Have you ever heard of candy cane limbo skating reindeer before? Well, neither had I, until today!
Today was limbo skating day in the Reindeer Games. Cupid had learned all about this strange sport. People try to roller skate under very low things. The winners get REALLY low. They do the splits on roller skates! Cupid thought the reindeer could try limbo skating on ice. Reindeer do not need ice skates. Reindeer hooves make great skates!
Cupid had learned about a Guinness World Record. It was for limbo skating under cars. A girl from India limbo skated all the way under 26 cars! Cupid decided to limbo skate under candy canes. She made a long line of snowmen. Each snowman had a candy cane to hold out.
Cupid was first to go. She did the splits with all four legs! She got under one candy cane. Then she got under two candy canes. She got under three candy canes. Then BUMP! She knocked down the next candy cane with her antlers. She was out.
Candy Cane Limbo Winner?
Dasher was next. He started to skate REALLY fast. He was skating REALLY REALLY fast on the way in. Then he did the splits. He got under three candy canes in the blink of an eye. Then he got under three more in the twitch of an ear. He was still SUPER SPEEDY. Three more candy canes. Then uh-oh! SPLAT! He hit a snowman. But wait! He did not stop! “Help!” cried Dasher. “I can’t stop!”
Dasher took a long time to stop. He had limbo skated under nine candy canes. And he had limbo skated through 18 SNOWMEN! “It is a new Reindeer World Record” said Cupid. Hip hip hooray for Dasher!
Merry Christmas!
Santa Claus
P.S. Can you do the splits? What new sport would you invent for the reindeer to try? You can click here to tell me about it or, scroll down to see what other people have eaten er, written!

A right jolly old elf, in spite of myself. I love Christmas, children, the North Pole, Mrs. Claus, elves, reindeer, snowmen & the list goes on!
My title is CEO: Christmas Elf Online.
Merry Christmas!
Welldone all ready I’m so proud of you your really clever love you all
Candy Cane Sleding that would be awsome!
I’m sure the reindeers would love it tell them i’m for sure they’ll like it
No but I really want to do gymnastics so I can learn!
Reindeer sliding when the reindeer slide on ice into the water like penguins p.s. I have tried it before and it was really fun and safe
No I can’t do the splits and I have no idea what game they should try, but congrats to Dasher.
reindeers dancing to a just dance 5 without falling or doing splits!!!ho ho ho!!!!
Sounds very fun! Let me try please! 😉
you should have a reindeer space hopper comp
hey how about a reindeer competition you can have any kind that you like
That sounds awesome! I wanna try it! Ps. I have been really good.
hi santa how are u i saw your santa snopper and you should be getting ready for it talk to you later .P.S i have been really nice this year