Many people ask “Why does Santa Claus come down the chimney?” There’s even a famous song that says “Santa hurry down my chimney tonight”!
Well, the main reason I use the chimney is that it is faster! After all, the reindeer and sleigh are on the roof anyway.
Although, a long time ago, I tried a different way! It’s a very, VERY silly story.
Yes, it was a very, very long time ago. The elves were drinking hot cocoa with those fancy imported marshmallows. They wanted to come up with a better way for me to deliver presents. They were trying to think of something that everyone has in their home.
Well, Clumsy the Elf had to go to the washroom because of all the hot cocoa. He was in there a long time. Everyone heard lots of noises. There was lots of flushing and gurgling.
When he came out he had a big grin on his face. He said, “I have the perfect way for Santa to get into every home!” Can you guess what it was?
Clumsy told the elves his idea. Faster than reindeer fly, the elves made me a special red Santa wet-suit, hat, snorkel, flippers and swimming goggles. Yes, they wanted Santa to pop into houses through the potty!
When they told me I thought it was the craziest idea I had ever heard! Somehow, the elves convinced me. After all, everyone has a toilet, they said.
Well, it was one of the coldest Christmases ever! But, I was ready to try popping into houses thru the potty.
So Should Santa Claus Come Down The Chimney?
OK. I was ready for my first house. But when I popped out of the potty there was Mamma in her ‘kerchief and Dad in his cap, just settling in for a long winter’s nap!
They had never seen Santa wearing a red Santa wet-suit, flippers on his feet, snorkel and goggles before. I was quite a sight!
They screamed.
I screamed.
They screamed some more.
They ran.
I tried to run. But, it is hard to run with flippers on your feet! So, I fell.
“That’s it”, I said. “No more popping into the potty for this poor Santa!”.
And that’s why this Santa Claus comes down the chimney!
Merry Christmas!
Santa Claus
P.S. Do you think that was the silliest idea ever? How would you like me to deliver presents at your home? (You can leave a message for me. Or, scroll down to see what others have written!)

A right jolly old elf, in spite of myself. I love Christmas, children, the North Pole, Mrs. Claus, elves, reindeer, snowmen & the list goes on!
My title is CEO: Christmas Elf Online.
Merry Christmas!
Dear Santa and miss Claus and reindeer and Rudolph and elf
Thank u so very much for every thing u do for. Us and we all miss you I heard ❤️ lots story about u Santa Claus and miss Claus and reindeer and Rudolph and elf
We all been extra good this year salena and Kayla and Lucas and Allison and Becky we live ky
We all love your family and reindeer and Rudolph and elf and Santa Claus and miss Claus and we love u we been very exciting extremely extra good this year
I going we going send my Christmas list wish and Christmas card this year for u
Bring us good gift
that was a question i wanted to awnser in 2021
Thank goodness you don’t do it any more
Really? That’s disgusting to come in the potty.. Luckily you came down the chimney!
i just want a control remote hlicopter
hi santa i been good this year i just want this covid to end and a control remote helicopter.
Well… Santa CAN come to the front door and enter the house but going down the chimney Is more, well… christmisy…
Going through the potty is a terrible idea.☺️
Dear Santa,
No offence… but it was quite silly!! (It was the elves’ fault anyway) Don’t worry, at least you have a better way now. But, this Christmas, could you please leave a jingle while you enter, and the way I’d like you to enter is…. opening the door! (I don’t have a chimney) We will just for you leave the key under the mat. Remember that, would you? I’ve heard you don’t like to be seen that much, so just feel free. Me and my family will be upstairs showing others and taking a tour through our new house. PS. Do you know where I live? I cannot share it online but umm… you’ve been probably watching me so I hope you know! 🙂
Love from, Arlette! Xoxo
one mile stacy mn paulshaw house
next year Christmas good men next year hop you or funny santa claus all gift my paulshaw send me a card in mail box we will did it for house paulshaw magical power watch santa claus fice it at northpole santa work shop put me on the list paulshaw
Dear Santa
My brother Zak and me live in Qatar and we don’t have a chimney please can you come in through our bedroom window, and please park your sleigh by the pool. Please bring me an Elsa and Rapunzel for my brother and a hot wheels for me.
Dear santa, I want lots of close for my baby(oliver) and lots of close for me to.
you should be careful when you’r going down the chiminy you don’t want to burn you’r self
if you can’t find a chimney come through the door with your magic key
Santa can you please bring me Mario cart 8 deluxe and smash brothers and Minecraft for a Nintendo switch.
Go though my window so I can see you on Christmas Night levels my present in my room Not the chimney I will put the cookies in my room and the mil. And a picture of you rain deers and all the present that you have and help you
What if the fireplace was on when you came down.??
just go through the door!! that’s it! also i don’t want my presents to be wet 😉
Dear santa you will not believe what my parents got me a few days ago they got me a huge and awesome bunk-bed
P.S. Why don’t you just come though the door doesn’t everybody have a door?
Plese stik to the chimney but ofcurse for he kid ho dont have a chimney you ould just use your magic to unlock the door and drop your presents under the tree leave and magicly look the door.
santa come thourght the front door because i dont have a fire place for u to get out so u would be stuck in my chimmey so PLEASE use the front door
– Lily Boyer your best friend!!!!
Your elves are insane
Anyway have a ghost and pals meme
Hahaha that is the funnyest things I have ever read
going down the toilet is the silliest thing i heard in my life i don’t have a chimney so come through my door hope you have a nice ride
I want anything unicorn because unicorns are awesome like you santa
come in the potty because i dont have a chimney
If anyone does not have a chimney they should leave a key under a mat or leave or anywhere where santa can find it
we do not have a chimeny. so just go through the doors.now why do you not go through everyones front door.
You can maybe go to the door with your magic
oh hello well i think it is extremly funny to go through a toilet (potty) why would you do that? Imagine someone using it just soooooooooo weird so uhhh if someone doesnt have a chimney do you just go through the door??? i think im right not to sure so bye bye and merry christmas!
