Do you remember in my blog a long time ago I told you that Rudolph and Clarice had two new little reindeer? Well the little reindeer, Georgie Gingerbread and Blizzard, are growing up so fast I can hardly believe it!
The elves even had a surprise first birthday party for them. It was quite a party. Would you like to hear more about the birthday party for Santa’s newest little reindeer?
Well it was going to be a big day for Blizzard (that is him in the photo as a baby) and Georgie Gingerbread on their birthday already. They were going to play in the reindeer games for the first time! They were quite excited, as you can imagine.
Of course, the elves and the big reindeer had a surprise party planned all the time. So, after everyone was done at the reindeer games they went back to the reindeer barn. As soon as Blizzard and Georgie Gingerbread walked into the barn, everyone jumped out and said “Surprise!”
Blizzard was so surprised he jumped. He flew right up in the air! He flew even higher than he had at the reindeer games! HHHOL! Georgie Gingerbread just had a little smile on her face. I think she knew there was going to be a surprise party. She is one smart little reindeer after all!
It’s a Reindeer Birthday Party!
It was a pretty silly party. All the elves wore silly little reindeer hats with antlers. All the big reindeer wore elf hats! There were lots of balloons so of course the elves were running around trying to pop the balloons with their reindeer hats. Clumsy the Elf got the antlers in his hat stuck in Dasher’s antlers. What a sight!
Then Mrs. Claus brought in two special birthday cakes. Its good she made two because just then, POP!, Clumsy’s hat came off. He landed right in the middle of one of the cakes! Clumsy said it really tickled with all the reindeer eating the cake off him.
Finally we sang a song. Do you know what song we sang? Of course, reindeer only speak “animal” so we sang “Hippo Birdy Two Ewes!” (It’s just like “Happy Birthday to You” but for animals). I think that’s the song the reindeer like best (well, at least of the songs that aren’t about Christmas! HHHOL!)
Merry Christmas!
Santa Claus
P.S. Do you like birthday parties? You can tell me what you like the most about birthday parties here. Or, scroll down to see what others have written!

A right jolly old elf, in spite of myself. I love Christmas, children, the North Pole, Mrs. Claus, elves, reindeer, snowmen & the list goes on!
My title is CEO: Christmas Elf Online.
Merry Christmas!
My b day is next year on the 28th of may
My favourite thing about birthday parties is having all my friends round. Next year I would like to have a camp out with my two friends Erin and Shannon.
The little one is ssooo cute in the picture
I enjoyed birthdays because I ask at costco in Nampa,Idaho to used my custom designs since 2004 on chocolate cake.Maybe next year i can used my own Kozaks Costco cake order form next year for my 28th birthday.I loved being spoiled by everyone in my family & with friends,so I can become Santa Claus or a emperor in the future on this earth.
Blizzard Looks Like Rudolph only younger
Blizzard, you are so adorable! I can’t believe you did that! Blizzard, you are going to grow up and be quite the reindeer. You might get to guide Santa’s sleigh! And Gorgie, you are quite the reindeer. You are so bright! Even brighter than Rudolph’s nose! That’s saying something!
I like the cake my freinds coming over and gifts oh and family to
hi Santa i hope your little reindeer’s are OK have you got a reindeer called sunny because my friend said you have but i am not sure i don’t no if there is or not how many reindeer’s have you got and if you have got any more reindeer’s i will leave more carrots to take them home with u.
i like when you get to see what the person [or animal hahahahaha]got.
dear santa
baby toy cookis for santa
carits rodohp
is babby raindeers going to on slhah
I’m so adoriable never mind the reindeer
My favorite thing about a birthday party is having a MAGICIAN perform! Abracadabra!
what did you deside to name the new raindeer? Is the new raindeer going to be flighing any time soon?what is it’s favorite food?
happy birth day to blizerd,and georgie gingerbred
I love that little Raindeer he’s SOOOO cute and i love his long legs!!!!
Blizzard is growing up just like his dad Rudolph and Georgie Gingerbread is growing up like her mom Clarice. Maybe one day Blizzard will be as important as Rudolph. Blizzard, you will go down in history like your Dad!
i think his name should be Jolly it gose good whith Christmas!!!
you know, i think blizzerd is going to make the sleigh team,just like Rudolph!!!!
