I have been getting VERY worried about my missing magic key.
Without my magic key, I will not be able to get into my friends’ homes and deliver presents Christmas Eve!
I hope this latest email from Scunner the Grumpy Elf has good news in it.
An Update on Santa’s Missing Magic Key
Dear Santa
The Professor fixed your sleigh and we started our long journey home. I felt like crying and Glaikit looked so sad. We had lost your key and worse, we had lost poor Birly. Tumshie was so tired, but brave and he pulled us back North.
We could see Africa below us and I wondered if we should look there. The Professor said that it was such a big place. Even if they were there it would be impossible to find them. On we flew.
Oh Santa, I felt so bad. It was all my fault. If I hadn’t been showing off, the key would never have been lost. Now Birly and the reindeer were missing too. I felt as though I had ruined Christmas.
The Professor was trying to think of ideas. Some way that we could find them all but without his laboratory we were stuck.
“If only we could call her phone.” Glaikit said.
My cousin Glaikit, he’s awfy CLEVER!
I had my cell phone with me. Santa, I hadn’t used it since we started looking for your key. I brought it out and switched it on. There was a signal and I dialled Birly’s number.
It rang and it rang for ages.
“Hello?” She finally answered. “Scunner, is that you?”
My heart leapt. I was so happy and I asked her where she was.
“I don’t know. It’s hot and there’s a castle and I can hear music. I saw a huge mouse the other…”
We had lost signal. A castle, music and a huge mouse? Where can she be?
This is wonderful news!
Santa Claus
P.S. Where do you think she could be? You can click here to tell me or, scroll down to see what other people have written!

A right jolly old elf, in spite of myself. I love Christmas, children, the North Pole, Mrs. Claus, elves, reindeer, snowmen & the list goes on!
My title is CEO: Christmas Elf Online.
Merry Christmas!
I wish I want for Christmas, a brand new musical keyboard called casio ct-s410 61-key electric arranger.
birly is probably at disneyland
or disneyworld
Birly is at a circus. Santa is real!
Dear Santa I want a iPhone 13 and I want iPhone 13 case red and I want a IPod case hey iPod stay active thank
deal Sam
Error iPhone 13 iPhone case iPod hey I phone case and I want IPod case and want me up two puppets for my iPhone and my iPad so thank Sina
I think she is at the laboratory or in Africa.
When I was only six I was so funny that I did a flip when I was at my friend’s birthday party.
She might be at The snow island or maby at hiding at moutains or treees
you are my favorite Santa Claus and Mrs. claus
you are my favorite Santa I wish I can come in your slay and come to your workshop Santa and come see Mrs. Claus
I want a mermaid clothes and I want a black medium shoes and I want a black medium roller skates
I love you snata Where is Natale Nina and Nico could you tell them to come to our house
I think he is outside the nutcrackers castle.
I love christmas and my family and the elf and god and santa fo corse
Santa real big elf be is take u all six becuz u belove in Santana cluas u Adriana Grande on steroids and elf is the best
the Beach whith a mowsie in a Basket
Oh no I think it’s in Cinderella s castle beacause the fairy forgot to shrink a mouse and the magic that was with the shoes for them to stay is with the mouse too
dear santa,
I think they are in someone house. Merry Christmas
Are you okay? This is Elizabeth Dawson from Fresno,California. Is been long time for myself. I did read this story. Please let me know. I get worry about it. He safe out there when Santa Claus is coming to town. Thanks you
Love,Elizabeth Dawson from Fresno, California
P.s I nineteen years old now.
they might be hiding from you but they might have gone somewhere without telling you..
Could she be in a palace with a battle or something
I hope you have a merry Christmas to night we are making reindeer food,and cookies for you.XOXOXPOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXXOXOXOOXoxoOOXOOXOXOXOO
Hello santa I just love sending massages to you it is so fun PLEASE tell me why my friends do not believe in you it makes me sad they do not have any Christmas spirit PLEASE tell me why we’ll bye
Santa is in Florida!!
Santa, I want an iPhone, a sewing kit with instructions, some 3DS games that I like, and the nicest brother in the world!!
She may be in the desert. In a fancy castle. Where there is a huge mouse and music playing. Just a thought.
Santa you are so nice chaming and somtimes even funny you are the best Santa ever I love you good job doing your work
um… I’m not sure but it may be in the reindeer shed?
