Here is a story about Donder
I love reading the messages you leave on my blog. I read every single one! A few people wanted to know the reindeer names. Did you know I have a reindeer named Donder?
Sometimes, I hear people asking, “What are Santa’s reindeer names?”. Well, the reindeer names in order are Dasher and Dancer and Prancer and Vixen. And Comet and Cupid and Donner and Blitzen! And of course Rudolph leads my sleigh. But I said I had a reindeer named Donder. Well, can I tell you a secret? Surprise! Donder and Donner are the same reindeer!
But Who Is Donder And Where Did He Come From?
There is a poem by Clement Clarke Moore. It is almost 200 years old. Do you know it? Here is a little bit that has a list of the reindeer names:
“Now, Dasher! Now, Dancer! Now, Prancer and Vixen!
On, Comet! On Cupid! On, DONDER and Blitzen!
To the top of the porch! To the top of the wall!
Now dash away! Dash away! Dash away all!”
The name of the poem was “A Visit From Saint Nicholas”. But now the poem goes by the name “The Night Before Christmas”. (…when all through the house, not a creature was stirring, not even a mouse! Do you remember it now? :))
Well, a little after that poem changed its name, Donder decided to change his name! He changed his name to Donner. He said it was because of some personal growth he had been going through. Ho, Ho, Ho! Of course, some elves think he just liked it better. Donner is easier to say after all!
Then, a little while ago, he was thinking about changing his name again. He was thinking of changing his name to “The Reindeer Formerly Known as Donner”. (I wonder where he got that idea from?). He is a silly reindeer. But that is one of the reasons why we love him so much!
Merry Christmas!
Santa Claus
P.S. Do your friends or family call you by any other names? (Scroll down to leave your message for Santa or to see what others have written!)

A right jolly old elf, in spite of myself. I love Christmas, children, the North Pole, Mrs. Claus, elves, reindeer, snowmen & the list goes on!
My title is CEO: Christmas Elf Online.
Merry Christmas!
how old is rudolph
Dear Santa
can I please have an apple watch please and an surprise
my wish to get me back to 65 million years
I love Rudolph please bring me a iPad please to my unti haha that’s why I’m staying in tonight
I love Rudolph please bring me a iPad please
I wish for a iPhone and iPad please for Christmas please bring it to my auntie house that’s were I’m staying tonight please
Can you name one of your reindeers Snowflake
ireally want a phone please get me one for christmas
hi santa i have been a good girl i wish i have a sweat shirt and a phone for chrismas
I want a baby girl nice and cute….
i like some chocolates,baby needs for my brother,special gifts for my family,and lastly my gift of course hope you do not mind.
thank you,
hi! santa i love you, i wish to a iphone on this christmas,, i love all of your reindeer,
Santa your the best all I want for Christmas is Lego Star Wars
Merry Christmas Charles!
That’s just what I thought you might like for Christmas! Make sure to send me an email so the elves can start working on it right away.
i loove the raindeers all of them and i belivie in santa. I HAVE BEEN A GOOD GIRL TELL SANTA CLAUS I NO HE IS WATCH ALL THE GOOD GIRLS AND BOYS.
hii santa i hope i get a phone for christmas but i was a littel naghuti
dasher prancer coment vixen qupid dancer doner blixen rudogh
Santa who is Oliver hes never a raindeer on the movie
Santa i can scare people by saying mistle toe…
yes i have a nick name it is bubby tode
ps you are the best
youre web site is so cool i will spread the word im telling people to come on the website
hay santa i’am benjamin in [deleted by the elves — never put your street address, phone number or email address on the Internet — its not safe!] and i like when you give us presents and like four wheelers and bikes and aouther stuff.
Cool! I never new Donner’s real name is Donder that is the coolest like in the whole world but I still think you should’ve kept his name to Donder it is still a really cool name you now Santa Clause!
i het called the mace because i act crazy
My sister calls me Katie lad
My uncle calls me meals
My dad calls me lamb
My mummy calls me my real name Amelia or chicken.
I am alright with my dad and my sister and mummys nickname for me but not my uncles nickname for me!
But i do not mind Santa giving me a nicname
Love you lots !