That was a really crazy idea.The elves are crazy.Dont you have black longer from going down chimneys .
Dear Santa,♥️
I love the way you and Mrs.Claus act together.
When will you die?
This year, you should come out from the ceiling. (This might not work, but I think it would be funny.)
Lilia: Hi Santa! Do you come down the Chimney because you want a thing to be known for and for people to write songs about that stuff? reasons why u would not want to go down the Chimeny: 1 you might get black lung, 2 if the fireplace is lit then you will get burnt bad you will get 3rd digree burns. 4 you might get stuck. Kate: you would probebly go down the chimney because you don’t want to upset all the children of the world or one of the children who are going through a rough time and they need a break from all the bad stuff and to just have fun. Santa Sometimes I get in trouble because Peter will run around the hose when im soposed to wath him. Then my dad came out and said LILIA WHERE IS PETER! I said he ran away from me but dad did not believe me
Dear Santa this year I would like a dog for Christmas and I would also like eight LOL surprises from my sister Maddie I would also a hover board a GoPro and a whole bunch of slime and pencils
Hallmark. Find. We. Santa. Light. Up
Snowf. Lake. Once. Lipton. A…
Dec. 6. 20018
I. Have. Sloppies. Joe. Water. Chips. ?
Dinner. Dec. 320018
please put my presents near my bed because i would like to see them early
Please come threw my front door and please give me raindeer poop
This is my christmas wishlist
1 Iphone xr
2 Iphone xr case
3 Unicorn earbuds that fit the i phone xr
4 Hoverboard
5 Footie pajammas
6 slime
7 lol big surprise
8 hair cirlingiron
9 hair straightner
10 candy
Magic. Coats. Form. Santa. Forpaul.
Santa. Watch. Talk elf. On. Watch. Forpaul
I. Hop. You Havefineing. Now. At. North Pole.
sorry but please eave my presents on my bedroom
I wont have a Christmas three so you can put the presents somewhere else
dear santa
that sounds really silly but do you actually furfill the gifts we wish for if yes do you need to buy it with your money are youy actually rich
To come to my room at my grandma’s house because I want to see you please santa
Thats funny. I would just tell people to open their door or no presents.
you have went throughth the doors everyone has a door
I. Will. Call me. Night Santa Claus. Nov26 2018.
Merry Month Before Christmas! I Won’t Have A Christmas Tree So U Can Put The Presents Somewhere Else! ☃️⛄️
Um Go Through The Door Santa And This Year Beceause Of Baby River We Won’t Have A Xmas Tree But We Will Have A Small One On Something Like The Top Of The Piano Or The Kitchen Table So Put The Presents Under The Piano OK?
Santa Claus I want you to come to the doors of our houses
Have you ever got stuck up or down the chimney??????????????????????????
Anyway hi SANTA!
I love you
I would go down the chimney just to see the grin people’s faces
I am a CHILD
Till santa. Or. More. Staff. In. The. Tree. In my bedroom. Call me. Santa. Paul.
Cots. Magic. Power. Santa. 4xl Loung big
Till Santa. Size.
Man. Paul.
You should come through the front door the next time
Can you come open my window and come in I have no chimneny
you may open a window or the back door
i decently would not go through a toilet
i think you should come through a window
If you went through the toilet or potty you’ll get even dirtier than before✨
Hey santa Christmas Eve 24 Christmas
I think you should sling shot the presents through the chimney and if they don’t have a chimney like me do the same thing.
I want santa to go in my door beacuase some people dosent have chimneys
Hi Santa, how do you come into the house in Germany? me and Eimear want to know. Also are you are your friend Nikolaus the same person? when you and christkind deliver presents does she go down the chimney too or is that a santa exclusive? thanks santa
I think the Elfs should make a special key so that the key would open every door at every house so you would NOT get dirty!!!!
Dear Santa,
I’m sorry that we don’t have a chimney, but we will find another way for you to come into our house. If you want, we will find a way to get down to our house and if you don’t want to do it, we’ll find another way.
Santa, I would like a Paddington Bear toy.
Thank you.
Santa you are the best
keep up the good work
Santa clause that was a very silly idea! Come down my chimney on Christmas Eve
Santa clause do you know what I want for Christmas? I hope you like the cookies I set out for you on Christmas Eve! Please send me back! I believe in you! Senceirly Evangelia
Watch out Christmas Eve if you don’t my dad might hit you in the head with a baseball bat
I dont have chimney so come through the front door
Dear Santa are you real and how do you get down the cimdey
your awesome i still believe in you and it is silly to pop through a potty
Santa why do you come down the chimney?
I it quicker?
we do not have a chimney so come through the door.
our fire s a gas fire and is small so be careful
We dont have a chimney so is it ok that you use the front door?
dear santa may you cume froug the door i dont your costume all cuverd in soot
you can come through the DRYEr ! HO HO HO
Santa Ur amazing and i am ready for a reindeer pl z give me one please
I LOVE YOU SANTA! 😀 and please for christmas in 2011 give me an ipod touch and a laptop plz!! (gives cookies and milk) Tada!! :DD
I would like you to deliver my presents tyhrough gthe door as we dont have a chimney, we will leave you a special key to let yourself in!!!
The potty hehehe :)…thats funny and gross.
One Question, If I Don’t Have A Chimney, Then How Do You Leave The Presents Inside?
One question, If I don’t have a chimmeny (spell fail) Then how do you you leave the presents?
I think its kinda funny and gross oh well it was an elfs idea!!
OK first i think that was the SILLIEST idea ever and then i think you can come in the door you won’t get to dirty
when you come in. santa with all the snow on the roof how do you not fall off
please tell me love and for always amber
Santa I don’t have a chimney what will you do?
funny. i want you to come through the door. we don’t have a chimany
I think going down the toilet is a little bit disgusting.What the germs anyway?
