Many children ask, “Is Santa sick”? Here’s my answer.
Now that it is so close to Christmas, I want to be sure that I do not get sick! A few elves have caught the cold, so I have to be extra careful!
Would you like to find out if I am going to be healthy for Christmas?
Do not worry. I am sure I am going to be healthy for Christmas! I have some tricks up my sleeve.
Of course, the first thing I did was get my flu shot!
Another trick is that I make sure to wash my hands… often!
Today I worked in the shop with three elves that had the sniffles! We even worked on the same chess set.
When it was time for a lunch break, I washed my hands with nice hot water. I sang “Jingle Bells” as I scrubbed. This helped me to make sure I scrubbed my hands long enough.
I also make sure I drink my orange juice. Orange juice is full of something called Vitamin C. Do you know what Vitamin C is? Well, it is something that helps your body stay healthy.
If I do get sick, I use these same tricks. I also try to go to bed early so that I can get lots of sleep.
If I get sick, chicken noodle soup and hot tea also help me to feel better.
Is Santa sick?
I guess if I do get sick I could always let Clumsy the Elf drive the sleigh this year. I know he has wanted to try it for some time now. He calls it “the Cold Clause”. HHHOL! (That means “Ho! Ho! Ho! Out Loud!”)
But I don’t think I will be sick this year. Besides, I go to see the Elf Doctor in just a few days!
Merry Christmas!
Santa Claus
P.S. What do you do to keep from getting sick? Do you think I should let Clumsy the Elf drive the sleigh if I get sick? You can click here to tell me or, scroll down to see what other people have written!
P.P.S. My name really is Santa Claus, not Santa Clause! That was just a silly joke in a movie! HHHOL!

A right jolly old elf, in spite of myself. I love Christmas, children, the North Pole, Mrs. Claus, elves, reindeer, snowmen & the list goes on!
My title is CEO: Christmas Elf Online.
Merry Christmas!
I drink daily sunshine I haven’t got sick since I drink it and it makes me feel good it comes in vanilla chocolate and more but it’s healthy it has lots of vegetables in it and fruit Hope you join me thanks love Hailey
On yeah right now I have the fever it sucks
Yea he’ll probably just give coal to the nice and presents to the naughty or something like that.
Merry Christmas!
Ho, ho ho!
Don’t worry, I always make sure the nice get their gifts and the naughty get a chance to do better next year.
I want a little sister who looks and acts just like me for Christmas or maybe even for my 20th birthday in May on the 25th.
till santa I want puppy girls for paul house
Er Santa letting Clumsy Drive the sleigh isn’t a good idea! HE IS TOO CLUMSY I’d either want Santa or MRs clause to drive the sleigh! MERRY XMAS AND A HAPPY NEW YEAR
Dear Santa,
I have emailed letters on the internet this year,and I am so happy you answer it as quick as rudolph can ride the sleigh! When I get a cold or i get sick I go to bed early and I have Hot chocolate! Speaking of Hot chocolate,It’s time to let my brother go on the computer!
Have a merry christmas and a happy new year!
Love from Yvette,10 years Old
When get a cold or a sore throat I usally drink some hit tea honey with lemon I hope you do not get sick
I think you should not let clumsy the elf drive the sleigh this year if you get sick you should let mrs. claus
i get sick alot cuz of my cat. she gives me the sniffles
I think Mrs.Claus should drive the sleigh.
I try not to get sick by drinking lots of tea and vitamin C.I also take little chuable vitamins.And when I go out in winter I always put on my scarf that santa gave me one year and I put on my hat my vest a jumper and my warm winter coat,I also put on my boots and my gloves.But not just at winter time, I always put on the right clothes so I won’t get sick.I also try to be happy all the time because happiness helps you not to get sick.And if I do get sick happiness also helps to make me feel better.That is how I try not to get sick.
I don’t think it would be a good idea to let clumsy the elf fly the sleigh because he’s well you know clumsy.
its ok you whont get sick im couting on you
yes i would because i don’t wan’t you get sick even MORE Santa Claus
i get sick alot to i am sick right now i have a cold
When I get sick I sometimes stay home from school. I lay in my mom’s big bed and watch TV. But this year I am trying to not miss a day of school starting at 3rd grade. So if I get sick I will go to school for a little bit and then go home. My mom will have to send a note or email in first so my teacher knows.
I stay away from people who are sick.
i know you will not get sick this christmas because you know what 2 do thank you 4 praying 4 my mom
i have the cold right now **achoo!!**
i know you will not get sick because you know what to do santa good job
Dear Santa,
I hope you do not get sick because,what if Clumsy the elve gets lost and forgets a bounch ok kids!I hope the elves fell better soon!
If you got sick i will put plate of health snakes see you soon
I hope you don’t ceach a cold.
I hope you fell better soon.
