Santa’s Magic Key is Missing! I need that key for Christmas!

my Magic Key
Here’s the last photo I have of my Magic Key

My magic key!  My famous Santa key!  It has not been the best of days. I have been looking for my magic key all day!

I’m not sure if you know about my famous magic key?

It lets me get into every house so I can deliver gifts. Its magical powers can open any door. I keep it on a very special hook in the workshop. I always know where it is and I check it every day.

Today when I looked the key was not there. Oh, how my heart sank when I saw the empty hook.

I called a meeting with all the elves and told them the bad news. All the elves went very quiet. Kissy the elf actually began to cry a little.

We split into three groups and began our search. One group searched the workshop. One group searched the kitchens and the last group searched the stables. Mrs Claus searched the house. And the reindeer used Rudolph’s nose as a torch to search outside.

Santa’s Magic Key is Missing!

My magic key was nowhere to be seen.

I am very worried I don’t mind telling you. Without the key I don’t know how I can deliver the presents!

Professor Fumblebumble has told me that it will be June 23rd 2017 before a new one is ready. Magic keys take a long time to make. Scunner, the grumpy elf was very quiet when I visited the workshop.

Do you have any ideas where I may have lost my key? Have you lost something and found it later in an unusual place?

Santa Claus

P.S. Do you have any ideas where I may have lost my key?  Have you ever lost something and found it later in an unusual place?  You can click here to tell me or, scroll down to see what other people have written!


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226 special messages to Santa about “Santa’s Magic Key is Missing! I need that key for Christmas!”

    1. Merry Christmas!

      Ho ho ho! Thank you for the kind wishes Aoife! I’ll make sure to stick to hot cocoa and cookies during my journey -— no mischief here! Ireland always shines so brightly with Christmas cheer.


    1. Merry Christmas Aoife! Ho ho ho! Your elf is a sneaky little helper, isn’t he? Don’t worry, I always find my way inside with a sprinkle of Christmas magic—even without a key or chimneys! ❤️Santa

  1. Hi Santa! I found your Magic Key! I will post it in the post box and send it to the North Pole where you can continue with your Christmas business!
    Merry Christmas!

    Ho ho ho! You found my Magic Key? You’re amazing! Thank you so much—posting it to the North Pole will help me keep Christmas magic running smoothly. The elves and I are so grateful!


  2. Is it:
    In your bedroom?
    In your wardrobe?
    In your garden?
    On the street?
    Up your chimney?
    In your living room?
    In your kitchen?
    In any other rooms in your house?
    Has Rudolph eaten it?
    In the workshop?
    In the shower/bath?
    Is Mrs.Clause hiding it from you?
    Is it in a figgy pudding?
    In a pie?
    In a glass of port?
    In the bin?
    In some sort of food?
    Merry Christmas Connie!

    Ho ho ho! Such great suggestions! My Magic Key is so important. I’m sure one of the clever elves will find it soon. But it’s definitely not in a figgy pudding or a pie (thank goodness)!
    I’ll check my workshop and ask Rudolph, just in case he thought it was a snack!


  3. In the workshop for the toy house
    Merry Christmas!

    Oh, the elves are hard at work on the toy houses right now! They’re painting tiny windows and doors, adding so much love and magic to every one!


    1. WOW! That is a lot of hard work for your helpful elves isn’t it, Santa? Anyway, thank you so much for making Christmas what it really is… SEE YOU THE NIGHT BEFORE CHRISTMAS!
      Merry Christmas!

      Ho ho ho, thank you for your kind words Connie! The elves are so amazing, and they love making Christmas special for wonderful kids like you. I can’t wait to visit on Christmas Eve—be sure to leave a little treat for the reindeer, too!


    1. yeah…
      Merry Christmas Connie!

      Ho ho ho, you’re such a great helper just by believing in the magic of Christmas! I’m so proud of you, and I’ll see you soon on Christmas Eve!


  4. ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo

  5. If you try to remember where you had the key last you might be able to find it we had a key this christmas so you could open our door it has santa claus on it I also found a key today silver smaller then the can here with and I can’t find my elves on the shelf. One question to ask is We found a key by the toy ottoman is that your key

    Merry Christmas Asher and Safiya!
    Such wonderful ideas! Thank you. No, that wasn’t my key but thank you.

    1. what
      Merry Christmas Mayana!

      Oh, my dear, don’t you worry! My elves are looking for my magic key! It always turns up when we need it most. Christmas magic makes sure of that!


  6. Ask the elves if they have seen your magical key anywhere or ask around the north pole!!!!!
    Or the grinch could have stolen your magical key.

    Merry Christmas Lexi!
    I hadn’t thought of the grinch!