I dont think its the silliest idea ever. I think that Santa should come inside of the house through the telephone wires.
well the door is better all you have to do is open it and walk in
hey guys i have a good one walk in the door
i think you should come through the door to dilever presents at my house.
hi that is so silly well merry christmas
did you know my favourite time of the year is christmas! because i love it how we share christmas with our family from all around the world but just one question how do you fly around to houses in just 1 night. you should be in the book of world records bye bye p.s YOU ROCK bye
19.3.11 19th march 2011 popping through the potty was crazy! i think its better to go down the chimney and get soot on you instead of potty
i think it was a silly idea you should have stuck with the chimmney.
that is so funny but im so not allowed too make fun of you or im on the nuty list so i fink that the chimney is better then the potty so im going to tell the elves that they should make sensible choces. love from deboraxxxx
ithink its up to u but ithink best is the door or chimmney
Why santa claus comes down chimney.. Great idea 🙂
hi santa i realy like the story about why you go down the chimeine
hi santa i like roudolph the reindeer marta
to santa I hope you had a nice christmas marta
santa u r crazy
P.S. NEVER go thur a toilet to deliver presents EVER AGIAN!!!!
santa i really don’t know why u did what he elf told you but anyways if i were u i would rather go down a chimmney than going thru a toilet!!!
Why in the world did you think that was a better option? You should know better to NOT go in the potty!But,I really did like your story.
you should go through the door in magic so you don’t wake anyone up.
dear santa i looked at elves ideas i thought they were great on christmas eve i hope u got back to the north pole safely and the reinders. ps thank you for the laptap and send you another messege next year on chritmas
Popping through the potty was crazy! I think its better to go down the chimney and get soot on you instead of potty.
santa being all serios is the s.o.s (secret of santa)really necasarry why can’t we meet you because i know those are fake santa’s at the mall. this is your busy season why oh why in the world would be at the mall?
That is so funny! I think the chimmey is just fine.
santa that is sooper funny1 why did you just go down the chimmney and poot the presents quickly before they came in ps lol
ewww!! the potty?!? really?! what if someone was on it?!? sorry thats just nasty!
You went through the POTTY? Wow! That is really brave of you. I wouldn’t be happy to go through a potty!
Santa, You Toataly ROCK !!!! 😀 😀 😀 😀
Everybody says that you drop the presents down the chimeny then leave but that can’t be right because I always leave a note and you always write back and you always eat the milk and cookies.
Anyone who does not believe in santa did once in there life.They had a bad memeroy or something bad.
you allways come down chimmley so nobdey
can see you
have elves go in “mini sleighs” :-):-)
since i dont have a chimney you should just turn off our alarm with your magic and walk right through our front door.
thank you
Santa, I think you should have your Elves make you a “master key.” A deice that fits into any door knob, just like the regular key that was made for it! That way you could walk right through the front door!
hi santa dont sleep on the night when you hand all the prezzies to all the boys and girls
hhaaha that is a pretty funny story ! I always used to think that you couldn’t fit in the door mind you i was only 3 or 4 years old ! Now i understand ! one time I was sleeping and I heard something on the roof . I knew it was christmas eve and I knew that it would be you ! I heard the reindeer tapping their hooves on the roof and I knew that was you ! And you were super duper fast it like the speed of lighting its was like BOOM you were gone !
when you left i look out the window and i saw red & green lights ! its was americale! I really love Christmas !
hi santa hope u getting plenty of sleep xxx leah… hope elves working hard xx
can you come upstairs at my house so i can see you i really love you and when you comwe upstairs go to the right and go into the pink room with a little christmas tree thats my room and wake me up so i can see you
I thought that the potty/toilet story was pretty funny I never thought of you using the potty/toilet. On Christmas Eve you can use whatever you want because I have a chimney and windows and doors and anything you can posibly think of (well maybe) and to me I don’t care which way you use I just want you to use the entrance that you’re most comfortable with because we don’t want aanything bad to happen
Merry Christmas, Santa
Isabelle =)
This story made me laugh out loud! I really cannot think of any other way to come into one’s house.
i think its a truly good idea for people who believe in santa they think its a good way of not disturbing people i believe in santa xxxxx
when you come to my house can yu wake me up?
i don’t have a chimmeny, how are u going to get in to my house. u might as well use the door
Dear santa i think you shude stay going down the chimney hope you like the mesig
love Amelia
I love blog,you talk about the elf who makes my toys COOL!!!!
i don’t have a chimney!!How do you get into my house?
A long time ago before you they invented the toilet, how did you get in? I heard orignally the door.
Santa, I don’t have a chimmeny, how on earth do you get in my house!??!?!
that was a very silly elf think of a better way next time well there prob is no next time !!
you probably get soot all over you!!
i am 10 years old i would like a toy spiderman
Thankyou for the sweet e mail Santa. I am sick. Oh and is Olive one of your reindeer? Does Frosty live at the north pole? I am amazed you went through the potty. Have a great day. Tell the elfs,MRS.Claus,reindeer,and snowmen I said hello.
i think that’s the craziest idea I’ve ever heard! I think that is tottaly gross! What if someone was doing their buissness when he came! I think going through the chimney is a much better idea!
how do you give my presents to me in my new house because i dont have a chimney!
a good way to come into my hous is by the door.
santa wy don’t you come from the door!!!
How do you get in at houses that don’t have a chimney? Do you use your magic to make a chimney to go down? You come to my house but how do you do it?
but i dont have a chimney what should i do?
The idea that I deliver presents is to go through the door that is what my grandpa said to me
hey santa if you see this do me a favour if you see clumsy tell him thats a good name because hes the clumsyest elv ive heard about
Which Reindeer ran over Grandmother?
I would like presennts for christmas.
But really I thank santa claus should
come down the chimey insted.
I have an idea people could leave there doors oden so you could get in there. please do that at my house.
