I know many of you have wonderful Christmas traditions. You have told me about them in my blog! (Yes, I do read everything that you write in my blog 😊 !) Well, I have special Christmas traditions too. Another is my annual Christmas Wish for the World 🌎!
Would you like to learn more about my special Christmas tradition – my Christmas Wish?
Well, I am very lucky. I get to see the whole world. I get to see many wonderful things. People have done such great things.
But, I see a lot of things that make me a little sad too. After all, bad things do happen to good people even though it is not their fault.
Why a Christmas Wish?
Well, I see people who are hungry. I see people who are hurting or angry. Also, I see people who are afraid they will not have somewhere to live.
Lately, I see people who don’t tell the truth and try to fool other people. I see people who know they are being lied to but forget to do the right thing and stand up and ask for the truth.
Yes, I see many things that make me thankful for all that I have.
And I see many things that give me hope.
What gives me the most hope is the young people of the world. The children that Mrs. Claus, the elves, reindeer and I love so much. The children like you reading this. The children who can make the world a better place for all.
You see, the elves and I are really good at making toys and other Christmas presents. But, we just are not very good when it comes to other things. For example, things like making the world a better place. That takes a lot more than Santa’s magic.
I think that is why we like making toys. It is the one thing we can do to make people happy. Even if it is not as important as finding a cure for disease. Or stopping world hunger or war. Or making sure people have a safe place to live. Those are things that people have to do!
So here are some things we cannot do at the North Pole that we are wishing for this Christmas. We have been asking for these things for a long time. We hope maybe this is the year some of them will come true:
My friends’ Christmas Wishes
Frosty the Snowman wishes an end to global warming. I do too. (It is very hard to be a snowman when it is so warm after all!)
The elves wish they could make every child in the world safe and happy. I do too of course.
The reindeer wish people would stop hurting other people and animals. I do too of course.
Mrs. Claus wishes that all people could live together in peace and harmony. I do too of course.
And my Christmas Wish for the world this year will be the same as every year: “Merry Christmas to All and to all a Good Night!”
Now it is your turn. What is your Christmas wish for the world? After all, people all over the world will read your wish right here on my blog! That is pretty amazing and special.
Just remember, if you want to make a wish for a present from me, then go to my “Email Santa Claus” page.
Merry Christmas!
Santa Claus
P.S. What is your Christmas wish for the world? What do you do to make the world a better place? You can leave your wish for the world here. Then, scroll down to see other peoples’ Christmas wishes!

A right jolly old elf, in spite of myself. I love Christmas, children, the North Pole, Mrs. Claus, elves, reindeer, snowmen & the list goes on!
My title is CEO: Christmas Elf Online.
Merry Christmas!
My Christmas wish is that all the sick people who are in love with you and miss claus too to get better ❤️ today Soon happy birthday to all people a,d Marry Christmas everyone and an amazing
hi I wish we are rich bc my mommy needs money
i wish for peace on earth and going gifts and presents!
I wish that everyone would be very helpful and good so they can get there presents.
Dear Santa,
I am doing just fine a getting ready for my birthday wich is next month.
hope you and Mrs.Claus enjoy 2020.
My Christmas wish is that people especially young kids will stop dying from diseases that are completely preventable, I am 23 yrs old I am also a blood donor
I honestly have many, but my main one is that someday no child or pet will ever have to go through pain at the hands of any adults.
My Christmas wish is to save the planet love Emma
I wish there were no abandoned families r children and no World Hunger!!!
My Xmas wish is that people will not do stuff with violence.
My wish for the world is that we would be healed from all sickness and have perfect harmony in this universe. Be debt-free from the
USA economy that is in the trillions of dollars. Live according to Gods perfect plan he has for us. AMEN.
Merry Christmas.
I don’t know what my Christmas wish for the world would be, but tell the reindeers that I’m for one going to try to make their wish come true. I don’t realize that my jokes are mean, because I learned to be that way from my dad, but I don’t want to be that way anymore. I also don’t know what is appropriate on social media and what is not so if possible I’d like a class take a class on that. Anyway Merry Christmas Santa and everyone else.
Hey, Everett, are U a kid and near trail, bc????. Just curious.
I have many wishes! Everyone to be kind, no smoking or littering, no more homeless people, treat people the way you want to be treated, help animals that need it, for the entire world to have a great and fair life, no war; just peace.
I’m 48 years old I wood like a woman pair of biboveralls size 20 this year please and toys for all 6 of my dogs and tools for my husband sonny please. Please bring them to Illinois
Hi I am gabby and we think this is really important I wish if you r ✌ can come to our house to say in and say hi to my parents and our cute dog max.