I like to get cake and invite my friends. I really love cookie cake… I had my 6th birthday party at Build-a-Bear workshop. I think my next party will be there too.
The little Reindeer is so cute, and I think that Blizzard is a perfect name for the little guy! This is a very cute story! Georgie Gingerbread was pretty smart knowing about the party. Georgie Gingerbread is sort of a long name so I will call her GG if that’s ok. The part when Blizzard jumped really high was very funny! I can barely picture that happening with a teenie tiny reindeer like Blizzard!
omg that raindeer is so adoriable almost as cute as my two Ginnie Pigs
Dear Santa ,
how’s the new reindeer doing ???
tomorrow is Christmas eve and we are going to see Tron Legacy..with my family.
i got a haircut everybody says i look a lot more mature 🙂
ive been nice
im going to leave you a card in my stocking you took cards that i made for my family can i have them back please thanks 😛
hope i get the presents i asked for
thanks for everything you do for me and my family love ya
It’s sad, right? Before you know it, the baby reindeers’ are grownup and they’re guiding your sleigh!
dear,santa have u watched the movie the north pole i love the song hot chocolate it is so catchey and in one part of the movie santa claus gives the little boy one of the belles off the colar of a reindeer and thats what i want from you oh and the picture of the baby reindeer is so cute and i have your letter from last year i hope you write me back soooooooon your little gabriella
The little reindeer are so cute!
How is everyone at the North Pole? Santa must be at least 900 by now. Well merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
he is so cut and thank you for the letter
All I want is that everything is fine with me and my boyfriend and family. frankly, I’d like to finish my room my parents .. I want everyone to be happy Christmas with your loved ones. Merry Christmas to all!
Can i get a reply from an elf or something? 🙂
Hi i really love animals and want you to pat him on the head for me!
I never knew about the little Reindeers!
Blizzard look’s very cute!
Merry Christmas everyone! And Happy Birthday Blizzard, and Georgie Gingerbread!
hi santa my favorite thing about parties is that everyone is happy and if somehow I get hurt I know God is always there.
I just email you at email santa.com.dear santa,reindeer are pretty.what do reindeer eat.how do reindeer fly. I wish you merry christmas and happy New year.
I really like the fact that you have birthday parties for a reindeer.do your reindeer ever get sick?
I like the game and cake and happy birthday song
I bet you are lucky to have 11 reindeer.
I just email you at email santa.com. I think that the reindeer are cool because they can fly.How many reindeer do you have?What do reindeer eat?What is there favorite food?What is there favorite game to play?
I wish I could meet those two reindeer. 🙂
wow! you must have many reindeers. you must love them all very much.
tell blizzard he is awesome does he have all three reindeer gifts
wow what a good story i bet thet had a great birthday
Blizzard is so cute. Are Gingy Gingerbread and Blizzard taking flying lessons yet?
I like the cake and I like it when People sing. Tell the baby reindeer i said happy birthday.
your randeer is so so so so so cute and is their any way i can print out your blog with all of my love madison
After reading your blog about the birthday party it inspired me to write a Christmas story called Chirstmas Newborns.I hope everyone has a very merry Christmas!!
im glad even reindeers have time for family on the buysieset times. i would love a picture of blizzard.
I am glad Rudolph and Clarice got two babies they must be so proud I would love to be there to see there faces and when clumsy crashed into Dasher with his hat and when he crashed into the cake.I didn’t now reindeer could fly whenthere that young lucky them they can fly but if you have a magic potion can you please give me some.Can you please tell you’re elves and reindeer I said hy.
I hope blizzard had a good birthday.ps tell him I said hi ps again tell the elves
santa, blizzard is so cute, i really like their names my favorite part about birthday parties is when we all get to eat the cake and opening presents
happy birthday blizzard i love you xoxoxoxoxoxox
I think that story was sooo CCUUTTEE and it was a silly but very joyful and I also thought it was very funny to look and even to listen to the story
ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha santa very funny lol see ya
Santa its chloe I emailed you earlyer
and forgot to include some things. I just want to ask to come on your slay(please).
Santa! My friend Ben K. told me his aunt told him that Rudolf’s nose is shining brighter than ever this year! 🙂 Have a very Merry Christmas
I always wonder if you think i am a good singer. Please write back,can you also
mention if i am a good singer.
hi santa i miss you so much please right me back 🙂
Aww so Cute!
am so Happy for Rudloph and Clarice!
and great names for the babbys!