HA HA HA That story was really funny,Santa your elves are really funny too.
I dont have a big chimmney that you can climb down in.How do you get in?
i would like santa to come through my window (if he has a key for it lol!!!)
and when i said love rodie i meant to say brodie 🙁
dear santa could you please send me a pi
cture of rudolfh and all the elfs in the work shop and your family. And tell clumsy that I think coming through tthe potty was a really stuped idear. And realy dont think you would be coming up my potty because some thimes i fake to be asleep so i would smell you and hear you. And what do you really look like and do you cange the couler of your eyes when you go to kids houses. And when is your birthday love rodie
i think santa is the most magical person ever. he has magic in his tummy, thats why it’s so big!
I think it was the sillyist idea!We dont have a chimney but how do you leave us the presents?I would like you to come through the door.
yip it was, it just made me laugh so much.
can you climb through my bedroomm window
I do not have a chimney, some people say you have a magic key. Is that true?xxx
I hope you still remember me Santa.
Anyway I would do the same thing. I would come down the chmney too.
dear santa how do you get in the houses
Please,Santa.I don’t have a chimmney because I live in a apt. PLease come through the front door or back. Don’t wake my doggie! I will always believe in you,even when I’m old and gray. I LOVE YOU!!! 🙂
i want my presents now. there mocking me.santa is nice.
santa we dont have a chimmney so please come in the balconey door i will leave you two cookies one glass of milk and for the riendeer one carrot and i will have a special treat for you *wink* . also i think that is a very inpleasent idea.
Please come in through the front door we have no chimney. Don’t wake up the doggies.I will leave you milk and cookies. I will always love you and believe in you Santa:) Carrots are for the reindeer.
Please come through the back door we don’t have a chimney. We will leave you Egg nog and cookies plus treats for the reindeer. Hope you have a Merry Christmas. I love you:)
Santa, I don’t have a chimney. Please come in the front door. We will have goodies for you. I love you Santa! Try to be quiet the dogs will start barking. Kisses and Hugs:)
we think it is a very silly idea santa claus!
i rember reading this silly stoy when i was 3 years old i love u santa and i always will
I have a blog too.You would have a hard time fitting throgh my toilet!I have a door that we put “Santa’s Key” on.
I don’t have a chimney so you can use my door, not the toilet! 😉
you are a good writer. and that was a silly storry
i have a chimney.I will levae grumpy in the box that he was born in.
As I don’t have a chimney you can come through the windows and leave through the door.
Please do a special noise.
that is so funny santa why was it clumbsy the elf is there a silly elf if there is that would be evan funier
Either come thru a door, window, or the back door. I don’t have a chimney.
That was the madest idea ever!I think i might want you to come to my house by,going down the chimny and go to the kithchen to get the cookies and milk put out for you,then go to the Christmas tree and lay the presents under it,also try to make a little tapping noise so I will know its you. 😀
i think the toilet idea was really silly the chimmney idea is the best love shannon baker age10
your cool santa,that’s so amazing!i wish i could be santa like you!
why do you always say HoHoHo? I hoap you Leave a video like you always do.
santa i would like to leave u a magic key to get in as i have no fire place anymore thank you x x
santa will you leave me resident evil the umbrella cronicles please
dear santa i think going through the potty wold be the silliest
well erm this is a tough decision because we blocked off our chimney so you cant come down there… um our doors are locked our windows are closed….. you would wake us up if you come through the toilet so ummm…. just come in the same way you did last chritmas i guess! 😉
well, that is a very silly way to get presents to the house and merry christmas santa.elves and mrs.clause hope you riendeers have a fun time flying through the foggy night
well we don’t have chimney (fireplace)well we do But… there is glass on it
Ha! Ha! Ha! Santa, that story is hilarious!
Merry Christmas,
santa here is an idea i know you already do this but it might help you could use your magic powers to poof in and when i say poof i mean pop in
that is a realy cool story im glad u come through the chimney im glad u dont come through the toilet anymore i hope u have a great christmas and the reain deer and elves too and im realy hoping for an i pod TOUCH
I hope you have a nice time in my CHIMNY!!!
well we don’t have chimney because are fireplace is gas do the way we want you to come in is through the front door
that person name Danny that is my dad.
I think you should stick with going through the chimmney because who wants to see santa come through the toliet?!
That is a pretty silly idea, but they coulda said the window!
going down the toilet was not a good idea
if i was going to potty on your head it would be kind of weaid but not exepted
November 24,2010 7:12 AM
Dear Santa,
I can’t wait till Christmas!!!! I’ve just now done putting up the decorations.
30 sleeps,16 hours, 47 minutes & 8 seconds..7..6.. 5..4..3 ..2..1 ..0..now its 30 sleeps,16 hours, 46 minutes & 59 seconds!!
honestly, it could have been worse, believe it or not! You could have gotten stuck halfway between potties, an that would be terrible. Or you could have gotten pnemonia from the wet coldness!
how do u do it in all one night and mybe u could come throw the front door!
that was very silly santa put i think you are the best
we could leave a small window open for you in the sitting room that way it would be handy!
dear santa,
why do you come down the chimney?
how old are you ??????? 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂
can you get me a bayblade and a nitendo thank you
heres a yo-mama joke. yo-mama soo old that her first Christmas was the first Christmas
I used to live in a house with no chimmy. How did you get in my house?
Bwa ha ha ha ha ha!
come through my sink this time!
That is the funniest story I’ve ever heard! You went through the potty! Was anyone ever on it when you came up! Did you ever go potty when you were delivering presents to houses? When did you swicth to go through the chimmney? Is that story true????????