I sure do hope you are not sick on Christmas because everyone will be very sad!
no,clumbsy elf is clumbys it is is in the name p.s. sorry about the spelling
I think if you get sick you should let Mrs. Claus do the run for you. But make shore you teach her first. Thank you and have a Merry Christmas Santa.
his name is clumsy and i bet he is going to be clumsy do not let him do it if he can not do it let Mrs.Clause do it. merry christmas
no, because his name is clumpsy and he is clumpsy and he will do something wrong
I dont think you should because his name says it all! Clumsy!!!
Dear Santa,Hi!Don’t get sick because you can’t deliver presents and also,I drink medicine and not go outside when I’m sick.I love you!Looking forward to see you!Bye!<3
cant wait till Christmas Santa . keep up the good work!
hello santa i am a hamster and my owners are always getting colds but i dont get them because i hide away and cover my mouth and nose when they sneeze or cough thats all my tips for today i hope to give you more advice merry xmas and i hope to see xmas eve night not long now and i hope you stay well
hi santa only 2 more days to christmas
Santa clause my name is Mayson and i don’t want you to get sick because then you can’t deliver presents to the boys and girls stay healthy santa clause
dear santa I am afraid that clumsy wont know where to go so PLEASE dont get sick and by the way if you get sick make sure you rest and drink lots of water
I agree with Kitten.Long, HOT showers help me feel ALOT better.
Brittany B.
age 12
I think it would be sad if you don’t ride the sleigh but I still wan you too but if he needs too, than its fine I guess.
it does’t rock to be sick kitty
how many days until you come?
boy do you rock!
I take a long hot shower to clean out my pours and stuffs. DONT GET SICK SANTA!
Santa, We appreciate Clumsy’s willingness to be your replacement if you are sick, but we would prefer that you stay healthy and drive yourself to our house. We are not sure Clumsy is as qualified as he thinks he is. IT has taken you many years of practice to get the trip just right. If Clumsy does drive please take a picture.
hi i am cliodhna i am age 10 years old and i have the flu and i was being sick last night on the 20/12/2011 and i live in ireland .it is 3 day to christmas eve here and i can wate to christmas day.i hope you santa clause donot get the flu and be sick and elfs to oh and miss clause and reindeers so i hope you have a merry christmas bye.
Santa please dont get sick all the children are depending on you and if you do get sick maybe give clumsy a go maybe just for a ride around the workshop and see how he goes dont just let hime ride the sleigh around the world for the first time you will all crash and that will not be good
Keep washing your hands and drinking that orange juice maybe you will be skinner this christmas im just kiddingyou look good just the way you are.
You should keep fit and active. Also keep yourself nice and warm on cold days. If I were you I would not want Clumsy to drive the sleigh he might accidentally crash the sleigh and he won’t be able to deliver the presents without a sleigh.
I don’t think that you should let him drive because what my dad always says when I want to drive, ” if you drive, we all would be hanging from the crotch of a tree somewhere.” So if you are smart like my dad, don’t let him drive (no affence clumsy)!
Santa Claus, please do not let Clumsy drive the sleigh, because then he will crash it, and no one will want that! I suggest you keep healthy with your clever tricks. Merry Christmas, and I will see you in 4 days!
No because I want you because your santa
If u don’t want to get sick eat some chicken noodle soup.because when I was feeling down my grandma Rose Winters gave me some soup and then I felt better
i say dont because it has the name clumsy in it.plus its not fair to the other elves. and if clumsy did wont he get tired at one point. you have to right santa? …. well love you santa!!!!
When i get sick i usally sit down and watch t.v and have chicken nooled soup:)
and when i get sick i usally get really tired so mostly i just sleep alday then the next day i actullay feel a little bit better and i can do little bit more like walk around and stuff
and if you do get sick i think you should let clumsy do sleigh but then at the back of my brain i am kinda wondering because his name is clumsy 🙂
Everone at the north pole is kind,and nice
Hi Santa it’s me again. If you are sick when you get to my house I could drive the sleigh but could you have mabey….. an Elf that knows how to drive th sleigh to help me,….if you will get sick.
I don’t think Clumsy the Elf should drive.Mabay Mrs.Claus should if you get sick Santa.OR……. Any other Elf can.Now I’m NOT saying that I don’t like Clumsy the Elf I do like him,…even though I NEVER met Clumsy the Elf,but thats just my OPINION.
yes santa i hope you get better
Well first of all, my mom goes to the store to get this type of milk and helps me and puts a cold cloth on my forehead and that brings me backup on my feet in no time!!!
P.S. and it makes me feel a lot better!!!!
I keep resting and resting and resting!!!
hhhol is so so so so so so so so so so so funny oh and i suggest you don’t let clumsy the elf drive the sleigh if you get sick, you should get Mrs. Claus to do it!!!…..:):)
Thanks santa e mailing me a letter
i love you santa love michael
i thinck you shou’ld drive the sleh just i n case somthing happend.
