my house and that every time someone brings it up Christmas I scream
Hi Santa did you know that you are the best i hope you have a great Christmas and remember keep those elf’s away of any of those cookies you might bring home cause you might be too full to eat them all.Also maybe like last year i might leave out some carrots for the rain deer so don’t tell them yet they might get too riled up so have a good sleep tonight
Hello Santa and elves i love you so much and i cant wait till Christmas!
I am so excited we just cant wait I keep begging my mom to let us bake cookies for you but she says Know I think of christmas being tomorrow that is why I keep asking my mom about the cookies see i am so excited woah see I am so excited for you to come do you know what me and my sister do every christmas eve we write a letter we want you to sign it so we can see your hand writing but it never works you always write in glitter Bye that is all
From the Mahone Family
Hi Santa i am 100% super excited about Christmas this year i just wish it could atleast go a teensy weensy bit faster because i dont want to have to wait 29 days till Christmas but im very excited and i hope your doing good in the north pole right now and p.s.please tell rudolph,mrs.claus,and all of the raindeer and elves i said hi thank you for everything bye
santa is the best guy i know he is funny,nice,and loves cookies like us!i sure love santa probly more than anybody him and god are my faves i sure hope santa dont get hurt going to every house in the world. I LOVE SANTA!!! !i have so many commets about santa but i cant tell them all a few days ago i turned something in to the school about santa calling me!! santa is so wouderful im crazy about santa!!!! … !!
hi santa can you lov my new pant green home santa com out night gerry kelly bed room sleep com puk me up tak see brandon jesnesn bed room at mandy jesnesn loit brandon sleep over nixs weekings santa an week school week watch gerry work at boys and grls club satff watch sequim wa avfder school and avfder brandon hav to be good boy with gerry all this murth com up frldays my dad tak me home with my big wheelchar van for my work on tims now santa be watch all tims tall 5:00pm going home be thar sequim tall gerry sleep com in my big room all murth com up this week com up ok santa help now and brandon jesnesnesn be more nics to gerry kelly ok samta welcom over see gerry sleep on bed tims at 10:00pm tall 4:30am goiung home brandon going school day tims ok santa pleaes help out nics this to gerry kelly im santa help this yars help out now santa from gerry kelly will keep look for raindeer back yard fliying by see gerry room santa can mack cold in sequim thisb week com up ine day mak loit of snow ok santa mak mor cold in sequim wa ok santa
I am so excited about Christmas. I put my own tree up today with a little house for you, Mrs. Claus, the elves, and the raindeer under the tree. I love you!
I cannot wait until the wonderful celebration.
Je voudrais,
mango body butter,
cherry carmex,
Slogan Tee,
green shorts,
purple mini-skirt.
merry christmas santa,and i hope you visit my home in La Paz.
hay santa its sarah my perints said no about the puppy i am rely sad by
hi,santa and mrs. Claus’i am sooooo excited for Christmas.i am so excited for Christmas i want to put my Christmas tree up right now.my favorite hoilday is Christmas.xoxoxo xoxo hugs and kisses isabella
hi santa i”m lily welch and i love christmas every day i put a note in a bottle it” a dayly thing so i do it i love chrismas becose i love to see my friend and family
Eyy…..I love having christmas wih my family but i dont know if any1 of my grandparents are comin down as they live at least 5 hours away from us. but i still have my mum dad and my brother.:D and of course my friends.
Are all the movies about the North Pole true? Does it really look like it does in the movies?
hi santa im so happy on finding ur blog..wish u and all the family n the north pole a merry xmas.
let me sing a Mexican Song.
Co Co Co La Cha
Co Co Co La Cha
Hello i love you elves and raindeers and santa culas mrs.cluse that is all i wanted to tell you that because i know you were chkeing so i wanted to say that ok bye ooooo i am 9 years old almost 10 years oldi am francesca toso ok bye thank you love you byebye!
hey santa thank u and thank your elves 4 making all those wonderful presents!
Hey Santa! so how was rudolf and the other reindeer so far? Well, im getting set for christmas very soon and getting all pumped up. see ya later santa. Greg
Santa I love you! Yor reindeer are THE BEST AND wonderful reindeer in the UNIVERSE! THANKYOU FOR ALL THE TOYS YOU GIVE TO ME! I LOVE YOU GUYS!
i santa you are amizing i love you so much sorry if there wont be much cookies i might eat them but i will put more for you love you all i want for chris mas is a phone its is a cosmic and with a zebra case and thats not all i wish i could tell you all of them but i might not have a noth to fit all of them well see ya later cant wait till looking forward to see the presents under the tree i love you bye!!!
