Here is the latest email from Scunner the Grumpy Elf.
He’s still trying to catch a wild reindeer that has the magic key I need to get into houses on Christmas Eve!
Dear Santa
What a long flight we’ve had. It took Professor Fumblebumble quite a long time to track the reindeer down. I think it was because he had gone so far. Birly thinks that he’s travelling so fast because it’s getting close to Christmas. She might be right. I think the magic gets stronger the closer we get to the 24th.
Anyway, we tracked him down to another desert. This time we saw a big red rock in the middle of it. Poor Tumshie needed a rest so we landed near a drinking hole. The reindeer was still quite a distance away and it looked like a long walk. Glaikit, Professor Fumblebumble and I sat around trying to think of the best way to get to the reindeer and your key.
An Elf in Australia meets a Boomer
“I’ve got us some help boys.” Birly said from behind us. We turned around to see her sitting on the back of a big, snow-white Boomer (that’s a kangaroo). She told us that she had asked for help and he had agreed. I climbed on its back behind Birly. Glaikit got into its pouch and off we hopped.
Oh Santa, it was brilliant fun. Like being on a Rollercoaster. We hopped and hopped. We bounced and bounced. Glaikit felt seasick. Then we saw the reindeer. It looked awfy sad.
As the kangaroo hopped nearer Birly surprised me by jumping off. She landed right on the reindeers back and he got such a surprise he took off. All we could do was watch as they flew away.
Oh, I was awfy worried.
We got back to the sleigh, said cheerio to the kangaroo and took off.
I hope we find her.
Poor Birly. I hope she’s all right. I wonder where they could end up next?
Santa Claus
P.S. Do you think it would be fun to ride in a kangaroo’s pouch? You can click here to tell me or, scroll down to see what other people have written!

A right jolly old elf, in spite of myself. I love Christmas, children, the North Pole, Mrs. Claus, elves, reindeer, snowmen & the list goes on!
My title is CEO: Christmas Elf Online.
Merry Christmas!
Do you know who Prince Charming the elf is?
am i on the nauthy list or niced list please tell me
Santa rules! Thanks for putting your time and effort into making all the presents by the way I live in Australia
Yes, I think that would be really fun to do.
Santa, my mom told me you are imortal and you never die or age
How long have you been Santa Claus,Santa?How are you doing? How is Irving Doing?
what will happen if you dont get the key
I am so worried about Birly I hope you and the elves can find her and the magic key before Christmas Eve