  7. Hi Santa! It’s me, Ezbith, have you checked the reindeer stables yet? If you have, how about in one of your boots?

    Merry Christmas Elizabeth!
    What a great suggestion! You are so smart! I will check there right away.

  8. I got the magic key santa

    Merry Christmas!
    That’s jingle jolly news! Make sure you leave it somewhere special for me.

  9. maybe under ur pillow check there or on the table u might of misplaced it somewhere.

    Merry Christmas Rose,
    What great suggestions!
    ❤️ Santa

  10. maybe i could help but im just useless.

    Merry Christmas Rose!
    The elves tell me all the time about all the wonderful things you do. You are NOT useless.
    ❤️ Santa

  11. Hi Santa I’m very sorry about the problem but I feel like that I found it in here so be excited the bad news is you have to wait till Christmas Eve 2023 plus last night I sent you reindeer food for you pets did you see it ? Have a great day

  12. Hi Santa,
    I heard about your missing key and that’s deffrntly not good!but do you have video Camaras all around your house, stables and all the other places you have at the north Pole?maby you can check them and see where the key went?
    I hoped it helped!
    goodluck finding it!

      1. Merry Christmas! Oh, how mysterious and magical that sounds Aoife! Every little detail helps make Christmas extra special. Keep up the Christmas spirit, my friend!


  13. Dear Santa Claus : miss Claus : elf : reindeer and Rudolph .
    I hope you find a real magic ️ key and I hope u find your baby reindeer make sure you don’t leave lost thing that your important thing to you keep up good work to find your stuff and I hope you can find it I will pray just for you love ☺️ love salena we been very good this year Becky and Kayla and Lucas and Allison and salena we all been very good this year I hope come visit our house pleased and real elf to and reindeer Rudolph and Santa and miss Claus as well ❤️‍ I want every one come visit our house I bring give alots cookies and milk chocolate cookies and milk u will love it even elf love sweet I got them something as well ❤️‍ gift and love and hug and kiss we all miss u very much come visit our house
    To Santa Claus and miss Claus
    Elf and reindeer and Rudolph
    From: salena and Kayla and Lucas and Becky step mom and Allison
    God bless u and remember Jesus Christ God angle they all way love u and be there for you in your mind soul and dream and have a good heart ❤️ of gold.
    We All love u and be there for u in your heart mind sould and dream and kind sweetie of heart ❤️ gold
    We all pray for u

  14. Hello. I’ve seen my elf on the shelf carry around a strange little key with you on it. Maybe it was yours! You should ask the one name zipper if he has a key. He’s guilty if he makes a little innocent smile!

  15. hello santa my name paul i have been realy good please will you come to castleford please contacr png can you come toinght if you can

  16. Hi santa would it be possible if the elfs could make a transgender flag the color is blue pink white and then boy and girl symbol

  17. The Christmas santa north pole leave and reindeer food carrots and leave presents a Neelam lot of things list for Christmas treasure boxes Neelam surprise lot of clothes new felt pens or craft paper supplies stationery home

  18. hi i think you had it in you shlay under all the toy and stuff look there oh and do no lose my phone or maching earings when you are moveing all the toys to find your key oh and can i get two phones one for me and one for my mom she has a phone but it is not working well and my mom dose not have the money to buy a new phone so plz can you get my mom a phone to?

  19. Hey Sana this is James I want some underwear I’ve been in a good boy and I this is the email please send this back I love you Santa this is James I’m 29 no Kenny not at all I’ve been in a good boy please bring me something something cool a flashlight or something some clothes and underwear some underwear and athika
    Santa love too and some size 16s sweatpants and steel toes boots please bring those Santa I love you I take care of you. And love you so so so so so much Santa.
    And please get this text or an email Shana Oliver
    Shawna all over please Santa I love you and call me I love you.
    If you just text this email please please please do this to me I love you period and please do this bring me some sweatpants size 16s and some underwear ethika 1333
    That many underwear okay. and one more thing I take care of you and feed you some cookies Santa if you just did this text Santa please get this text . Love you….


  21. Maybe the let is in the baby crib, I’m the photos album you said you had a baby, McKenzie and I forgot the rest of it.

  22. I think you should look in your sleigh or you could ask all your Elves. One more thing, maybe look in your bag for your presents.

  23. Wait remember what I said before I was wrong it was the pic that you showed us to know what the key looked like ma bad but you said you leave it on a hook and you left on you desk right any way bye

  24. Maybe it was in your beard or just give you glasses I good clean and search search and search again!

    I forgot who but some one said it could be the grinch just check your pocket and I could be grumpy because he was silent or It could be vixen,prancer,dancer,Rudolph I forgot the other names but may be the reindeers thought it was food and chew it?

