Every weekend before Christmas a different group of Santa’s helpers puts on a big parade. It is a lot of fun. Everyone at the North Pole loves a parade!
Tonight, the reindeer put on their big parade!
You know Santa’s Christmas reindeer, right? Well there’s Dasher and Dancer And Prancer and Vixen, Comet and Cupid And Donder and Blitzen. And of course, there’s the most famous reindeer of all. Do you know his name? They were all at the parade.
Before the reindeer parade begins, everyone sits on a bale of hay. We have nice warm cocoa to drink. We wear funny hats with antlers and we wear shiny red nose warmers too! Everyone looks so silly, but we are all having fun!
The parade starts with our new little reindeer. Yes, Blizzard and Georgie Gingerbread were there! They were born on New Year’s Eve. I am sure we will have lots of stories about them.
The first float has reindeer playing reindeer games on it. Those silly reindeer love playing games!
There are lots of other animals in the parade too. Do you know what other animals there are at the North Pole?
Next is a very big float. All of the other reindeer show how well they can fly from it.
Santa’s Reindeer Christmas Parade Continues!
The elves from the reindeer barn are so silly. They march and dance with their brooms. Some of the elves have water buckets. They pretend they are going to throw water on you. Oh no! Watch out! You are going to get wet! Ho! Ho! And Ho! Its not water. Its candy canes!
There is also a big globe on a float. It is the globe the elves use in the Christmas Eve Control Room. It tracks Santa and the reindeer all around the world on Christmas Eve!
The parade always ends with my special team of reindeer pulling my sleigh. They are all dressed up. Everyone cheers! A special elf gets to ride in the sleigh too. This year, Kissy the baby elf got to ride. She threw kisses to everyone!
After the sleigh is the super duper reindeer pooper pick’er upper and scooper machine. (We also use it to clean up people’s roofs after we visit!)
Merry Christmas!
Santa Claus
P.S. Do you think it would be fun to see a reindeer parade? Do you have any special messages for the reindeer? (You can leave a message for me. Or, scroll down to see what others have written!)

A right jolly old elf, in spite of myself. I love Christmas, children, the North Pole, Mrs. Claus, elves, reindeer, snowmen & the list goes on!
My title is CEO: Christmas Elf Online.
Merry Christmas!
Dear Santa
I’m very happy about ur having fun. And I hope u enjoy the reindeer parade! I’m hope I’m in your nice list this year and so you know I’m what to have some baggy clothe if u don’t mind
PS:Merry Christmas to all at the North Pole;Dancer, Prancer, Dasher,Vixen,Comet, Cupid, Donder, Blitzen, Mrs clause and you! And the new reindeer
Merry Christmas!
Oh, what a lovely message full of holiday cheer! The reindeer and I are thrilled you thought of us all. Baggy clothes, you say? That’s a wonderful idea—so comfy! Don’t forget to check if you’re on my Nice List here: https://www.emailsanta.com/naughty_nice.asp.
Big hugs from the North Pole, and a Merry Christmas to you, my dear friend!
I love you can I have an elf on the shelf
love Andelazia
I. Have. Good. Night. Seelp. Dec. 3. 20018
hi my name is bobby and I am 27 years old. I want a log.
Dear Santa,
can you please wake me up when you come to my house.
Love Rose:)
Dear Santa I know you’re probably busy so here’s my Christmas list I want a make up bag, make a box, lipstick, socks, underwear, bras, chocolate maker, popcorn maker, iPhone, laptop, games for ds, curtains, makeup, and to have the best Christmas ever love Caidence ps merry Christmas Santa, Mrs. Claus, dasher, dancer, prancer, vixen, comet, Cupid, donner, blixen, and Rudolph ❤️❄️✉️⛸⛄️ pps I have little naughty and a lot nice
hi it is Rosie Holroyd I like Santa Claus because he is SPESLE
I love you Santa tell miss.Clus I her too
I have been good this year I am 10 years old
dear santa,
am i on your naghty or nice list i hope i’m on the nice list so i hope you have a good christmas and a happy new year
Dear Santa,
I would love to see a reindeer parade so so so much. Can u post a little video of the parade.It would make everybody super happy! PLEASE!!! PLEASE!!! PLEASE!!!
i am so happy because critmas is right urond theb coner arnt you happy
is evre won jesis like at the nothpoll
i hope everybody had a nice time and a very very merry christmas.