Please bring me a baby sister please and thank you!
i am so excited that i am dancing sround now this one is going to be the best one yet
i ca,t wait till christmas and see what presents i get
p.s. could you not leave the presents by the tree as the cats will eat them
p.p.s. only 29 days untill christmas
i am very exited can’t wait till chritmas to av my presant i av been very good this year in school and out of school won’t be long till you come take care love dafydd xxxx p.s thx for my letter
Hey Santa, when you come to my house i want to ride your sleigh and tell my parents to ride it with me. Cant wait to see you and Roudolhp. Im going to leave you some milk and cookies. And some reindear cookies. I want to see Rudoplh and pet him behind his ears.
dear santa
i am really exitedfor christmas
i have started christmas gifts already
sincerly Alexandra Drsek
well santa you see ilove xmas
but im a bit to excited and i just want it to be around the corner any way a whole month i carnt wait tht long 🙂
Hi Santa, I just got an A plus on the naughty or nice meter.Yeah!! I hope things are going smooth with the Zhu Zhu pets now. I can’t believe they were all running around the North Pole. Is Elfy at our house? I hope so, I missed that little Elf.
For your Safty tip, why can,t you type anything about yourself? P.S Kieran is walking alot of steps.Once he walked 50 steps in a row! Believe me he did it all around the kitchen!
santa I didn,t mean to say that. Please Write Back Madison G.
S-A-N-T-A, I think u are a very nice guy. Tell me how did u start to exist?Who was your mothers name? What day were u born?P.S can I have a pup for christmas? Please write back Madison G. Wade
Dear Santa,I am really looking forward to Christmas.I cannot wait, How many more days until Christmas?I know there are 29 more sleeps til Christmas. Please write back Madison G. Wade
I can’t wait im so happy santa hurry up
hey everyone im glad im talking on santas blog because he is the best he gives us presents and stuff im glad i believe in santa….
Dear Santa,
I love your blog and i bet you had to put alot of work and effort into this. I love you and Rudolph and everyone else in the North Pole!(:
{home address deleted by the elves. Read Santa’s Internet Safety Tip below!}
yes only 29 days to christmas o.m.e.!!
Your AWESOME!!! I hope you get to me first!!!! HEHE
i have a small CHRISTMAS TREE in my bed room. i can not for christmas.it will be so much FUN!
do u still have your penguin topper from santa clause is coming to town 🙂
I am so so so so so so so so so so eggsited [get it eggsited for eggnog]for Cristmas to come! yipee geting closer.
i am so so so so ready for christmas i just cant wait
Hey Santa! I’ve been thinking about you making my toys and learned it is not about the pressents its about spending time with family.I also was wondering if the elves were making my dsi because I was wanting to tell them thanks but I’m not at the North Pole so will you tell them for me!your the best, I love you for everything you do to make us happy for Cristmas.love faith young
P.S. my two brothers,Kyle and Jared Young, both deserve great gifts too!
santa I’m excited about Christmas because i’m going to recieve many gifts.But not only because of the gifts but because of christ’s birth.MERRY CHRISTMAS!
You R really lucky to have so many reindeers
susan raye sanders tracker stuffed puppy rudolph
well in the binging of november i started to squle about chrimas the the next day i begged my mom and dad to put the christmas tree and i keep on sleeping by it
i have been very excited because i cant wait to see what presents i will get
hi everyone how is buisness going on up there the things i would like for christmas are reebok zigs white/black/pure silver jubalani soccer ball and an xbox 360 controller thank you how was thanksgiving up there have some good turkey hope you all have the best day xoxo tony mcniff
Hi Santa I could hardly wait till christmas I just wrote my list a few minutes ago. p.s. I hope you have a good christmas and I hope Jesus has a good birthday we all love you ok I have to run bye
Hi Santa I can’t wait to X Mas 28 days left
I love all of the things you do.I am so glad that your alive.I hope that you have a TERRIFIC Cristmas.I love you so much.