Hi Santa!:) Maybe You should not let Clumsy Drive The Sleigh Just beacuse….. He Might Make A Accident 😉 Bye Santa!
Love And Christmas Spirt:Ryan
I’m sick today:( home from school. But that only means 1 and a half more days until christmas break! and only 5 days until christmas!!Dont get sick santa, we all love you and are thankful for everything you do.
I love angry birds. Potst sticks mom
once i have bin sick but it wasd last year i was not sick this year well just this year i was not sick and i am okay now i will not have to say that because i was not sick.
stay healthy hope you don’t get sick
especially because it is really close to Christmas so good luck and merry Christmas
If i get sick i stay warm and i dont go out in the snow. At the moment I have a blocked nose and a cough:(
is it could at the north pole santa
i think that santa is healthy and if you do get sick you should stay in the warm and mrs clause will look after you. im not really sure if you should let clumsy the elf drive the slegh on his own he needs to have someone to keep an eye on him
hi santa i wanted to let u know what i want for christmas – i pod – ipad -dsi
i know i have been naughty to my brothers and my dad sometimes both of my parents but i been really trying hard to be EXTREMELLY nice from this day forward and it loooks like i have not been naughty after all and MERRY CHRISTMAS to all thats at the north pole
Don’t let him do the whole thing if you get sick, but you can let him do little on some test runs. It would be fine for him to fly a bit on a test run.
Clumsy the Elf should not drive the sleigh this year, it is your job!!! =)
hi santa it robbie! please can i have a tin of chocolate biscuits,i promise not to be naughty have any tantrums and i will keep my room tidy. thank you:)
Dear dear Santa,
I am sorry to hear that you are in danger of catching a cold. Please take care of yourself and keep your body warm. And if you need medicine, just visit me by Christmas eve and I’ll leave medicine for you. 🙂 My mom owns a pharmacy so it will be FOC. 😀 Love you Santa! XOXO
Thet Su
Hey Santa, if your sick than don’t let clumsy drive the sleigh! But its unfair to keep clumsy from wanting to drive the sleigh so if your not sick let clumsy have a little turn at drving it 🙂 But don’t let him drive it the whole way around the world or he will probably crash the sleigh with all the hard work the eleves maden will go to waste! Good luck santa and get well soon if your sick! Love you xoxoxo
i hope you do not let clumsy drive because his name is clumsy that maens he can probly fall but we don`t want him to get hurt.
santa make shure you eat healthy and what is your favrite part of chritmas
i hope you dont be sick. i will be sad if clumsy gave me the rong givs. it will be a rip of.
ps if clumsy drifs he mhit smash in to some thing.
pss he mhit crash in to your xmas tree!
hope you have a ho ho xmas
get well soon Santa and the elves take care from Kate.
I do not think clumsy should giude the sleigh because he is clumsy please i want you to giude the sleigh santa
Don’t let Clumsy drive the sleigh!!Make sure you keep drinking that OJ to stay healthy!
pls,pls do not let clumsy drive the sleigh!
he might crash,listen to his name closeley….
pls do not NEVER EVER let him drive santa!!!
are you sick for real i hope you are better soon if you are and please dont let clumsy drive the sleigh.
No You do it No clumsy driving the sleigh
Hello Santa! Well, I have a cold and I know what it feels like. I sure hope you get better in time for the big delivery!
P.S. We love Christmas and Santa Claus!
SANTAA please don’t be sick! y please feel better! that’s all i want for christmas okay? you make people happy every year and all i want is me my family and you to be happy too!
well santa we all hope you can guide the sleigh oh and i feel sily for spelling your name that way oh and when im sick i like eat crakers and drink celtzer water it always seems to help
do not let clumsey drive the sleaih.
The only thing to do if you are sick is tell miss claus and she will give you hot soup and lay in bed for about 5 hours then drink some hot tea REMMBER you are right santa once i didnt wash my hands and i got so sick on chimas well i hope the same thing is not going to happen to you and do not worry santa because you have magic right? so you can magicly make your slef not sick anymore right well this year you woundt get sick believe in yourslef santa you are awesome you are unbeatalble just trust me to do thes things you have to do themm to you know why i feel great right now and i did all those things i listed santa there is one thing i want to say to you about the clod……………….DO NOT WORRY YOU HAVE MAGIC and im sorry but you must do thoes things BYE SANTAAAAAAAAA
im afiend what if your elve gets sick flying well anyway i hope you are not going to get sick
p.s do not worry everthing is going to be fine santa
pp.s have a nice year!!
When, I get sick, I cough and sneeze into my arm so that noone else will get my sickness.