    As I am on the good list I will find clues and update this comment instead of calling me Sherlock Holmes call me leona Holmes

    One off my tips:
    Lemme tell you some thing if you see a girl and a boy on the road with there back to each other and the boy had a flower that means that the boy was tryna be nice and give her a flower but the girl said no that’s what I think if I see that but yah
    Love you Santa

  25. maybe it was in your pocket it happened to me too with my house key and that’s the only one we had that’s why we needed to search

  26. I am not sure if what I will tell you is true but I have an idea maybe you might have left it somewhere so reatrace your steps and organize the house.

  27. The grumpy elf hat has it Santa because he was very quiet and when people are very quiet that means they’re hiding something okay

  28. OMG OMG I THINK I found IT !so I was outside and there was a rock and and it had something sticking out from it . I pulled it out and it had rubys and emeralds on it I hid it but it unlocked my neighbors house and my door so you can come to my house and get it or I can mail it I’m not lying I promise I would never lie to Santa and his elves btw’s love you alot

  29. I’ve heard you lost your magic key I think I know where it is YOUVE LEFT IT AT MY HOUSE !!!
    I know that because you left your magic sack at my house and inside your magic sack I actually saw your magic key!!!

  30. We found your key! When you flew by our house you lost it! My two sons ages 6 and 8 wanted to let you know we will leave it on the balcony for you tonight! Sorry santa!
    Love the McIntyre family

  31. santa I love Message you get us stuff. your name is cool. Leaveing a message is cool. Last christmas I was 6 that Time.
    To santa From Te Marama

  32. Dear Santa, I think I know how to find the key: plan A, first look in your pocket, plan B if plan A doesn’t work I will just ask people in my school if they have seen the key I will tell you later, ok?

  33. Dear Santa,
    Maybe one of the elves took it like Scunner he was quiet in the workshop right, so he must be hiding something is it the magic key or not.

  34. Santa, We found your key at our bus stop today. We’ll hold it for you until next year. I was so excited to get home and research with my Mama to find out more about the key we found. I’m sorry that you lost your key, but you can bet it is in good hands with me.

  35. Scunner was quiet when Santa entered,right? He might have taken the key. Scunner is grumpy to,right? So that might be why he would take a key.

  36. Omg Santa you need that key how will you go to everybody s houses YOU NEED TO FIND THAT KEY!!!
    You should ask the elves on the shelves. P.s I have a girl one and I’ll make sure to ask her if she has seen it.

  37. Dear Santa,
    Did you look in the pile of presents. Maybe it is in the sink.
    You should track your steps from the last time you used the magic Christmas key. Maybe it is under the Christmas tree.
    You never know where your magical key could be. Maybe one of the elf’s hid the key on you,[ Those sneaky little elf’s]
    Merry Christmas Santa

  38. Hello Santa. its Emily from Maroochydore. I have felt that way many times. you see I have a plate (for my mouth) and I have lost it many times.(most of the time I forget where I put it). But I always find it!. look I might not know where it is, but I can tell you what you NEED to do. 1. Retrace your steps. 2.Always have faith and believe you can do it. 3. DON`T PANIC.(I do that sometimes). and 4.Ask for help. (or do something else)


  39. when I was little. I lost my favourite Winnie the Pooh toy! because I was playing with it. I threw it. it was lost! I Thought my toy was in my bedroom. after dinner I went to my bed and I felt something I picked it up. but it was my tin foil that I ate my snack in. I threw it then at midnight I found my Winnie The Pooh toy! it was behind the lounge. I quietly shouted for joy!

  40. Hi Santa I want to know if you can you can send a girl elf on the shelf. And can you ask Jingle that if I can only touch him and bring him to school.

  41. I think that your magic key could be baked in one of your cookies, in an elf hat, in one of your pockets, or any other unusual places. Good luck finding it!

  42. santa the key maybe fall down and it can be under the cuboard or the desk because it wasnt a good place anyway you are magic
    see you in 3 days later ım gone make you a cookie

  43. santa can I please have a bike to ride on to get to north side produce and can I please have money because I was a good boy

    P.s. Lots of love paddy and I think you are real

  44. 2015

    Dear Santa,

    maybe one of the reindeer’s took it?
    But i have a feeling about Elfie; he was to be watching over Steels town primary school P5a Mrs Doorish’s class but he is very naughty so ASK HIM

  45. i think the dude named scrunny ,sorry i forgot the name!

    well i think he stole it

    merry christmas !

    17 more days till can track you on your sley!

  46. i think it is on your chair. i remember from that picture.another place is under your bed. tell elfy that he needs to help find it and have me and my sis come and make toys.