I Thought That The Idea was Really bad
Why dont you come through doors or windows is it because its a really noisy idea
for christmas why to you have to use the same wrapping paper as my mum Please
Love Summer
Santa i think poping in houses was the silliest idea ever. Santa Cristmas is my FAVORITE hollyday EVER. love Aidan.
i am defently going to leave a mesage.And if you can you leave one fore me and my dog.my dog is aslep now.my flour is being done in they hall so if you can pleas do not walk on it heverly
I think that the toilet idea is funny. And if you go through a toilet, wouldn’t you be cold because it’s winter and snowing outside? What I think you should do is come through my door because I don’t have a chimney. Can’t wait till christmas. I love you. Bye.
have a great christmas what i want for christmas is a phone,a psp and you.thank you for all that you’ve done for all the great christmas presents
where is maxwell right now?when is he comeing back?
I was talking with my family and we thought you could come through the laundryshot.Got to go by
santa we have to chimneys so you can just go down the one without the fire in it kk
that was a cool story santa my mom read it to me because i cant read i am 5
I say that you should have a secret door in every house and come through that way.
I think that you should come down our chimney cause you can make it bigger and we also like to leave our fire place open for you cause all of yall are very*200 special pius more
he comes down the chimmey to leave us presents to good little grils and boys
You can come through my house from the attic. It`s pretty wwarm up there so it will keep you warm. Merry Christmas!
santa what do you do if someone doesnt have a chimeny.
Santa, please come in the front door we leave a key for you and we do not have a chimmey and do not come thru the toilet that will make a mess all over the place
I think it was really nasty the floor would be really wet.
i think you should come through the door because we do not have a chimney and i leave a key outside for you thank you santa i love you
dear santa clause will be here to give prsents on christmas eve love kristina altamura
I would love for you to come in our Dishwasher. Please leave a note in there from you. Thank you. Just so you know, Please don’t wake me up. You might startle me. I know some of my friends don’t believe in you. But I do and i know your out there. Thanks for your time!
Love Sierra
Dear santa the way I think you should come into my house is bring a drill and a shovel and dig a hole in my front yard dril through the basment floor go up the stairs and deliver the presents to my family!
OK this is the one i realy want you to do come throo my bedroom windo and wake me and my sister up to see you and help you please
Hi i am the one that writs you all the time could you be able to go thro my front door?
i think you should try going thru the door but realy quietly i am a light sleeper
oh santa that was a very silly idea and it is also very funny and did you wake up the children in the house?
well i think that you should just come through the door .
And its me agin Ashlynn and this is to all of you at the north pole I forgot to give all of you all my love!!!!
Hi, santa its me agin and thats a funny story! 🙂 Please say hi to the elvs and the rainder thank you! love ashlynn
Santa can come in through the…AIR VENT. He will land on the fluffy couch.
hey,i love you Santa.i think that u should’t have listened to clumsy!you could have just use some magic dust to open the door and go through there!merry christmas!!!xoxo!!! kiss!kiss!kiss! kiss!thousands hugs…JUST TO U
i love you and you are the best thankk you so much for everything you have givin me thank you again so much. <3
dear santa you know what i think i think you are the best and you no what else i think the way uyou come to my house is just fine down through the chimmney. i love you so much.
i like when you come down the chimly
ryan omagh
its cool when you come down the chimly
noooo you should not go down the toilet people do not flush the toilet.:) yes i do want some presnent!
kit:please go down the chimney.abby:stick to the chimmeny
Dear Santa,
You shouldnt come down the chimney because what if its on fire!
You could get burned.
Take Care.
Dear Santa I think you should either climb in through a window or come in through the front door!
Did you ever go to President George Washington’s house when he was young? Also what was christmas like in the 1700’s?
Of course santa shouldn`t go down and up the toilet because someone could have not flushed the toilet and yea he would`ve got a fright.
santa may you come in the front door because we dont have a chimney.
Well, i think you should still go down the chimney because it is faster and usually people put the cookies and milk somewhere by the fireplace! – Julianna
i think santa should just come in the front door!
I think that is a pretty silly idea But I would laugh my little heart out if I saw you popping out of the toilet/potty.
lololol ololol
I want to know how dose santa get down the chimmney I am not being rood but how?
come thewr th back door and walk like umm 5 steps and you will be at the tree
lol santa that is cool and a bit silly but it dose not mater now because it is all done now
Thats so funny. I never new you would come thru the toilet!
hey dont come in our toilit because a kinda forget to flush it when I go #2
Lol santa! that’s so silly! xD Clumsy elf is one funny elf. I think you should come deliver presents at my house a different way, (other than the toliet)! Because our fireplace could be on, and after all you don’t want to get burned! 🙁 well see ya soon! xoxo ^^
HAHAHA! Santa you silly silly person! How do you get in my house? I don’t have a chimney! Is that why I once saw a snowball in my potty?
Hi santa!It’s me!Edmund!Icame on santas christmas blog to see the stories.I’ve got to admit this is funny.I wonder how it turned out?!That must be the most embarrasing incident in your life!(Honestly I think there have been worse!)
hi santa i love you , you are the best and that was a silly thing but it donsent matter eney morre cuz it is over xxx
p.s thank you for all the prezants we have i love to open them.
you probably won’t fit down our chimney,that’s why my mum stays up to open the front door for you!!
my mom stays up every year,but one year she fell asleep!!!so from now on she leaves the backdoor open just incase.
you know santa i think roudolf got his nose cuz sinse its real cold out his rose turned red! from annie
Yes, I think that is VERY silly! I think you are doing a mighty fine job coming through my chimmney! One more thing, I am looking forward to getting that magical elf of yours! I have had it three or four years in a row now!
i hope you dont have to go in somebotys toilet agian
dear santa clause why does rudolph have a red nose love kian
Hi Santa You can come in my close door
and to get into my house door is a special Santa Key only for you!