Bizzlard and Gergo! did you know there’s a christmas movie about a reindeer named Bilzzared?.
hi Rudloph Clarice and All the Elfs and the reindeer and mrs Claus and Santa Claus.
i cant wait 4 you 2 come it’ll be awsome dont forget when i emailed you you promised me an ipod and a cool phone don’t forget please (just sayin).
Morgan Renee Elkins
i like that my bday is 3 days after christmas i ove decimber because i get lots of presents itss awesome.
Morgan Renee Elkins
Santa pleas tell rudoph and clarce they have 2 lovly babies.I love the photo of BLIZZZERED I think it was very cute.
my favorite part of birthday parties would be hanging out with my family and friends. What’s yourfavorite partof birthdays?
Your reindeer are probably getting ready for christmas arn’t they.They probably are ready to head out on christmas eve.How are your reindeer doing are they doing good, bad,great,or really great?I bet rudolph is ready to get on that sleigh,and fly up high. love,Christa Hensley p.s. tell rudolph I watched his show on ABC so that I could learn about him some more p.p.s.I will go to email santa.com on christmas eve and I told you I wouldn’t for get to get on your on your santa blog!
Can you please change my friend Erin?
And for christmas i want one of your slegh bells?
hi little cute render is cute and love bdp
I love to see everyone having a great time at parties.It makes you feel happy and I love like bouncy castles!
I got a letter from santa it is great and i think the little reindeer is soo cute
hey blizzard is soooooooooooo cute he looks like a minature baby horse ADORABLE!! i wonder what georgie gingerbread looks like probly just like blizzard. i want a baby reindeer where can i get 1? that would be awesome!!!!
I luv your reindeer. They are really cute!
i love birthday parties and i can see why clumsy’s name is clumsy well good bye !!! 🙂
Dear Santa, what are Georgie gingerbread and blizzard,s last name.Love Jade Vilayseng
Ilove birthday parties. I really like reindeer. Are there any new reindeer?
I wish I was at the party. How did clumsy fell into the cake? Were the Wrestleing? Having reindeer must be fun. I would want one like Blizzard When he was a baby.
I love birthday parties! The best part about parties is the presents!
The Presents does Rudolph,Clarice,Blizzard,and Georgie GingerBread like presents the best too
I hope you get me a weiner puppy 4 Christmas!
i did hear buot it last year. blizzard is handsome. congrats rudolph and clarice!!
i think blizzard should be part of the team when older.
I HOPE I AM NOT NAUGHTY!! i try REALLYYY hard but sometimes things happen you know? (*wink*) MERRY CHRISTMAS!!
Wow!! a Birthday party!?! I bet blizzard would LOVE that (and the others*wink*) 😀
i bet they loved the suprise say hello from me to them thank you have the merriest christmas and the happiest new year to them and to you all xxoxoxoxoxo
I love going to birthday parties. I am going to my friend Diarmuids party on Sunday. We will run around and eat too many sweets. I hope I dont get dizzy from running around.
i bet they are sooo cute love Megan
how are you today and are the elves and rainderes okay merry chrismas thats all i had to say am sorry i did have some bad times but am still nice.
hi how are u iam lydias bother and i hope you have qa great time pn christmas day 🙂 🙁
hi santa 🙂 love christmas and so you aswell xxxxx 🙂
how are you today?
I can’t wait until christmas… guess what!!
Don’t forget to guess what 😉
I love reindeer so much and i hope rudulph and all the little reindeer enjoy having parties and celibrating birth of new born reindeer
hi santa haha that must have been a silly birthday party for them
I like birthday partys that has
pools.I had a birthday party with
I absolutely love birthday parties if it wasn’t on the fourth i would have been begging you to let me come to
Hi Santa is mrs claus cooking you a big dinner
hello santa merry christmas! and thanks for all u do. i do like birthday parties do u? have i been naughty or nice? wats one of the presents your gettin me?
i like b-day parties b-cause u get to celebrate your b-day with your friends or go to their parties and spend time with them
Blizzard is soooo cute p.s. is he going to be one of your reindear someday
santa can you come and pick me up and take me to rudolfs birthday party
I love it when Yhu get to open all the presents,
But one year I got skates and I fell. It was really sore 🙂
Anyway I still love Birthdays!!