Amelia Kate Douggie
Age 9
ber or bur or berdog or burdog and at school tc which means twilight chick or tg which is what i perfor whick is twilight girl
Hi my faily call me weird cool name like t of tara p.p.s love the sitw
my friends call me amazon and tree because im so tall for my age they also call me chatter because im always talkinf
at home i get by a weird name. they call me sissy.
I am called lots things at home. My mom usualy calls me Leasel after my middle name, and My grandpa calls me Elisabeth.That is a couple of my nicknames.
Hi i have cheer tonight with my older sister her name is Ashlee but im on 2A and shes on 3A SHE IS REALLY GOOD AND I AM TO I WAS ON 1A but i moved up cuz i was good and i love u santa i really no u r true
tyro tyrone tybrat tyboo teeny tiny tyrus tyrus the virus tyrus cyrus tyco
your friend,
tyrus northcraft
I am not saying it sounds weird.It is his choice!!!
Did he change his name because he thought that name sounded od???
I Like the name.
My family mostly calls me Baby K. My brother K.C. came up with that when I was born. Now I’m 12 and they still call me that! Lol but they will probably call me Baby K. for the rest of my life! I don’t have a problem with that either! Well I hope to hear from you soon!!
they call me ki-ki sometimes but at school they call me fran
Doner is the head reindeer sssooo he is incearg with the other reindeer and he can help santa out around the north pole and be incrarg with the elves and reindeer too.
LOVE BROOKE:):):):):):):):
they call me sweetcheerio p.s i live in florida not england.
i love rodolf but some other reandeers are mean to rodolf but i still like them
Mummy and daddy call me moopet sometimes. Mostly It’s moop though. Rebecca and Socratees have nicknames too ( note: they are cats). Sockratees has Chocolate Button, and Rebecca has Bexy or Bex.
donor to annd rudolph and blitzen comet cuped dashon prancor and cuped and vixen we must for get rudolph to
cool! well then then if it’s Donner (or Donder) and it id hid baby reindeer name him Donder. I bet when they changed the poem name he got so confused saying “what should my name be” They are all such cute reindeer. And last year on Christmas eve i woke up in the middle of the night and I heard reindeer! I WAS going to get out of bed but I didn’t want to scare you and leave so i didn’t.
I unfortunately get called Boo Boo. there’s a story behind it… : ( i get called carriebear at school
At home I get called Kenna(by my 3 year old sister)and by my friends I get called Kenny.
I call my sister Babs even though her name is Neasa!
my family calls me alex or al for short!
I sometimes get calles A*MAG because of my middle name. Its supposed to sound like megan but its spelt magan.
all your reindeer is cool,cute,speaical,nice,pretty and hansom.
I like being called by my real name.
i’m called “G” “gracie” “Nikkie” “sugar Baby” “baby” “Princess” “pumpkin” and my favorite “elf” because since my family is really tall and i’m tall but i’m the sortest tall person in my family (on my dad’s side not my moms)
hey santa I really want to know your age and Mrs Claus to!Is it over 100 years old Wall I dont know so tell me!!!
My family calls me Dirly Your site is awesome lol
Dear Santa i need some vice 2 pepel on bus are mean to mean and i don’t know what to do p.s i don’t know the name of your other raindear p.p.s if you want to talk again just email at {email address deleted by Santa! Read Santa’s Internet Safety Tip below!}
Reply From Santa:
Sierra, I am so glad you told me some people are being mean to you. You do not deserve to be bullied.
I want you to tell an adult about this right away, just like you told me!
Find an adult you trust, like a teacher or a Mom or Dad. Tell them what is happening to you. You can even show them what you wrote here if it is easier.
Sometimes bullies stop as soon as a teacher finds out. They are afraid they will get in trouble.
You can also call some people who can help you.
Did you read about “hapy” here? She was being bullied just like you. She called some people who can help you. She got the bully trouble to stop. I know you can make the bullying stop too.
santa my parents calls all sorts of different names
How many Reindeer guide the sleigh? How many reindeers have you got all together? I’d like to know.
None of my friends call me names, but my calls me a lot of names, Caboose ,( because i’m the last one born) Sweetie, Silly Goose, Angel, Sweet Heart, Starlet,(because, my aunt owns a dance studio and a group there is called starlet and I LOVE 2 DANCE!) Lady Bug, and of corse CHRISTINA! p.s. she also calls me Xtina.
my dad calls me marie,my cousin calls me micky because my last name and my grandma calls me sweetie marie i like marie the best
every 1 calls me meg and dodles and puden and pet
all of my friends and family call me wizey
heyy santa!!!!
i love you!!!
why is donner the same as donder?
