Christmas is saved!
I was getting VERY worried, but the panic is over.
Scunner the grumpy elf and his friends arrived with my magic key first thing this morning. The magic key they found is the one I use to deliver presents.
Boy, do they look tired. Mrs Claus made them all breakfast, but poor Glaikit ended up falling asleep with his face in his porridge.
I am so grateful to them all. They had a big adventure. I cannot believe how many places in the world they visited! I cannot believe how brave and smart they were too. They were “awfy” brave and smart I thought! HHHOL!
“Santa, can Birly and Glaikit stay for a wee while?” Scunner asked between yawns.
“Of course they can Scunner.” I couldn’t help myself. I leaned down and hugged him as tight as I could. After all, I do love my grumpy little elf! 💖 I am happy he is home safe and sound.
Scunner started sneezing almost immediately.
“Santa, I’m allergic to your hat!” he wailed. Then we both laughed.
I watched him as he climbed into bed.
“What should I do with the wild reindeer?” I asked.
“Her name is Haggis” he mumbled. “I’ll take her and Tumshie home after Christmas.”
Christmas is Saved! So It’s Time For A Nap. 😉
And then he started snoring. I looked in on them all and they were all asleep. There was Glaikit, the daft and brave elf. Birly the sweet and brave elf was sound asleep. They and the clever and brave Professor, had all saved Christmas.
I should make sure they all get special presents this year. Christmas is coming soon. I am just so happy that Christmas is saved!
Santa Claus
P.S. What do you think I should get them for saving Christmas? You can click here to tell me or, scroll down to see what other people have written!

A right jolly old elf, in spite of myself. I love Christmas, children, the North Pole, Mrs. Claus, elves, reindeer, snowmen & the list goes on!
My title is CEO: Christmas Elf Online.
Merry Christmas!
Hello,Santa! I’m Faith. I dunno if you like it but you should ask Grumpy Elf and his friends what they want. Ad also, can you write back to me? Thanks!
Santa I know I am on the naughty list but am trying my best to be on the nice list I don’t ask much for Christmas all I want is 2 things to be with my love one who lives in mobile alabama and to have some money. My family is poor and we don’t have money for gifts this will be over 5th Christmas without gifts all I ask is for a miracle that’s all.also love you Santa and Mrs Claus and the elfs and raindeers.
I hop you bring me a pram that I pot on my chrismas list.
Ms. Claus should bake them a big gingerbread cookie (after christmas night, we see all the cookies there. do you really eat them?)
I think you should get Scunner a reindeer so he can name it!
You should give the elves more and extra tools! They love creating toys!
They should get a day off and get to see everyone sleeping to say thanks,and Santa I’m leaving chocolate chip cookies out.
dear santa i’m looking forward to seeing u, i’m glad i made to the nice list,but anyway i’ll leave some cookies and milk, and tell clumsly its okay not everyone is perfect:):)
I hope u fill deter santa I love u so much
Hi, Santa! I hhope you forgive me for making a crossover of you and Claude from Black Butler! (Kuroshitsuji) I called him “Santa ‘Claude'”! Get it? “Claude” insted of “Clause”? Yeah. Sorry. 😛
You should give him a big big …hug!
when i got my elf he came with a book that said what his name was and stuff like that it said that he was the first elf on the shelf!
Hi Santa I think u should give the elves new machines and what a lovely heart u have that is very sweet!!
Have fun xxoo c u soon
a gift. ok now you can have the ps part. ps.cookie 111…!!!\ps.
, I’m Going on the way . The other side , but the best . The other side , but the best . The other side ,
can you please give me a mediterrnean sea mermaid tail
you should get them a sugar glider or a Coton De Tulear
You should get my elf on Christmas eve. p.s. he does not have any more magic because my sister’s have touched him.
I think that you should get them houses because they are elves and they see enough toys when making them.
Wow. What a brave elf.What a hero,right!
By the way,Merry Christmas! and a Happy New Year
You should get them a trophy that has there names on it
I think you should get him a dream light like I have
Maybe Santa could make each elf a personalised porridge bowl which says: You are a hero for saving Christmas 2014.
I think you should get them a day off
Love, Mariah
Im very happy that the elf should get something and I was worry
A retirement card for Scunner because he lost your key in the first place!
Wow! I don’t know what i would do if you didn’t come santa
Brave Elf should get a SUPERHERO COSTUME!
Maybe you could make them a trophy (with plastic or some light material, not gold) with a little stone or something base with a plaque that says “You Saved Christmas 2014” with the elves names on them