  47. Maybe it’s in your pocket Santa Try there, or in your bed, or you gave it to mrs. clause accidently. Hope you find it soon.

    Emma N S

  48. Hello Santa,
    I am brea a new elf and i was wondering if I could take a ride on your sleigh? oh, yeah and see you and the reindeer?

    you really don’t have to just wondering

  49. santa your the best. did you get my post to you I hope you felt better and p.s I will maybe leave you cookies and milk your favorite o Christmas. I love you. ho ho ho! BYE!!!11

  50. I saw it! a rich guy had it! he does not have it but it is in my town!
    in the home of a rich guy! not the same but he s” using it as a gate key!

  51. hello santa yesterday ı lost my wallet I LEFT İN KİTCHEN maybe your key can fall down under somewhere ok bye bye love you

    from kayra xxxx

  52. Santa I think I have found it but you have lost the key at somones. House ur come to my bed room window

  53. oh no!! i wonder where your key is! it might be under the bed or the the reindeer house or maybe the reindeer food and one of them ate the key. well i hope you find it!
    p.s. it is not in my house santa!!!

  54. oh no I am so sorry you don’t have your key!Maybe you should ask Scunner the grumpy elf or maybe you dropped it in the reindeerfood maybe one of your reindeer ate it you can get a doctor if they did bye

  55. oh no I am so sorry you don’t have your key!Maybe you should ask Scunner the grumpy elfor maybe you dropped it in the reindeert food maybe one of your reindeer ate it youi can get a doctor if they did bye

  56. I lost my tablet once and well I took it to school and I put it on my desk and someone took it! It took days to find.Then my friend took it because she thought it was hers.

  57. P.S. Don’t get me wrong I DON’T think that Vixent is bad! I just think that A: he was trying to help, or B: he wanted to play!

  58. Sorry to hear about that Santa! When I lose something I retrace my footsteps, it doesn’t always work, but it should help! My hamster Nibbles thinks that maybe Vixent took it!

  59. did you check the elves houses. maybe you cold have drank it those elves are pretty tricky. or it could be in a gift so If I where you when you deliver presents leave a note. also it could be in the sled ,chair, dresser, or even in the reindeer shed. the whole time I’ve could of said the Grinch might of stole it he does hate Christmas!
    love, brooke
    p.s. tell the Grinch to see what’s really about Christmas family!

  60. my moms friend Joe gave me a Santa Claus key this year he told me it was very magical and I’m very excited to have it now especially now that I know how special they are. I hope you find your key Santa Claus.

  61. Dear Santa Please don’t worry. Maybe when you where checking at some ones house to see if they have been bad or good. What house where you at when you lost it .

  62. Dear Santa, you’re fired! We can’t have the good boys and girls not receiving presents this year! Do you realize what a sad place this world is gonna be? Maybe Mrs. Claus should take over next year if you are that irresponsible!

  63. Hey Santa! In your rhyme about kissy the elf you said she puts seven little locks and magic Santa key, maybe that`s were to look.

  64. Maybe you ate it when you were eating the cookies to fast. Or maybe Scunner accidentally shallowed it. Turn him upside down that should help him get it back up. LOL Good luck.

  65. Did you ask all the elves? Or pudding? Did you ask the Santa puppies? You know how naughty puppies are sometimes! I am not saying someone DID take it. But it’s possible. Maybe you should retrace your steps. For example:
    Hmmmmm…. I was polishing it last time I saw it, then again maybe I should look in the kitchen. I WAS getting cookies there after I polished it. Hmmmmm… Pudding have you seen my magic key? What?! The mice thought it was a good decoration for their house?! Well that’s ok. I’ll give them something else but I need my key back.

  66. You could think were you last had it in your beard or under your bed with rudolph accidentally got in one of the presents or anywere i just know you could find it

  67. I know you can get the key before Christmas Santa.Never give up on it. You should try to look in some of the secret places at the north pole. I know you can find it and i hope you didn’t lose it last Christmas and didn’t notice that it went missing. You can do it Santa! P.S. You should search on the Grinch, jack frost, and Scunner. Merry Christmas Santa.

  68. Dear Santa,
    Your key must be missplaced somewhere and you just don’t know it.My advice is,look in the places you doubt it is,because it might be there!Good luck with finding that key!

  69. Hello Santa.Maby you misplaced your key or need more time to find it.It happened to me once.I found it a couple of days after.I hope you find your key!

  70. Try asking around if anybody has seen it or used it. Maybe it turned invisible. Have you used it recently? Try thinking back to last time you used it. Maybe it’s in one of your pants pockets.

    Gook luck Santa!

  71. Santa I will try and help you the Grinch might of taken it, could of been bumped, clumsy might of wrapped him self with it reindeer shed
    love Jack 🙂

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