Maybe in a Haunted Castle. I was just Joking. I think it is DisneyLand.
I think she is at Disney land. There is music and a castle and it is warm.
I think that Birly is in Disney World near Cinderella’s castle (in America).
Birly is in Walt Disney World at Cinderella’s Castle.
P.S. Please tell Birly where she is so she can find a hotel to stay at. If she does not have any money she can work at the hotel to earn money so she can pay for her stays at the hotel.
hi santa i hope you bring me what i want for christmas
She is in Disneyland in Florida. I got it in like 5 seconds.
It’s in Florida because it’s really hot there, I went to Disneyland before. There’s tons of music and there’s this castle with huge mice I hope you read this letter. What I want for Christmas is an Art Kit, a new phone (my old one broke). I also want you to convince my dad to move to NC before the houses get too expensive. I also want to tell you that I believe in you and don’t tell my friends I typed this. PS I’m typing this on my new Chromebook my dad bought me. I love him!
I think she went into a castle. Some witch must have put a spell on her so she turned tiny! Then she saw a mouse, since she was tiny to her the mouse was HUGE. I hope you get this letter. Anyway I’m not a little kid. I’m just have a huge imagination. I want a art kit for Christmas. That’s all, by the way I’m typing this on my laptop.
Dear. Santa. Claus. Have. You. Been. I. Can. Waiting. For. You. Come. Christmas. Eve. I. Been. A. Very. Very. Good. Girl. The. Years. My. Mom. Birthday. On. Christmas. Eve. My. Dad. Is. Been. Good. The. Years. Santa. Help. Me. Name. My. Newborn. Baby. Doll. Boy. I. Have. A. Two. Friend. Name. Is. Aida. And. Taylor. Love. Your. Friend, Jennifer. Eddy. P.s. my. Dad. Sister. Sharyn. Nickname. Me. Jenna. Reba. Mcentire. Jr.
Don’t you see it!!!! she’s at Disney Land by Cinderella’s castle, proof: there are huge mice, Cinderella likes mice and Birly is tiny. The castle there most likely has music, I mean, its Disney, and the castle is probably pretty easy to spot, it’s huge (even bigger compared to an elf) find her soon
i think the mouse may still be at the factory where they make toys.
i cant wait to have you come to my house any way try looking in England theres castles ,mice and music
I think that they’re lost somewhere in the snow in the North Pole
natal drums ash rock 5 piece s hellpack
musical friend
571 zoar church road
salemburg nc 283585
north caithla
santa doesn ,t live at the south pole previous december
gray sparkle
christmas go
vic firth exertals bag 12.99
skb large drums hardwre case 22.900
control acoutics vds2x4 combo amp sound barier sheld
thank of you dember 25
homse cooks
try to remember the last spot you put it. or remember the last thing you saw it.
I think they are in Disney World!!!!
he’s at a party with lots of people and there music and it so crowded that its hot.
Wait, are we looking for the elf or the large mouse?
she could be in germany
or Ireland.
Please cud I have norman back .
From Emily Clayton
Bodiam Castle, Buckingham Castle, Notin England, New Zealand,
Yah Disney go there from Kinlee Moseley
Hi Santa please reply to me I really want a iPod touch please
Hi Santa,
Thank you for giving me presents! I don’t want anything for Christmas this year! You really make me happy! Merry Christmas Santa!
is it snowing still at the notpoool
Hi santa i think she is in disney world
They are at disney!! but they could be at Disneyland or Disneyworld? good luck
Hi Santa! I love you! I love your reindeer, all the little elves, and Mrs Claus, too! I can’t wait for tomorrow!!
I think there at Disney world with Mickey Mouse and his big house and the legs are small so that’s probably why they said that
She or he could be in Egypt that’s Africa at some where like india and some where in Asia
I hope my Christmas wish comes true.
Please can I have a real phone for Christmas (please)
and I’ve been a really good girl this year!
Well since elves are tiny the “Castle” could be a house. And the music could be from the humans. And the mouse could have been Wanting to get inside because its cold.
and i think shes at Londan or Disney World
Dear Santa,
Thank you for the elf on the shelf!
P.S the elf’s name is Frankie
dear santa,
how are you am i on the nice list ?
all i want for christmas is to be with my family.