Lots of Love Danniella
x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x
Hi santa how you today
well i been shopping today also and now i am at library with James
sign james and Jessica.
p.s thank you
love santa
santa u can go thru my back door cause we dont have a chimney and just FYI we have a lot of trees love from madison*****
Dear Santa,
i really think the you should still come down the chimney. But if i had i dea for where you could come it would be through the front door. But some people have alarms like i do. So make sure before you come through the front door you should use your magic to turn it off. and then when you are done delivering the presents under the tree you should use your magic to turn it on again.so that way when you come to peoples houses and go through the front door they won’t wake up and be all scared and all!!!
Love you always,
santa you should come through are back door everyone has a back door even the kids in africa
Santa Try To Like Magically Appear in houses
i think that you should get some sort of magic spell to put on each prezzie and it will atomaticly go to the house when you are close enough
that was the sillest idea ever how did
clumsy come up with that idea.silly old elf.
I have two presentes for you for chistmas eve hope you injoy them.
i tink it is cool how you come down the chimney.plees can you make christmas come faster
love shealyn
That’s really silly! and you know how you said the elf used the restroom for a long time? Well, what if the family did that right before you popped through?! 🙂
it may be a silly way to do it but hey! it works!
do you turn all black?[because the ashes]
so how did you get out of the house go up the potty?
when you go down the chimney and you get stuck do you use your magic and get out or what?
you could just fly to the house the make your self disapeer and make yourself apeere in there house there disapere and apere on the top of the hous agan
dear Santa, instead of a chimney why not use the door? You could park your sleigh on the driveway and walk around to the back door or front door. This will make it easy for you to tip toe in and deliver your presents. We will leave cookies and milk and maybe some cake if you would like. We love you Santa.
why don’t you come in the front door I promise I will leave it unlocket.
that is the silliest idea i have ever heard in my life!
come through r window i live in the apt.
dear santa will you be coming to georgia on christmas eve night your friend franklin joe browning
dear santa i think that is a silly thing to do’ because you wouled get dirty.from charles.
hey u should make a chimney if people dont have one or an elevater to go down and go thur the door
If I was santa I would go through the door.
Hi Santa that is a very silly idea. That would be scary to me. By the way is that in real life? Lily
Me and Denina were thinking of you just coming through the door and coming to wake the child(ren) up so they can help you. Lots of kids are wanting to see you so why don`t you give it a try.
Love Carly and Denina
come thru the door with the magic key
Santa I think going down the chimney is the best way cause if you dont then you have to come in through the door then all the people will know and they will come and start stealing stuff from your house.p.s I love you!!!
u should come in are doors but my creeks so u mite wake someone up 🙂
thats so silly anyway i whould like you to magic yourself through the kewhole in my front door.
that is a silly idea but elves are supose to be silly after all.i love you santa claus
i would like you to sneak through my bedroom window and then sneak downstairs and fill my stocking downstairs
thanks frome jake
santa,ithink u should stick to the way you know down the chimney
it must be really hard fo you to go down evry chimney in just one night is it really true if someone is really bold you give them coal
why dont you use your magic and come in the window
You Are The Best Person EVER! And I Think Coming Down The Chimney Is A Great Idea Although Coming Through The Front Door Better
well, i think you could come in through the windows or if you don’t want to, come in through the front door (i live in an apartment so i don’t have a chimmney)
can you have comsumatary to me (english)
fgdnbf ebfb enfne enfn( my loungwige)
santa i want to tell you somthing
.not about that thing but about somthing
else. i want you to give me all your
information so i can be your freind
and we can work together
why did you go through the toilet? that is the silliest idea i ever heard!!!
I think that was silly. I like your idea of going down the chimny. I know some kids don’t have chimnys. How do you get down them? My mom said that you come through the front door or back door.
Hi Santa
i dont hgave a chimny so there is only one way to come to my house it is through the door the door is locked but we have a shiney plastic key mum says that you have magic so you can just put the key in our door locker news your magic and you will apear in our house (i think it was a bit silly going in through the toilet)
From Kayla Ellis
That was one of the sillyest sotories I have heard yet in this blog. I tink thro the chimnie is the bes idea.
dear santa if you can comein the front door if it is lock what do you do?my mom said you use magic to go in our house is that true or false?i just cant wait until christmas because it is my favorite holiday of all the holidays.i just cant wait until winter either because it is winter break for sckoolz.is it true that you like every bad kid in the world or just the good kids in the world and all over the united states of america.
love always,
jessica rainey
please deliver my presents by going through the window.
that is so gross and silly!
i think every christmas night u should come through a wind instead but umm my blinds click when u hit them or go through the window to get in when your locked out i don’t know mabey i should pull the blinds back then leave the window open ok talk later by
how can you fit in the little skiny chimney and what if you get stuck who helps you out
why don’t you just use magic to walk though the walls?thats what my mom told me you do.
santa will you send a elf to visit my home? so he can take me to the north pole
santa will you please please wake me up when you get to my house? p.s. I love you love , Mateo bastian p.s. wtite baack
santa will you please please bring me a real puppy? cause if you do i’ll be good every christmas.
Hi again it,s me haley you told me to go on this wonderful thing are you going to give me a boyfriend?
santa i can not believe that you would go thru the potty but the way that ti would like you to come thru the angel on the top of are tree
i also think that was a silly idea and how do you get up the chimney sincerley garth
you could have just shruk yourself and go throuh the hole of the door
the way i want you to come thru our house is to go thru my window, because i want to know when you come in so i can wake everybobd up so we can open up our preasants…………………………
take you santa
form charlie i love you
send me lots of toys this year
yep it is a silly idea and you said in one of my lettersthere was a elf named clumsy
Dear santas please an you come and wake me up when you come to my house
ps:you are the best man i know 😛 xxx.
I would like you to come down the chimney like always. I don’t want you to get dirty and it’s much faster.
hi santa what do you use if you don’t have a chimniey.