I am so excited I can not wait to wake up that morning and see all the presents
by the tree well got2go bye.
p.s you are so cool
p.p.s you no what your sooo cool
wow santa nice coments on cristmis lots of hugs and kisses for you all at the north pole!
santa i could wait to christmas it,s my favourite holiday of the year arounnd december
All of the Elves in Z-ville are excited for the big night! We are getting are Christmas lists together and i am wrapping many a present this year! I am excited for Christmas Eve and day. My pop-pop would like a puppy for Christmas! A black lab with a white belly!
i just want to say hi can you come over now please.
I love Christmas time it is a nice and cheerful time.
Dear Santa,
I am soooo exited for CHRISTMAS!!
dare stant you ar ethe best gods brithday it very nice it is is olse very nice to have chridstmas on gods brith
p,s i love you as a stants
Good morning! I’m so looking forward Christmas! I’d like to have many presents, but I don’t know, what I want for Christmas yet =) I’m from Russia, I like speaking English, though it’s a bit difficult. Christmas is the best holiday in the hole year)))
I’m really realyy soopa doopa sorry that in my letter that I sent in the mail i cant believe this but i spelt claus with an E at the end soz soz soz soz soz
i love this blog it is great i only found it about an hour ago and i love it my fingers are sore from tyeing but i dont care this blog is just to wonderful.
hi santa christmas is nearly here i can’t wait i’m so exited one month to wait how will i manege to wait so long. i bet your very busy.
good bye santa
p.s i’ll write anther mesige soon
from gracie
I can not wait till Christmas
p.s i love you santa
santa we love that you had said that Gods birthday was very important.I’ll be sure to give you cookies but thats not all im going to buy you a present. thanks xoxox
dear santa clause im very very excited about christmas i hope you are too. your friend McKenna Bonner
we cant wait for christmas love ya santa!
(Mrs.Clause its nothing like that love ya in a friend way!)
santa i am so excited for christmas i cant wait thank you for always delievering presents to good girls and boyes your the best we love you
thanks for my letter! I’ll leave lots of cookies and milk in my favorite glass!
santa i love christmas and you and santa are we friends thank you what time are you dielivering my toy you my best friend ever
hi santa cant wait until christmas comes its been a sort of good year but any who love ya give kisses to the reindeer love brianne
Dear Santa, i am sooooo excited for Christmas. It is my favorite time of year also! This is the best time of year to share love and joy!
P.S. (I LOVE YOU!!!)
merry cristmas and a happy newyear!!!! xoxo amanda
hey santa 2night we r putting up the tree and maybe even watchin a Christmas movie whoop whoop I hope u eat plenty of food on December 25th and thanks 4 giving me my elf and reindeer back
do u reamber me? im sooooo happy i get a Liv doll if i do have i would love u sooooooo muchh becauseu the best
I’m very very very excited about christmas I cannot wait to see what you bring me Keylie and Anthony.
Hi Santa,
I just want you to know that I never stopped believing in you. Ever since I was a little girl, I made that promise to myself that I would always believe in you, no matter how old I am. I also never stopped believing in your reindeer, elves, of Mrs.Claus for that matter. I just thought that I would let you know that. Take care Santa, and I can’t wait to see what you will bring bring for Christmas.
Bye Bye,
all i want for christmas is happiness and peace 🙂
I am soooo excited about Christmas! I love how it seems like everyone becomes nicer at a great time to celebrate God, which should really be all the time! Time flies by really fast!
was up dude with the red trim(red is in this year not that I would know I always wear black)? I good. You know Im so pumped 4 xmas!!!! So r all my peeps!!!! Wish i couls say more but i gotta get offa my thin ice. peace peoples!!!
hi how are you santa claus im 10 years old do you like singing and dancing i can’t wait for christmas
I like it when you come on christmas eve I love you blog it is pretty cool. I have so much christmas spirt in me. I listen to christmas music everyday
Im so excited for you to come to my house one we get our tree we will read elf on a shelf i im coming to the mall this week to see you or your elfs I love you from Colin
hi i am Lauren but you can call me buggy well thats my nickname sooooi love chirstmas eve i like the part where i spend time with my family.do you spend a lot of time with your family????tell me soon!!bie <3
I love evrey thing you do.Excspecialy leaving presents under the tree and you giving all the nice kids kindness and love.
P.S I do not have a chimney.So how do you get inside my house?
Dear Santa Claus,
I want to tell you how I can’t wait till its Christmas Eve and Christmas Day.