Merry Christmas Santa! x
dear santa I want Ipond and coloring books to and table chair to I want alot this years santa im I on your good list now tell me
awww, that is really sweet! why havent i been keeping up in here?! send them my congratz please santa and i hope they love them to bits!
When it is my birthday I like playing with my freinds.:)
Say happy birthday to the birthday reindeer and say hi to ruldolph.
p.s. mighta spelled ruldolph wrong
Hi Santa,
I think that my favorite birthday party EVER was this years at my father’s house… I was the monkey in the middle!!!
how ADORABLE!! i love thoughs names! tell them to b careful one day when they get to guide you sleigh!! :)! my cousins madison & parker miller got to new puppies because of you sending them a letter! thx again for all you do for everyone and my family! i love you for eternity! :)!!!
i love a good cake but the reendeers might want a carrot cake.i love playing fun games like pin the tail on the reendeer.put of coorse reendeers dnet have hands.
p.s. happy birthday blizzard!
Well i like every part of birthday partys , honestly, but if i had to choose one i whould pick all my friends and famliy!! Merry christmas!
What I realy like about birthdays are, all the people who are there.
Dear Santa Claus. I saw the picture of blizzard and I like her. I wish that I could see her this Christmas. I will put out extra carrots for blizzard. Along with the message earlier that I sent I also want a puppy dog for Christmas. I wish that I could see Rudolph too.
I forgot to say when are the reindeers georgie gingerbread and blizzard going to be a part of the reindeer crew that fly the slay
i have not actually had a suprise birthday party because im only 10 but im sure i would know what it would feel like and the best part would be not knowing and making your birthday even BETTER
i love birthday parties last year i had a limosine and a driver for the day it was awesome
so was the birthday party goood. so tell all the rainder i said hey
I didn’t know that you had two new little reindeer?
I cant wait till you show at my house i’m so exited I also want to know how mrs.claus is doing and I hope that mouse has all her big elf teeth now
I Like playing games. It is really fun especially when you have your party and playing games is fun. Please tell me when its rudolfs birthday I like seeing the newborn reindeer
I would like to know what is the names of your randers
Santa,i want to know when rudolths bday is. love u
I hope Rudolph and Clarice are happy together!!!
Aww how cute!! Congratulations Clarice and Rudolph…. And welcome to the family Georgie Gingerbread and Blizzard!! Well that’s all i have to say and Merry (Early) Christmas!! Only 20 more days!!!
That must have been really cute ps that was super duper cute!
santahave you gotin colid befor love natalie
Tell Blizzard & Georgie Gingerbread I said “Happy Birthday!” Blizzard is sooo cute, can I see a picture of Georgie Gingerbread? Can I have a reindeer for Christmas?
The Little reindeer is so cute 😀 😀 <3
Santa is Clarice happy with Rudolph? well how old is RFudolph and Clarice? and how are the babys doing? I hope one day they will be guiding your sliegh every Christmas Eve. How old are you ive heard that you stop at an age and that is your age forever right. Well nice talking to you Santa C. Have a nice Ride on the 25 by
ok well i was 2 and i loved my mpom andi was scared and i didnt know anyone so i held on to my mom the hole time
there so cute are they as magical as the older ones
Can i see a picture of rudolf,claire,The babys of reindeers
He’s the cutest little thing in the world.
love the picture! hope to see one of the new baby reindeers all grown up! can you leave me a picture of the reindeers on christmas eve?
So cute is it i wish i had a baby reindeer
i love animals
especially my guinea pig millie
i also love the picture of that little reindeer blizzard
I will leave some carrots and other vegetables for the Blizzard and Georgie Gingerbread on Christmas Eve.
The reindeer are so cute!!! I thin the best thing about birthday parties is giving and receiving.
Your new reindeer Blizzard looks cute. Trll Blizzard I said Happy 1rst Birthday.
hello santa,tell the b-day reindeer happy birthday and tell all the reindeer merry christmas and that i said i hope they have fun on christmas eve and christmas morning.
Marry Christmes !
Happy Birthday
Georgie Gingerbread and Blizzard ! ; )
I would love to come Reinders are so cute could i have one please its on my christmas list
santa um i want to give the new reindeer their own little sleigh.