i would love to see one and you go reindeer i hope you all have a very MERRY CHISTMAS.:)
tell the raindeer that i well try to rememeber the carrot
hey reindeer ,
this one goes out to rudldolph how’s your big red noes i will be keeping a (0) out for you the other reindeers and santacluas merry christmas 😉
santa tell ruldolph hi i love her with all my hart and my family said hi to and ps her is my mom phone number {phone number deleted by the elves. Read Santa’s Internet Safety Tip below!}
how are you santa? yes i would love to see a reindeer parade speaking of parades do you no when the palmerston parade is on i just love parades! and a nice cup of hot coacoa is good with it! do you like coacoa santa?
i love all reindeer i flyed a reindeer be for.i like donner,comet, dasher,cupid,
rudolph,and all the athers.fly safe on christmas eve and be good and the helper elf
I bet it is fun one day I would like to go to were you live that is my dream
i have always wanted to see the reindeer. my favorite is roudolph tell him i will leave him carrots and i will leave u 2 cookies. please tell children you email adress so we can send person things to you. all your reindeer need to keep warm so bring them in to the house.
ILoveSanta,Mrs Claus, Elf’s, Ruldolph, and all the other SPECIL Reindeer.x
Love Beth Lily and Phoebe
We All Hope That We Have Been Good This Year!! xxx
Santa Claus i would so like to see because…. just beacause LOL 😛
You are always giving other people things for Christmas. What would you like? Lots of love!!!!
Yes it would be good to see a reindeer parade. I have seen your reindeer before leading the sleigh at night and I think they are the best reindeer in the world.
tell your reindeer i love them!!!!
Hi Santa I wish I could go in the sleigh with you.
Ho! Ho! Ho! Season’s Greetings Santa!
That reindeer parade sure sounds like it was buckets and buckets of fun! Well if your ears are not sensitive because of autism that is;) I was diagnosed with high-functioning autism and Asperger syndrome just last year. They are called Pervasive Developmental Disorders, and they make me want to act like a little kid even though I’m not little anymore. But anyways a few years back I went with somebody to see the Santa Claus Parade in my hometown. I had forgotten those big headphones that I wear sometimes to help me block out excess noise. And the person who was with me at the parade said, ‘I’ll give you a dollar if you don’t say anything about your ears.’ Personally I would not prefer to be BRIBED to keep my mouth shut when something is bothering my ears thank you very much! Well that’s it for today Santa! Merry Christmas to everyone at the North Pole and all of you please have a very Happy New Year!!!
i can’t wait!!! but i would like to be your daughter
ps iwould have a blue christmas without you
I have never been but i think it would be very good
I wish to meet you and your reindeers, you are amazing! I can’t believe you travel nearly everywhere my good friend, bye for now.
dear santa!!
I really wont to meet you .
anyway iv’e already been to see you this year and thanks for the toy what you gave me .(*wink wink*)it was and littlest pet shop!!!
any way iv’e got to go now bye bye ) I hope you give me a really good christmas this year and give me what i wont .
Santa did you get my letter please reply
Do the elves go to if they do that’s good and bad because they aren’t doing their work but they work so hard they need a break
Santa,I would love to go to the Reindeer Parade. Will you please let me know earlier next year so I can come! Thanks, I love you! Morgan
Hi i bet it is soo cool to watch the reindeer the elves and u get together and enjoy! the prade how is ur flight around the world do u have a coaco maker and a heater?
PS i will leave you out some cookies and d
When is the reindeer Christmas Parade?
I realy,realy,realy want to meet you!And can i have a bell from the Rudolf’s harness. Please, please and if not thats ok.
Dear Santa,
I think it sounds so awesome.
Hi Santa,
You are the best person in the whole world! Be safe!
Your biggest fan,
Dear Santa,
I wish I was there to see your reindeer Christmas Parade. I know all the reindeer names and Comet is my favorite!! I bet Comet and the other reindeer do great in the parade tonight.
P.S. Make sure the elves takes care of the reindeer.
That sound awsome. I wish i could see the raindeer parade. That soulds cool.
Good luck Santa!!!!
Be safe.
P.S.Love Ya Thanks!!!
hi, santa i hope georgie gingerbread and blizzard are ok i wish i could meet them and meet you maybe you can leave me a letter if you can
thats cool i wish i could there tonight
i cant wait to see blizzard and ginger gingerbread on yor selight in a cople of years!
dear santa
i think u got a bit mixed up it isnt a dolly it it a robocop
I’m really excited about Christmas and the reindeer parade. Does Rudolf really have a red nose? I really love you Santa xxx
I would love to meet you and your reindeers and elevs
P.s: i want a Lovey Christmas
Love Laura
What other animals live at the North Pole? What are your favorite cookies and drink? Is there anything special we can leave you on Christmas Eve?
Merry Christmas
Ps How old are you?
When was Rudolh born