I am excited as “HECK!!” I can’t wait for you to come vistit my house and then in the morning I can see if you really came to my house or not because, first ofvol there will be no cookies or milk left, and second ofvol there will be a bunch of presents on the bottom of the Christmas tree. Santa I love you so much and my family and I hope you such a wonderful Christmas snd have a save trip around the world on christmas Eve.
hi santa i realy cant wait for u to come i cant wait to see if i hear the raindeer on the ruff top bye
We forgot to tell you that one of your elves left a stick pin in Jonathan’s chair that you brought last year. If you need it, look in our sewing kit. Thanks, I left it open for you. Merry Christmas, we love you
I am so excited about christmas and all of the presents, and i am so excited you get to deliver them! I love you Santa!
P.S. Happy Thanks Giving!<3
I can’t wait for christmas love taya
I am so psyched that Christ mas is coming! You Rock, Santa!! I promise to put Christ music on the present you are getting me ( I bet you know what I mean(wink!))!
i love christmas i have a list of things i nead to do before love you Gabriella
I love christmas! I hope you have a good chirstmas! I always get hyper on christmas eve! Love you Santa I will believe in u forever no matter what my friends say! Love Regynne
hello santa claus i just won’t to now your address
I am SO happy Christmas is here!!!! On Christmas Eve, I am leaving extra cookies for Santa and Reindeer food and automatic elf relaxer lotion to help you elves relax. Wishing everyone a very merry Christmas.
hi santa i just wanted you to know that i love chocolate cookies and nice fresh milk that what im giving you for a treat. i hope you have a majicle and wonderful christmas and am i on the nice list or the noty list. please say the nice list iv tried to be a nice girl and i have ben.i am so exsited for christmas to come. i have that wonderful christmas joy in me.im going to give the raindeer sellery and apples and carrots you can have some to love always abbie doodles.
PS your the best friend i could ever had but dont tell my mom
hello father christmas. only one month away yay! 😀
santa ya kinda wat ryan said but ill do a mix of stuff but ill leave mostly cookie and milk (and the milk is in the ferige
santa did you get my letter
Dear Santa,
I am writing this with my little cousin next to me. We are both very excited about Christmas. We hope you are enjoying you Thanksgiving and watching the Saint’s game.
Cousin and cousin
your blog is AWSOME! maybe you know a friend of mine? his name is Yhjhuhilhijj.
he told me he was on the naghty list and his grade was stinker yeah, and he’s still at home crying. well bye anyway.
Hey Santa do you ever brush your teeth? But I’m excited for Christmas!!
i cant whait for christmas,we are going
to get are christmas tree next week!
i was sick today so i made christmas cards and snow flakes!I LOVE CHRISTMAS
i am so happy i will get to see my faimly on chritmas and i hope i am going to get twety prestens for chritmas.
Hello Santa I can Not wit till Christmas for you to come i told you what i want for Christmas i was thinking if i should make a Christmas list or not because you see what i want anyway hahahahaha love you Mrs. Claus and The Elves
i’m so exided every Christmas i do a count down until CHRISTMAS!
i am sooooo execited about christmas i hope am not the only one am nearly
Dear Santa,
I am real glad your Blog is back I was very sad to hear that your Blog had been hacked into by a bad man?!.Well I am almost as exited about Christmas as most boys and girls are in the world.Congratulations to SANTA CLAUS!
I’m really excited for christmas What I really want is a nintendo ds please santa read this comment
Hey Santa ,
this website is soooo cool 🙂
i HOPE i get a new camera (PINK) , American girl look alike , American girl doctor set 🙂 please i,ve been goood !!!
hope u will get me the presents i asked for!!!:D
Hey Santa!Why do cats say meow? Because their hurt!ME OW!It is like me ow! Get it? Get it?Santa ya like jokes? Well here is one for ya! Where do polar bears keep their money? ………..In snowbanks! Ha! Wanna hear another one? K. How do you divide the sea in half? With a seasaw!
i am so excited I allready want my elf!
I am so exited, it is alomost the month of my birthday!!!!. december 18
Dear Santa,
I’m 19 years old and even though you probably can’t bring me presents anymore, I still love you with my whole heart, and don’t you worry – the Christmas spirit is forever alive and kicking inside me! It’s too bad we didn’t find out that I was autistic until I was seventeen – actually I was almost eighteen when we found out! I remember, the dual diagnosis of autism and Asperger syndrome was made right before Christmas, too:( but don’t worry Santa I’m not blaming you for the fact that I am on the autism spectrum. And I appreciate that when I was a child you never put me on the Naughty List even though December is definitely the hardest month of the year for me, no matter how old I get. And even last year, when I was 18, I STILL got no sleep the night before Christmas! Wish me a sleepy night before Christmas 2010 Santa Claus!:) xoxo
I am so excited Have you seen Miracle on 34th street?