Dear Santa,One time I was about…2 or 3 I thought somebody was trying to rob us.But no I think it was probaly somebody getting out of bed or you!
mabe through the bastment window as we on’t have a chimney
I think you should stick with the chimminy thing because popping out of the Toilet
hi, can i have a spell that gives me a friend
Santa that i so silly what if somebody had to use the bathroom in the middle of the night? lol
That is really a funny story. I can’t believe you actually entered a house through the toilet. Where was it?
Hi Santa im so glad to meet you! Im read your (new) way to come out of the potty.Thats silly
What happens if you dont have a chimney
I think it was quite silly tho a good ider but you should stick to a chimmny
well i do think its silly but its better than ruining the childrens christmas
thanks santa you always tell your secrets
luv harleen
You come down the chimney and pop out the fireplce you go.Everyone should be in the bed by 11:00 at night so you dont get seen if you get stuck in the chimney wich you wont but if you do because you are magical you can just phone mrs Clause tell her what house and adress your at and she will come and help you wont she I love you all lots of love from Rebekah
dear santa i was a good boy this year and i was hopeing you would get to come see me mabe next year your friend FRANKLIN JOE BROWNING
I loved the story that you write and how come When I am in bed and you go on my roof and I dont hear you?
will you let me deliver presents with you.
Why did you do it anyway Santa, I would wouldn’t it be disgusting. what if someone did not flush the toilet
Dear Santa that is the most hullarius thing ever! I think that you should just stick with chimneys. But if someone doesn’t have a chimney then go threw the door.
do you love front doors or chimmneys better
Dear Santa i dont think going throw pottys i think it is much better going throw chinmeys it is smart love Rina
Oh Santa. why dont u use the back door? When Will U Ever Learn?
Wow Santa! You really did that?Thats so funny and so are you! Remember what i said what i wanted for Christmas? *smile*
Santa we dont have a fireplace but I think you could figure something out.
your resident,Landon.
i think you should climb through windows
R U Magic, i mean my mum says you walk thru walls! Looney *Wink*
you must get cold and sotty in there
Santa I think everyone is all over this idea of you coming to their house. I meen yes im happy your coming too. Everyone is loosing the true meening of christmas. Its giving that matters. Santa you are giving presents to the world so you know the true meening. Thats a lot of giving. Thanks for beinging so kind to me and giving me presents on Christmas eve!
santa how do you fit down the chimny?
I think you should mail them and our parents will put them under the Tree and stockings
dear santa i will leaVE cookies in the bathroom
hi santa i was just wondering why you come down the chiminy because i don;t have a chiminy so how do you get into my house and other peaples house if they dont have a chiminy?
Please use your magic powder to open our front door. Love, Nora
Santa you should come through the window. It will be cool……….. bye
you shood come down a window it wood be cool bye love u bybd
i think that was silly lol but still funny
that is very silly you should get a dirty proof suit and loose a bit of weight but still come down the chimey
santa iluv u so much if u came down the u wouldbe stuck
why would you come down the toilte its a silly idea come down the chimney!
I would like Santa to go through the loungeroom window because it is closer to the Santa sacks.
Love Raphy.
I don’t have a Chimney , so how do you get inside of my house ?
my fire place is fake so maybe use the front door
to santa
i think its very funny that you go down the chimney but i guess its the only way that you can get in. by the way how do you get in the chimney wouldnt you get stuck o never mind. you should keep comeing down the chimney for the rest of your life.
merry chistmas santa
that is funny
i have another idea.when i go to sleep, i could lock the door then put a key under the door and when you came, you could unlock it!
he goes up and down that is what he does. like on the santa clause the movie
You could try a window. If that doesn’t work, maybe you should stick to the chimney.
That was hilarious… and a bit gross, but mostly hilarious! But why did you have the idea of coming through the chimneys RIGHT after the idea of the toilet?
I believe in you a lot!
i would like you to use the backdoor
we dont have a chimney so what do you do
santa i want to know if you can make chimmneys by yourself! because i dont have a chimmney so how do you get into my house every year? i would like to have the answer very quickly because 2 more days untill Christmas eve!
I would want you to go through my window.
Wat happens if they don’t have a chimney, because I don’t have one.
U know if people have a chimney u use the MAGIC KEY why don’t u use it on evreyones house or do u touch ur nose and u become downstairs only if theres a chimney?
Please santa could you delver your presents to the back door through the cat flap?
Wow Santa Claus,
that was quit the story.But I think that it was a smart idea to stick to chimmneys. I have also got a question, where would you enter if a home did not have a chimmney that you could not enter?
Hi Santa,
Please leave our presents upstairs. Your snack will be on the table–we made a special one for you!
Dear Santa,
Don’t change your tradition if you like it! I think it’s cool that for all these years you have gone down the chimney to deliver presents. If you managed before, then why not keeping doing it?
santa what do you do when its not christmas?
what do you give people when there extra, exra naughty?
i personally think presents should be deliverd through the letter box and you can sprinkle some magic glitter so we cant here you you never guess what me and my little sister lexi had a first christmas bump oowchh it hurts but at least we know we will be ok before christmas love you x
why dont you get keys to all the houses and just go through the door!?!?
Wow thats funny santa! I can’t believe there is only 2 more sleeps to go! I am so excited Merry Christmas!
From Jess 🙂 🙂
santa i’ll email you on christmas eve. ok.c
that is the craiziest thing that i hav ever heard in my entire life and that is pretty messed up well that is all i got to go cuz i have to go christmas shopping but still that was the weirdest thing ever please dont try that ever!!!!
Dear Santa,
I read it and you’re right, it is silly. Going down the chimney, you would be dirty, but going through the potty, you would be wet. It’s a good thing you go down the chimney because if you went through the potty,imagine if someone came in to use it. Now that would be funny. 😛 😀
Have a magical key and open otheir door.They thought of a silly idea!I don’t know if this will work,but try!
