Thanksgiving and Football at the North Pole!
Today is Thanksgiving Day in the United States! Happy Thanksgiving!
We have Thanksgiving at the North Pole too. That is when all the Christmas elves come home. We talk about all the things we are thankful for. Then we have a big dinner. After that, we all go outside and have fun! But, many, many years ago, things went a little, well, funny.
Keep reading to learn more about this funny story about Thanksgiving and Football!
Yes, one year our Thanksgiving was a little “special”. I was flying with the reindeer. We were picking up all the Christmas elves to bring them home. Meanwhile, everyone else at the North Pole was getting ready.
Mrs. Claus was making a great big yummy Thanksgiving dinner. She had many elves helping her. Even Clumsy the Elf was helping her. That is to say, he was trying to help.
Clumsy had just finished picking some snow bananas. We grow them in the jungles here at the North Pole. Ho! Ho! Ho! No, I’m just joking you! There are no snow bananas!
Anyway, Clumsy had just come inside from playing in the snow. But, he forgot to take his elf boots off. He was leaving big puddles in Mrs. Claus’ kitchen. The puddles were very wet and slippery.
A Clumsy Thanksgiving
Mrs. Claus asked Clumsy to get a big bag of flour. Clumsy came back with the flour. But Clumsy slipped in a puddle.
There was flour everywhere! There was flour on Mrs. Claus. There was flour on the elves. And of course, there was flour on Clumsy!
So, Clumsy went to put on some clean clothes. Mrs. Claus and the other elves cleaned up the flour.
When Clumsy came back, no one was in the kitchen. They had all gone to put on clean clothes. But, the turkey was ready! So, Clumsy thought he would help. He would take the turkey out of the oven for Mrs. Claus.
Clumsy got a big stool to stand on. He opened the oven door. He tried to pull the turkey out. But it was a big turkey! It got stuck. It got really stuck! He pulled. Then he pulled harder. He got on his tippy toes and pulled even harder! Then, he pulled as hard as he could!
Clumsy fell to the floor. Then Clumsy looked up. He looked way up. Just then the turkey fell right on top of Clumsy!
The turkey was stuck on Clumsy’s head!
Poor Clumsy could not get the turkey off his head. He tried pulling. Then he tried pushing. But it would not come off. So, he went outside to get help.
Then Mrs. Claus came back to the kitchen. She screamed! She thought someone had stolen her turkey! Was it the Grinch? Was it Swiper? She ran around the kitchen looking for the turkey. But, she stepped in a puddle. She slipped and fainted!
Thanksgiving and Football at the North Pole
That is when I came in. I came running in from the reindeer barn when I heard all the noise. All the elves and reindeer came running too! Then we saw Mrs. Claus on the floor. There was no turkey. But, the door to outside was open! We thought the turkey had run away! And, when we looked outside, we saw a turkey running around! (We did not know it was Clumsy.)
“Quick, get that turkey!”, I said. Instantly, the elves lined up on one side. Then the reindeer lined up on the other. Someone blew a whistle. Then everyone started chasing the running turkey!
He ran 10 yards. Then he ran 20 yards! He ran left. Then he ran right! Finally, an elf tackled the turkey! That is when the turkey popped off Clumsy’s head. Clumsy was all right and not hurt at all. He was so happy, he kicked the turkey right through some candy cane goal posts!
And that is why they play American football games on Thanksgiving!
Now, isn’t that a funny story about Thanksgiving and Football at the North Pole?
Merry Christmas!
Santa Claus
P.S. Did you like the story about Thanksgiving and Football at the North Pole? Do you think it would be fun to chase an elf with a turkey on his head? You can leave a message for me to tell me. Or, scroll down to see what others have written!

A right jolly old elf, in spite of myself. I love Christmas, children, the North Pole, Mrs. Claus, elves, reindeer, snowmen & the list goes on!
My title is CEO: Christmas Elf Online.
Merry Christmas!
dear santa clus on christmas eveetake some oranges with you
Oh, thank you so much for thinking of me! I love oranges—they’re a sweet treat during my long night of delivering gifts. You’re so thoughtful!
That was a really funny story, and how did clumsy the elf not get burnt?
We have a special present for you next to the carrots and the cookies. And a special book.
Hey guys I’m still interested in Christmas right now
Hello I’m Julie.I like bunnies merry Christmas!
Your making me hungry It is fast Sunday
Santa that is one wacky thanksgiving
Santa if you don’t want to give me the gift it’s ok but in return you have to let me ride on your sleigh with you to children’s houses please
Christmas go drum set black!Christmas Santa
I think it’s really funny Santa!
P.S: Can I be an elf?
Send. Me. A. Letter. In. Mail box
can you pick me up in your sleigh on christmas eve so I can go to the northpole then you bring me back before morning? can I be a elf from where I live?I can
try to help with naughty problems. please! Ive been good!! This is a christamas wish.
Hi Santa, your elves are getting into so much trouble! I hope Alfie and Jester isn’t making trouble xoxo
I love you santa hope you travel safely also hope I will get a lot of good presents this year
That was a silly story heard of football at the North Pole that was funny when Clumsy was wearing the turkey.
Santa your an inspiration to me theirs 16 more days till Christmas!!!!PS.I want a LOL surprise.
Wow ghost stories ghost stories were super good Santa I wish you can play it again or write another one I wish to read another one of your stories and send that where can I use messenger messenger can you tell me can you tell me
till santa call me at dinner time paul nov26 20018
Santa that must by a crazy day crazy day for you Santa I wonder if there was something you wanted do you want something from us I’m really happy because you’re blogging again and those stories were super funny I hope you write another story I can’t wait to read it thank you for writing those stories I love them and there is so far funny right can you write another story I can’t wait wait read it
Santa Claus I want you to get me a watch phone and I like your stories
That was really funny but how did you not notice it was a elf
That was a funny story. Was any cranberry sauce involved?
31 more sleeps till Christmas! who else is excited? I know I am! :DDDDD <3
Tall. Santa. Tree. Fram. Stacy. Pit. Up. Tree last. Night. Paul. Annttee. Pat. Josh.
Saw. Santa. Tree. Fram. Stacy.
Hi Santa, sounds like it was a bit of a crazy day!
Thanks for last years presents! Hope you have a great Christmas.
And I’m glad you’re blogging again!!:
Hi santa you can tell clumsy but don’t tell the others but he is actually my favorite elf and Rudolph is my favorite reindeer and you are my favorite Santa that is so funny how clumsy ran around with a turkey on his head well it was nice talking to you
That was a funny story! What did you eat instead of the turkey?
How did that Turkey get on his head???
Hello Santa Claus i want to get a lot of presents from you on Christmas.And i had lot of turkey yesterday.
Hello Santa Clause I Would Like To Know Was Clumsy The Elf That Clumsy As A Baby And Were Do You Find Your Elves At??
Thanks For Reading MERRY EARLY CHRISTMAS!!!!
Merry Christmas Owen
And now you know why they play football on Thanksgiving!