I can’t wait till christmas I allready taste delishes cookies ant other food… And of course waiting for you and the presents. 🙂
Heres a peom for you santa
I like santa
And fanta
But I like santa better
And by the way fanta is wetter
All the prises you could get
You could only pick a couple I bet
We all have to go to bed tonight
And make sure we swicth off the light
I hope I don’t get a splinter
Before winter
hi,santa and mrs.santa and friends how are you i just can’t wait for xmas and my puppy that you promised me for christmas.
love freya mcnamara
hi santer i can’t wait untill christmas hope you get this love chloexxxx
hi father christmas i hope you okay to come to my house bye
Hi santa it is me mark i hope you mrs claus&the rinedears are good love you from mark
hi santa its me agian are the elves working on my presents? well if they are good dont work them to hard thou. in your blog it said that your jolly well im jolly to we have a lot in comin how do get down peoples chimnys is it some kind of magic oh tell the elves im very fond of them tell that to all the magical creaters olivia
hi I hope you can get me the presents I asked for. I am really into wwe and I hope you can get them thank you very much 🙂
I am glad that Santa and I are best
santa dont eat too many cookies this year because you need to get down my small chimney…
be safe on your long ride around the world santa tell everyone i said hello and have a merry christmas
hi santa i cant wait till christmaas i dont think any one can i love rudolf the most out of all the raindears. i really wont to no what your favioute food is and drink plaese tell mrs claws that the ginch only tryes to stell her cookies because they are so nice and that he wishes that he could be as good a cook as her i am short maybe i could sneek in abecome a elf i would love it because i could see rudolf every day i wush i could live in the north pole wuth all my family and freinds it would be so fun xxxxxxxxxx
p.s i would love it if you wrote back xxxx
can u seand a other one pretty please
hi santa, i was just wondering…does mrs clause email anyone?
hi santa i cant wait for christmas can you? XD. WRITE TO ME SOON AT {email address deleted by the elves. Read Santa’s Internet Safety Tip below!}
Im so exited I bet I could bound right over to the north pole and land in your lap santa.Glad to hear it’s all going well can’t wait till christmas day im sooooo exited.
hi its me again georgia i came to have a look at your christmas blog i think its good so far.but anyway hows every one at the northpole today?are the elfs busy tonight?what are having for tea tonight? what are you doing right now santa.i cant wait till you to vist my house on christmas i cant wait.do you know i not feeling very well right now lots of love from georgia have a nice day evry one at the northpole
I don’t mind if u have some of the reindeer food, that I left out. I hope you like the snacks that I leave for you on Christmas Eve! Thank you for everything you do.
I can’t wait until Christmas Eve and Christmas Day I so excited.
dear santa,
i hope clumsy dosen’t mess up my gifts. i also wanted to know what type of cookies you would like on christmas eve.
love from,
dear santa . i am really excited . the christmas lights are really brighting up the place. i sen you a email . you asked me if it was a relly kitten . its a pretend kitten
hi santa you are sooooo cool if i had a naughty or nice list you would certandly be on my nice list
i hope you can get me what i wish for this year if not its ok
Hi Santa I am sooo excited for Christmas and I’m so shocked that Christmas is exactly one month away. I love to go outside and play in the snow. I will talk to you soon.
Hey ! I am so glad that christmas is here!I am ready to give my presents to my friends and family!
I am so exited for christmas because i get to open all my presents that have been left under the christmas tree. And also it is my birthday three weeks before christmas.
Can’t wiat for christmas santa, we are soooooo xcited and fill with joy, hope u and the eleves are having lots of fun, and singing lots of songs, we are too at school,
see you soon
lots of love
tomorrow I hope will be watch me because
it is my class assmbely. I am exited
Great to hear that everythings going well, I can’t WAIT for Christmas xD I’m soooooo excited! XD x
thankyou you for my two letters you sent me
hi Santa Claus keep up the good work how many reindeer and elves all together hope you can count them all thanks
Yay!! I’m glad you’re blog is back! A lot of kids love reading about how you’re getting ready for the holidays! Lets sit back with a cup of cocoa and watch christmas movies waiting till the night that we hear sleigh bells and jolly laughter in our dreams