I think Santa’s new reindeer is so cute.I would like him myself.
aww hes so cute say merry christmas from me to everyone their lol
aww i think thats so cute we wish you a merry birthday we wish you a merry birthday we wish you a merry birthday and a happy christmas too merry christmas santa merry christmas reindeer one question before i go . . . do you have your christmas tree up? cause i have ok santa bye!
Hi Santa,
Tell all the reindeer Merry Christmas.
You all there at the North Pole rock. Tell everyone Merry Christmas, Rock on!!! Merry Christmas.
I like when the birthday boy or girl opens the presents
i love birth day parties cause of the cake
Tell rudolff I said hi after that I hope you can make it arond the world in 1 day!!BUT after that please wright back BFF JAKE K
Tell Rudolph and Clarice I said they are a CUTE couple.. I LOVE them!! and u to Santa!! thanks!!
the raindeer are so cute i hope there are more storys about the raindeer
i lve birthday partys i have juke partys
santa some people have said things about you that are not nice. but if you ever hear who said it or if you know who said it you can leave them a letter on christmas eve or you can put them on the bad list its your choice.
Ask Rudolph if blizzard is helping his dad
Have you seen my Christmas list that I just sent you
hi Santa its me Renee i just wanted to tank you and the elves for all the presents you have given me the past years!!!
Tank You
tell rudolph and Clarice that blizzard and Georgie gingerbread are sooooooo cute! Have a merry christmas and happy New year!
Hi Santa. We are very thankful for all that you have done for some many years! The holidays are here and we are so happy that you will be visiting!
the thing i like the most about birthday party’s is that you get to hang out with friends and family. also you get presents it remindes me that christmas is not far away!
Santa you are the best. And that baby reindeer is soooooo cute!
I would love to meet the reindeer.I bet they loved it .It sounds fun to have a reindeer party.I <3 you santa.
tell rudolph clarice that i said their really cute and tell them i love them also.
hey i hope you have a merry christmas sand that the baby reindeer are going to help rudolph fly the bigged sled. have a holly jolly christmas
I like birthdays because we pla party games . I also get to see my frinds.
that is the cuteset thing in the world i want him as my wallpaper on my phone cute…i think santa you should keep him as your pet.
omg! that little reindeer is so cute!! which 1 was that? We can not wait till Christmas!! merry x-mas by the way!!
carly and brittany
My brother and I love surprises. I have to say the reindeer is soooooo cute can you send me a picture of them all together
Do you really give coal to the people on the naughty list?
dear santa, i love rudolph. im glad you have a new reindeer.
I love the little reindeer! Did Rudolph and Clarice get married?
Im being a good boy! anyway I love u santa! Email me!
Hi Santa!!
I love birthday parties! Congratulations on the new reindeer! I can not wait until Christmas! 20 sleeps to go!
Dear Santa,
Parties are ALWAYS fun. Tell your little reindeer I said ‘Hi’!
Your friend,
Haley .M.
Hippo Birdy Two ewe, Hippo birdy two ewe, hippo birdy deer Georgie and Blizzard, Hippo Birdy two ewe
Dear Santa,
I love birthday parties! They are a lot of fun and we have cake, play games, watch the birthday girl or boy open presents, and even get goodie bags!! Thanks!
Christmass. 🙂
I love Santa. <3
good luck happy christmas reindeer and mrs. and mr. Clause
what i like about birthdays is that you eat cacke
Ha, One of those reindeer have my name!
i love birthday parties. congratulations on your new reindeer have a super christmas ! i love you!
Awww congrats from the new little members to the family, I sure hope to see the little time riding around with Santa! 🙂
The reindeer party sounded really exciting I wish I was a reindeer it sounds really cool.I have just put my Christimas tree up today and decorated it, it looks really pretty.In England the snow is really deep and slippery but today it rained so the snow is gone now – I did not have time to make a snowman this time.Chat soon.
HO HO HO very cute. “Mickey Rendeer christmas party” HA HA HA
hello santa i hope you and mrs claus are keeping well
i hope you all have fun and i hope to see you the 24 and i have cookies for you and somereindeer mix love you santa
congratulations ruldolph and clarisse one day there be just like you=)
Birthday parties rock! They are so lucky. My little sister is having birthday party soon acualy.
my favourite part about birthdays is when I eat pizza . I think that reindeer birthday must of been pretty funny
Awww! Parties are super-duper fun. I hope the reindeer enjoyed it! 🙂
Happy Birthday!!! Hope they had a great one! Congrats!