Alexz Vose
I think she is in disney world witch is in flordia orlando. I know that because I was the there and there was music playing a Giant castle, and the huge muse is either mickey mouse or minie mouse Where would the reindeer be are they in disney World tosanta or are they in disney land well tecnickly their the same thing exept disney world is way bigger than disney land but disney land has better rides and its older almost all my friends bin to disney land but only a few been to disney World my friend Madison been to both well i guess I better go 1 I talk to much and 2 I ran out of words to say well bye
I think they are at disney love you:)
Dear,Santa i want the star wars first order transporter set from star wars the force awakens. plus i want a play station 4. with star wars battlefront.
hiya santa i think she could just be playing just a tiny little game of hind in seek if not i think she might be in the kittchen
Merry Christmas and a Happy New year to all of you. You’re all unique and special in your own ways! ☺️
She might be in Disneyland (the one in Florida though) I think you’re awesome Santa! By the way if you have been to Disneyland comment Disneyland.
If it’s hot and there’s a castle it’s in Hawaii
Hi Santa,I think she is at Disney World ,or at the castle in the Nutcracker. And for Christmas I would like an American girl doll ,and an American Girl Doll Dollhouse. Love, Alyssa. P.S Thank you for the gifts and toys last year and this years up coming Christmas’s gifts and toys!
Dear Santa I want a whole bunch of stuff for Christmas but what I want the most is a Zoomer Zuppie I do not care what kind.Please write me back.
Disney World or Disney Land I have been to Disney World before though so I’m not completely sure. I can’t wait till Christmas!!!
Can’t wait I say again! Maybe Disney Land unless I go there I will never know. I wonder what it looks like?
From, your every year nice list girl, Kayla
Hi Santa,
It is usually much hotter in Florida, and in Florida their is a Disney World. Which is hot, filled with music, and has a mouse.
Hope this helps Santa!!!
dear santa may i have a playstaion 4 with two playstaion 4 contrellers and a i phone 5c and a golden bmx bike plese god will blless you
hello santa don’t forget i don’t want anything big i just want 4 my family 2 be happy
she could be in texas because mice like space and like to burrow underground and hide from predators
hi santa do you know my favorite reindeer is
Dear Santa Claus, I have been a good girl this year. For Christmas I want a giga ball to go inside of.
I want a elf and shopkins and just dance2016 and I want project mc
I think she is in the castle in the Nutcracker
I think it is in London. At the royal castle. Tell them to check there.
Dear Santa for Christmas this year I want a fetty wap cd jideana cd and I left something for you in your envelope and ps don’t forget to write me back and come by my house on the fire truck with Rudolph and don’t forget to give me a present underneath my Christmas tree pretty one in my room
maybe at a carnival or some sort of festival
it might be caught at the bottom of your sleigh under the presents
Birley is in Disney World, <3 love you santa!!!
Maybe she went to a house with some elf for there assignment
Maybe, it’s in Ms. Scott’s classroom! She’s my language and literature teacher here at, Pilot Butte Middle School.
Dear Santa,I had head that you lost your key and you cant give out presents unless you have the key well I have been thinking and maybe you miss placed it and it fell some were now its underneath something.
p.s I hope you find the key and my advice helped you too look also my name is Ariana Johnson Dont forget. Never lose that Christmas spirit that you have
can you knock on my door this year and take a selfie with me PLZZZ
dere, santa claus how are you i want a playstayshin granthafoto ,mincraft,callofduty video games american girl doll, a flat screen tv, an i phone 6,a toy helicopter,colored pencils,drawing paper,and the old rams jersey. MERRY CHRISTMAS love alexz lynn vose
dear santa please get me that shoe chair i have been wanting. also a geep like i wanted and a for wheeler
dear santa please get me that shoe chair i have been wanting.
ps. also a geep like i wanted and a for wheeler
dear Santa
it is November and yesterday was TANKSGIVING I AM TANKFUL FOR YOU
maybe it is in a castle where a mouse is eating cookies and they are playing thanksgiving songs since thanksgiving is tomorrow. 🙂
Hello Santa, i have read the story i would think that she is where you or the elf was last before you arived at the north pole
tell my elf on the shelf lala that I mise her and hast to be disny world.
Santa since you give us gifts what do you want?
can you send my elf early please
i miss him
his name is Norman
call santa. tell santa email her and send her back!!! and one for them
Disney in Florida I love in Florida!
Look all around the North Pole and in the snow