Santa in my stoking could you put these things. webkinz picture of rudulph . fluffy socks with penguins . could you add a hannah montana lunch box to my list.
Reply from the Elves:
The best way to make sure your wishes get into Santa’s book is to email Santa. They go straight in that way! If you put them on this blog then someone might forget to add them 🙁
Merry Christmas!
The Elves
Donder is a reindeer and she is cute
hi im going to give you a mince pie and milk also 4 carrots for the riendeers and also my little sister madison will be exsited to hear about you when shes older because she is only 1 and a half years old
do you like the name doner any way doner is a riendeer every one know that!1
hey santa i think doner is a great name and that is what really counts rite?
Dasher and Dancer and Prancer and Vixen and Comet and Cupid and Donner and Blitzen… but do you recall… the most famous reindeer of all?
Rudolph the red nosed Reindeer…
it is ok to for dog and a cat
My nick names are funny I have a lot
Your site is cool.You should create another one called”email the reindeer.
Hi Santa Claus, i really love the site!! its so cool. thanks for all the gifts!! i hope i get some this christmas to!!!
The other names my mummy and daddy call me are ‘sweetheart’, ‘little princess’ or Chlo! I love all of the reindeer names but love Rudolph the best.
can you ask MRS. claus all the elves and all the reindeers [including the ones in training] to sign a sheet for me or if a reindeer make a paw print can you also sign it PLEASE!!!
in the begining of Rouldof the red nose raindeer why do they leave out olive?
megna because when i was a little girl i thought my name was megna so know my nana calls me megna all they change is n and the a so it is megna not megan.
how come donners name was donder and then he changed it to donner i even have trouble saying donder i alwys end up saying doder and also can you please say hi to mrs. clause the elves and all the reindeers for me and when you stop by at my house can you please give me mrs. clause’s recipe to her choc chip cookies
My parents call be kelly belly.
i love your website it ROCK`SI NEARLY GO ON IT EVERYNIGHT!!
a elf or a radeer or maybe a magic thing
My dad (AKA Goofball!) calls me Shannon bannon wich is VERY embarrising the reason he does it! SANTA RULES!!! ho ho ho!
yes they call me ellz belz,ell,elmo,muceles meggillacaty and elly belly!!!!but i like it! bye………Ellie xxoo
I do know that Miley Cyrus changed her name. At first her name was Hope, then she changed it to Miley.
How many reindeer are at the north pole
Donder I think does not suit Donner. He should change his name to Deday!
all of my family call me lunny loo. Because my last name is lunn.
I love santa claus rein deer !!! I think one of his rein deer name is comet because in some of the games and movie about christmas there are a rein deer called comet.Now I think lots of rein deer change name because the name are too umfamiliar for the people in the future.
Merry christmas
doner is a randier he is veary cut and looks cudley
im marissa my dad wants to walk today
I Love Your Blog Santa !!! It Rocks !!!
my mother always calls me after my sister
i love all of your raindeer including the ones i don’t know can you send me some pictures of the raindeer (and can you put their names on them and send them to [email address deleted by Santa — it is not safe to put your email address where strangers can see it!]
Sometimes Mama calls me Sweetie. Sometimes Daddy calls me Burke. Sometimes my Mama and Daddy call me motormouth because I like to talk alot because it makes my mouth feel good.
My family also calls me Zack! My Mama calls me Zack Attack sometimes. I act just like my Daddy!
My family also calls me “B” for short. Sometimes my Mama calls me Bumble Bee. Sometimes my Daddy calls me Stud Horse.
we love voting on who will guide your sleigh. Thank you for the fun site.
oh really? that is really cool! lol sooooo…hi! im 13 btw and i dont think this site is babyish at all! and i wouldnt care if it was! ***naomi***
I really like your site. It is very interesting.I am nine now, and i was expecting this site to be so babyish, but it is not!A lot of had work hhas been put into this site.
At home I get called “El”,”Echo” and “Foghorn”(Foghorn is because of my voice)
doona is a beautiful reindeer that is also a girl.did you know doona is one of my favourite reindeers.