I bet Clairce and Ruidph have lot to take care there little rainder for there birthday party I bet it was a blast I had a birthday party once it was really fun it was at Pump it up it’s really cool.
I hope that they had a wonderful first birthday have a great first christmas
Congrats Ruldolph and Clarisse!!!:):):):):):)
Happy Birthday Little Reindeer even though im in a different timezone to uses.
Thats a funny story!!! \
Have a very Merry Christmas Santa!
The elves are really nice to take the time and have a suprise 1st birthday party for them. Please tell Rudolf and Clairence best wishes! As well as the elves and Mrs. Claus and to you too, Santa!
Merry Christmas!
That’s so cool! It was nice of the elves to throw a suprise party…
Birthday partys are SUPER fun and we have birthday cake and icecream then we go and play again
Haha. I bet it was a blast! I live up In northern Nunavut so I live near the north pole. How exciting!
I would like a very nice family time, of course with you.But i know you will be probably wrapping the childrens christmas presents.Would you be packing the childrens presents on the 22 of october? Anyway i have always got lots and lots of presents i know for shore some of the presonts are from you.
hello santa i rememberd what you said that you couldent wait for me to go and write a coment well im hear now see you soon love from roisin
Congratulations ruldolph and clarisse! Good luck!!
Me and my bff love praties and we are only 10!We want to have a party for chirstmas this year.Hope to see you soon!
awee that is so adorable good luck to clarice and rudolph..!!!! Congragulations!!!
Is georgie gingerbread older or blizzard?
i cant believe Rudolph and Clarice had 2 babies!
i liked the story and i liked it when the eleves gave him a big party.
Happy Birthday all the way from Ottumwa! How exciting Georgie and Blizard! I can’t wait for a few more years and you to will be guiding Santas sleigh just like you dad!
Happy Birthday to the reindeer love alexis
ahhh how cute is that photograph i hope our new little reindeer’s grow up and lead our sleigh!
The picture of Blizzard is so CUTE!! I wish I could have a reindeer of my own, but even if that doesn’t happen, i would still love every Christmas that I’ve had… I LOVE YOU SANTA!! ( And everyone that’s at the North Pole!! )
i like the story and i like it when the elves gave him a big party.
i like the story and my favourite part was when the elves gave him a big party.
I really liked your blog Santa it’s very good.
i realy hope you can git me a kitten puppy a fish bird lizard cat bairdies.
i like your cute little reindeer alot!
i can’t remember the reindeer names.
that was a nice nonfiction story you got there i cant beleve my site ho ho ho i cant beleve that they had babys that was wonerful well i will fisit this blog latter today xoxoxoxo oxooxoxo hanna
happy birthday gorgie gingerbread and blizzard
How cute is he going to be on the sled when he’s older his gave birth to him
Haha sounds like fun santa! This website is fun and annoying but it sounds like Blizzard is very cheeky ;).
Hey Santa i love you and have a merry Cristmas!!!
my name is sarah & i am 7 years old
i live at castle doglas & it is in dumfries & galloway
i am getting really excited about christmas and this is some of the presents i would like a real kitten,
kitten food & kitten biscuits and kitten toys & kitten bed please santa
I just talked to you at email SANTA.com. Have a good day.
Ahh blizard is soo cute rudolf and curice must be very very happy
The best part of birthday partys is you get to open presents and guess whats inside and when you get to play with your friends. P.S Thankyou Santa for reading my messages I sent you your replies made me laugh they were funny.
hiya santa how old are the reindeers x
i like the presents the most out of all
dear santa,
I have heard about the little reindeer party i would love to come but at my house if i go some where my brother and sisster will have to come.
In birthday parties the best thing is looking at all the presents and eating the cake.
that party sounds so cool haw old are they
HI elves i really really want to visit you but i hve no time so maybe sometimes ill come and visit you
I like the nice presents and party’s
it looks like the had a very good little reindeer party & they looked so cute ,the elves certainly did a great party
cheers rebecca
culumsy elf did they have a great birthday it sound’s like fun wish we were there
They look so cute, I love their names how did you come up with them?
We hope you like the reindeer party and we wish you a merry christmas!
I love birthday parties, when i was younger i was invited too partys 3 times a week! but i never had a party untill i was 9 and it was at ollies ocean world, only my 2 best freinds were there but it was the best partie i ever went to!