I don’t think you should let Clumsy drive. It even says it in the name! Clumsy. Something could go wrong. He could crash or fall out of the sleigh!
tell mrs.claus to take extra care of you and drink lots of chickin soup
Dies Clumsy the elf even have a brain to do anything
i always get lots of rest i hope you feel good for christmas
hey santa, have you ever met an elf named buddy
btw i think that clumsey should 1.not drive your your sleigh
and also what i do if i get sick or get a pain is take powdered asprin aka BP and add it to my water and i ALWAYS take vitamins O_O
i hope your elves fell better soon and i hope you don’t get it i love you !! love,audriana
if you get sick you should let clumsy the elf drive the slay
Take medicine if you get sick. Hop you have a good run 😀
Santa I think you want get the cold because you are extra healthy! I hope you have a merry Christmas!!!!
i bet you won’t catch a cold your santa claus but anyways have a merry christmas and a happy new year
If you get a cold or get sick I think you should not let the Clumsy drive your sleigh unless someone else is with him. At least one of the elves or Mrs.Claus should be with him.
Jessica 🙂
Dear santa i have a cold right now i hope i get better before you come love yall in the north pole
Don’t do it he might forget me unless the reindeer know the rout!HHHOL
Please don’t get sick! Merry Christmas Santa!! 🙂
Well lets hope clumsy does not drive the sleigh
Not a very good idea to let clumsy drive the sleigh because I know you will be better soon.
No!! Do not let clumsy drive the slay!!!He`s to clumsy!!!He`ll crash!!!
Hi Santa! When I’m sick, I go to bed an hour early. I take medicine and have chicken soup for all my meals. Also, if clumsy the elf isn’t realy Clumsy, then I think it’s fine that he deliver’s presents! Just so he doesn’t get confused, write the name of the person on the present! Then he can just look and see who’s it is! Merry Christmas!
yea i agree with tia u wont get sick santa because we all believe in u
i dont think clumsy should do it because 1. he is 2 clumsy 2.all of us depend on santa 2 bring us our presents!and3.you wont get sick i know you wont because you’re santa you cant get sick and u wont get sick
hi santa i am sure you will stay healthy enough to deliver all of our presents
Do you have an Elf named Bernard? The reason why I am asking is beacause my Mom said Bernard made my dangly earings and he made my Areal jewlrey box.
I think he should drive the sliegh on Christmas Eve.
I hope you stay well Santa because I don’t want clumsy to crash into my christmas tree. And I don’t want him to tickle my feet at night because I’ll get a jelly fright.
I hope you are well so that Clumsy doesn’t crash into my chimney!!
Santa i think clumsey the elf should drive your sleigh and tell him to do what you would do so he can do some work ……
santa can you please tweet me on where you are please
many thanks from natasha
your friend
I would avoid the person that has the sickness politely. Don’t let Clumsy drive the sleigh if you’re sick. He’s clumsy
To stop my self from getting a cold i have lots of fruit and fruit juice.I also have some handwash that stops germs making you ill.
I think your elf could ride your sleigh but i would prefer it if you and Rudolf did x
Well, since Clumsy is EXTREMELY clumsy, you should not, I repeat, NOT let him drive the sleigh if you get sick.
i think mrs claus slold drive the sieigh if you get sick!
You should not let Clumsy the Elf dive the slaigh because he’s clumsy.like you said vitamin c is good.
no because his name is clumsy and he could get hurt or get lost and i think you will not get sick
Hey Santa i say Don’t let CLUMSY drive the sleigh besides he’s clumsy and i dont want him to give me wrong present but maybe he can help you call out the places like map:)
I dont think you should becouse he could crash into the houses
when i have the cold ilke it because i get of school. I love u santa cluas.
if i was santa clause and i was sick,i would let mrs clause ride the sleigh because i am sure that she has seen santa ride the sleigh.i wouldnt let clumsy the elf (sorry) drive the sleigh because he`s CLUMSY. And all of the elves are too small.Well.MERRY CHRISTMAS EVERYONE! Xxxxxxx 🙂 🙂
i dont think clumsy should drive beacuse he is clumsy
where did silly clumsely get clourse from
When i have a cold i lie in bed and my mom brings my hot tea and hot tomato soup(which i do not care because i love it:))
and iget a good rest!!!one thing i do not like about a cold is my nose is red!!!
I don’t think you should let clumsy the elf drive the sleigh becausehe seems a little clumsy [like his name]he might give the children the wrong presents
Hi Santa its me Makenna u sent me a letter love ya and your wonderful storys
hi santa i thank that if you stay safe for the gurmsthen you wont get sick but if you do get ick i would let the elf die but only if you trust them.LOL
Santa i love you and over the past years you have gave me all the presents I wanted. i take medicine when im sick and to stop me from getting sick i wash my hands like you.