Merry Christmas,
oooohhhh!!!! That is a really funny story I was rolling on the floor laghing wellit wasnt the funniest thing ever but really funny merry x-mas
Dear santa ,
I would hate coming theough the toilet!!! That is discusting …especially if some one one was on the toilet at the time!!!!
thats very funny i would of tried to but why not go through the heater
An easyer way would be to just have some of the smaller elves pop in through chimeny, window or what have you, and then you send down the smaller presents, then you come in through the toilet again and put the big ones there.
i think you should come through the window or door like batman
why dont you come trough the front door ?? x
I think the way you do it is just perfect
dear santa i think you should climb through the window in my house ill take the stick away from the window seal that stop the burglars from getting in only on christmas eve santa (wink) i am putting all my trust in you from pieter
We could leave a window open so you can go through it?
Dear Santa,
Have you ever gotten stuck in a chimney? What happens if you do?
I like the song about you getting stuck in the chimney its funny. but why do you go down the chimney why dont you climb through a window. haha
i think coming through a potty is crazy! and wouldnt you get wet and stuck?
thats silly, coming up in a potty, the chimney, is the way in.
What other ways does Santa come down the chimney? I’m going to be with my dad for christmas next year but I don’t have a chimney at that house!!!! If santa comes through the door, the alarm will go off!!! Same if he came in anywhere else!!!!
why do yo go into the house anyway? why don’t you just use your magic to make the gift’s appear in the house’s?
I am OK with you popping out of our toilet but we will have to make sure it is flushed before your arival.
See you soon.
houston tx santa why dont you try the window for people who dont have chimneys
well tell the elves to try to really think before tring a idea
Please come down our chimeny and leave the presents under the tree-your cookies are already out waiting for you,. Please, leave an autograph from Rudolph!
i is a funny idear! would stick to the chimeny! and what happens if you get stuck
i don’t have a chimney.you should come from the front door(if you know the secret code)!
Hoping that you never get stuck in there! That would be a complete disaster!
I bet you were very wet!!! I can’t imagine what that mst have been like!
i think thats the most silliest idea ever going down the toilet
What will you come down if houses dont have chimneys?
Santa, What if we don’t have a chimney?? What will you go down?
ithink u should ring the doorbell/doorknocker to deliver presents
I think it would be funny if you came through the window 😀 But thats just my opinoin…
Come in my house through the shower. It will be coool
why did you go up the potty i was a really silly idia
I can’t believe you did that i wouldn’t what if someone had just did their buisness?
I think u should make an invisible suit and invisible presents and sneak in then turn the presents uninvisible and then u win!
That is the craziest idea ever. what would happen if someone is using the potty(especially a kid.) Your head would be so dirty. and u couldn’t deliver any gifts.
santa how do you fit thu the chimmney
Why don’t you just use the front door?
We don’t have a chimney, so how are you going to get in and deliver my presents?
I hope I get my presents I would like for christmas.
love asher
maybe if you try and get all the kids and parents to go to bed at midnight to deliver the presents the best way is to block your left nose to make the chimney appear and with your right nose make the chimney dissapear
Santa I thought that was extremely silly.
I think if you went down the chimney, what about if people didnt have an open fire wouldnt you get stuck
Dear Santa, Please use the magic key, mummy will leave it outside the front door if you forget yours.
Love Amelia
What a super funny story! I love jokes and others. 🙂
You could just use the front or back door, and even if you dont have a key your magical so you can use magic to get in any way you want to.
well this is a question but what if you don’t have a chimney
That is funny. But it would make it funnier was that is if someone was going to the bath room.
this year can you come in my room and wake me up ? and why don’t you go through the window ?
you rock
you are the best
i love you
you give me nice prezzes
love from best friend taylor!!
Dear Santa,
I think the elf story is so funny. I think the whole chimney thing is bad and good. I think it is bad because YOU COULD CATCH ON FIRE! It is good because almost everyone has one.
You can come in through my front door, but watch out for the screen!
I want you to come down the chimney ! That was the sillyest story ever told
you can use the front Door.
I think You Should Come through,Thru the Chimney just like you do now!
do u get dirty???????? i bet not, because
your santa and your magical!!!!
well its a pretty crazy way but if i were you i’d take a giant snowmobile that lloks like a sled
Thats the sillest story I herd , your elves are funny
wat if some one was siting on the dunny?? u would of hit them :S
Yes! How did they come up with that?!
dear santa dont you think it is time to start giving little more presents
Santa can you come up the sink please
hi santa!
why on earth would you come out the toilet! i am glad you changed to chimmneys!!!
love liam
Santa why dont send the presants through the mail box shrink them then post them thenthey can grow back them selfs so you can post them through the chimney
I like you leaving the presents down the chimney and into the living room. I think it is very special!
hi santa yeh that was a silly way to deliver presants i hope i was good this year
PS. i think i have been good this year
that was very silly to go popping out of the toilet!!!
Wow, that’s silly! We’ve got a chimney ready for you!
My sis’s friend one morning they where opening there presents and found your hat in the chimney her name is madison kent do you know her???? you probably do
You can come thourgh the front door it’s the easiest thing to do!Merry Christmas And A Happy New Year
I think it is because people might hear him anywhere else
wow that is very silly and you were right Santa Claus
i would love it you elvs down ther are doind great i want 32 webkinz i have a poster board and you can see all of them iwant you to make me that please
i don’t have a chimney because i live in a flat.
How did you FIT through the toilet???!!!??? I think you should stick to chimneys from now on!!!
well you could come in thru the back door if they have one of course there will be no key but ur magicl so it doesnt matter right?
dear lovely santa
I think that everybody should be in bed at midnight so you could leave your presents.
dear santa
that wasnt a very good idea to come down the chimney.
from wiktoria
I would love if you come to my house and up my toilet.P.S don’t get sick when you come to my house. from;Skyler koroch to;santa claws candy canes
i think you should go though the frount or back door
If you come down the chimney and get stuck who helps you out
like you youare the best man ever love from lee
that is silly!even i wouldnt do that. but if you went down the chimney you would be dirty 🙂